Tag: energy efficiency

Questions Related to energy efficiency

A line having a total resistance of $0.5 \Omega$ delivers $15$kW at $240$ volt to a small factory. The efficiency of transmission will be :

  1. $97\%$

  2. $88.5\%$

  3. $68\%$

  4. $79\%$

Correct Option: A

The weight of a man is 60 kg. If ${ 10 }^{ 5 }$ cal heat is supplied from food and his efficiency is 28%. The height upto which he can climb, will be-

  1. 50 m

  2. 186 m

  3. 200 m

  4. 250 m

Correct Option: B

A crane can lift up $10,000$ kg of coal in $1$ hour from a mine of $180$m depth. If the efficiency of the crane is $60\%$, its input power must be? $(g=10ms^{-2})$

  1. $5$ kW

  2. $8.3$ kW

  3. $50$ kW

  4. $62.5$ kW

Correct Option: A

An engine pump $400$kg of water through height of $10m$ in $40s$. Find the power of the engine if its efficiency is $80\%$ (Taken $g=10ms^{-2}$).

  1. 800W

  2. 900W

  3. 600W

  4. 500W

Correct Option: A

$t=40 \sec$
Input energy $=400\times g \times H=mgn$
$E _i=400 \times 10\times 10=40000 J$
Energy per $\sec , E _1=\dfrac{40000}{40}=1000 J/s$
Power input $=1000 J/s$
output =$1000\times 80\%$

A man of mass 80 kg carrying a load of 20 kg walks up a stair case in 20s.If the number of steps is 40 and width and height of each step are 20 cm and 15 cm respectively.The efficiency of the man is 

  1. 20%

  2. 25%

  3. 40%

  4. 505

Correct Option: A

A carnot engine is designed to operate between $480 \, K$ and $300 \, K$. If the engine actually produce $1.2 \, J$ of mechanical energy per cal. of heat absorbed, then the ratio of actual efficiency to theoretical efficiency is

  1. $3/4$

  2. $4/3$

  3. $1/3$

  4. $3/1$

Correct Option: A

An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic thermo dynamical process through four steps. The amounts of heat involved in these steps are ${ Q } _{ 1 }=5960 J$ ,${ Q } _{ 2 }=5585 J$, ${ Q } _{ 1 }=2980$ J,${ Q } _{ 1 }=3645 J$;espectively, The corresponding works involved are ${ W } _{ 1 }=2200 J$, ${ W } _{ 1 }= -825 J$, ${ W } _{ 2 }=-1100$ J and  ${ W } _{ 4 }$  respectively. Find The value of W and efficiency of the cycle

  1. 1315 J 10%

  2. 275 J 11%

  3. 765 J 10.82%

  4. 675 J 10.82%

Correct Option: A

A man of mass 60 Kg lifts a 15 Kg mass to the top of a building of height 10 m in 5 minutes. H is efficiency is

  1. 10 %

  2. 20 %

  3. 30 %

  4. 40 %

Correct Option: B

Among the following the correct expression of efficiency is 

  1. $ \dfrac {Output \ energy}{Input\  energy} $

  2. $ \dfrac {Work\  done\  by \ the\  machine}{Work\  done\  on\  the\  machine} $

  3. $ \dfrac {Load}{Effort} $

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

$effieciency = \dfrac{{energy\,\,output}}{{energy\,\,input}}$

option $(A)$ is correct answer.

A body of mass  $4\mathrm { kg }$  is moving up an inclined plane rising  $1$  in  $40$  with velocity  $40\mathrm { m } / \mathrm { sec }$  if efficiency is  $50\%$  the calculate power required.

  1. $38.4 \mathrm { W }$

  2. $55 \mathrm { W }$

  3. $78.4 \mathrm { W }$

  4. $108 W$

Correct Option: A