Tag: vocabulary

Questions Related to vocabulary

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

A book is a journey into another world.

  1. Metaphor

  2. Simile

  3. Personification

  4. Allegory

Correct Option: A

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, reading a book has been compared to taking a journey into another world of adventures, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option A) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:
Her hair is silk.

  1. Personification

  2. Metaphor

  3. Simile

  4. Apostrophe

Correct Option: B

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the hair of the subject has been compared to silk due to its softness and sheen, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option B) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

The music of her laughter made us smile.

  1. Apostrophe

  2. Simile

  3. Metaphor

  4. Synecdoche

Correct Option: C

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the sound of the subject's laughter is compared to music due to how pleasant it sounds, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option C) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

Kate is a cheetah in her speed.

  1. Metaphor

  2. Simile

  3. Personification

  4. Synecdoche

Correct Option: A

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, Kate has been compared to a cheetah due to her fast speed, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option A) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:
The teeth of the shark are like knives.

  1. Alliteration

  2. Metaphor

  3. Simile

  4. Personification

Correct Option: C

The given options are all figures of speech.
An Alliteration is a figure of speech in which closely connected words begin with the same consonant sound. For example, 'the big bad bear attacked all the rabbits near the river'.
A Metaphor compares two different things, even though there is nothing similar between them. It states that one thing is another. For example, 'Life is a highway'.
A Simile is just like a metaphor, but it uses direct comparison words such as 'as' and 'like'. For example, 'you look a lot like your sister'.
Personification is used to bring inanimate objects to life. For example, 'the clouds roared into the dark sky'.
The given sentence presents a comparison between 'the teeth of the shark' and 'knives'. It uses a direct comparison word 'like'. Hence option B is correct.
The other options are incorrect as the sentence does not present these figures of speech.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

The bird was a star shooting across the sky.

  1. Synecdoche

  2. Personification

  3. Simile

  4. Metaphor

Correct Option: D

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the bird has been likened to a shooting star due to how it flies through the sky, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option D) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

My life is a very happy dream.

  1. Metaphor

  2. Simile

  3. Personification

  4. Apostrophe

Correct Option: A

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the life of the speaker is compared to that of a happy dream, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option A) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

The crab was a pair of scissors passing through the sand.

  1. Personification

  2. Simile

  3. Metaphor

  4. Apostrophe

Correct Option: C

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the crab is compared to a pair of scissors due to its motion through the sand, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option C) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

This exam is an obstacle course.

  1. Metaphor

  2. Simile

  3. Apostrophe

  4. Synecdoche

Correct Option: A

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the exam has been compared to an obstacle course because of how tricky and hard it is, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option A) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.

Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

My mother's lap is a pillow.

  1. Synecdoche

  2. Personification

  3. Metaphor

  4. Simile

Correct Option: C

'Metaphor' is a literary device / figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is given / applied to an action, object or event where it is not literally applicable. In simpler terms, a metaphor is a comparison that is drawn between two completely unrelated things. In this case, the speaker's mother's lap has been compared to a pillow because of how comfortable it is to lay one's head on it, which cannot be literally true. Thus, the correct answer is Option C) - Metaphor. All the remaining options are also literary devices, but they have not been used in the given sentence.