Tag: accounting for not-for-profit organisation
Questions Related to accounting for not-for-profit organisation
Deficit as per Income and Expenditure Account is given effect as______________.
Non-production overheads are usually omitted from stock valuation for the following reason :
In Not-for-Profit organisations effect of surplus is_____________.
If a small amount is received as specific donation the __________.
Outstanding subscription for a non-profit organization is considered as a/an ____________.
Donations for specific purposes are always capitalized.
Surplus of Income and Expenditure Account is deducted from the capital/general fund.
State True or False:
Scholarships granted to students out of funds provided by government will be debited to Income and Expenditure Account.
If there appears a sports fund, the expenses incurred on sports activities will be shown on the debit side of Income and Expenditure Account.
Income and expenditure accounts show ______________.