Business services - class-XI

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DTH services are provided by _______.

  1. Transport Companies

  2. Banks

  3. Cellular Companies

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: C

DTH stands for Direct-to-home television. It is defined as the reception of satellite programmes with a personal dish in an individual home. Only cable operators can receive the satellite programmes which are transferred by them to individual homes. Hence, DTH services are provided by cellular companies.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
The signature need not be handwritten.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The signature need not be handwritten- this is a false statement. A signature should always be handwritten to validate the authenticity of any document. The writer of the signature is known as signatory or signer.

State the following statement is True or False:

A business letter should be as brief as possible.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A. True

A business letter needs to be concise and to the point. It should not be too long as in this case the recipient may miss the important information written in the letter. But, at the same time the letter must be clear, simple, accurate, concrete and complete. All the important points of the correspondence should be mentioned in it. 

State the following statement is True or False:

A line give the idea of contents of a letter at a glance is called the subject line.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A line give the idea of contents of a letter at a glance is called the subject line- this is a true statement. It is a statement in brief, that indicates the matter to which the letter relates.It attracts the attention of the reader immediately and helps him to know quickly what the letter is about.

State the following statement is True or False:

Window envelopes save time & labour of the letter writer.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Window envelopes save time and labour of the letter writer- this is a true statement. An envelope with a transparent panel is known as window envelope. In window envelope there is no need to write the address of the receiver separately on the envelope. It is clearly visible through the transparent part on the face of the envelope, which is known as window.

State the following statement is True or False:

Any message not included in the body of the letter is called post script.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Any message not included in the body of the letter is called post script- this is a true statement. This is required when the writer wants to add something, which is not included in the body of the letter. It is expressed as P.S.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
Yours faithfully is an example of complementary close.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This statements is True because of the following reasons:

(i) Complimentary close is a formal leave taking by the writer.
(ii) It is usual practice of closing the letter in courteous manner.
(iii) The complimentary close corresponds to the salutation.
(iv) The complimentary close is placed below the body of the letter in the right hand margin.
(v) It is so called, because it pays a compliment while saying,"Good-bye"
(vi) It is concluding part of the letter.
(vii) It shows polite end of the letter.
(viii) The usual complimentary close to a business letter is "yours faithfully".
(ix) The salutation 'Dear Sir' has matching complimentary close,'Yours faithfully'.
(x) A complimentary close is followed by a comma,like Yours faithfully,Yours Sincerely, etc.

State the following statement is True or False:

You attitude does not mean writing the word you again and again.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

You attitude does not mean writing the you word again and again-this is a true statement. You attitude in business writing usually emphasizes what the reader wants to know, respecting the reader's intelligence, and protecting the reader's ego

State the following statement is True or False:

The name and the address of the receiver of a letter on the envelop is known as superscription.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The name and the address of the receiver of a letter on the envelop is known as superscription- this is a true statement. Superscription is written on the outer part of the envelope. On it the name and address of the person who will receive the letter are written.

State the following statement is True or False:

Post script means written afterwards.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A. True

It is derived from the Latin word postscriptum  which means afterwards. A postscript is an afterthought that has occurred after the letter has been written and signed. It may be a sentence, a paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added, after the signature of a letter or after the main body of a letter.

State the following statement is True or False:

Generally post script should not be used in a business letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A. True

postscript is an afterthought that has occurred after the letter has been written and signed. It may be a sentence, a paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added, after the signature of a letter or after the main body of a letter. 

The post script is usually hastily written and thus, may not be properly drafted. Also, it gives the reader the impression that the thoughts of the sender are not clear and he is not systematic.

State the following statement is True or False:

Arrangement of various parts of the letter is called the layout of a letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Arrangement of various parts of the letter is called the layout of a letter- this is a true statement. Every elements of the letter should be arranged in a proper way to make the layout of the letter perfect. For example, spaces should be given between each paragraph, greetings should be done in a respectful manner, etc.

State the following statement is True or False:

The body is the main part of the letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The body is the main part of the letter. Body of the letter is considered as the main part of the letter and it contains the actual message of the sender. It should be precise and written in clear words.

State the following statement is True or False:

Salutation is a formal way of greeting the receiver_____.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Salutation is a formal way of greeting the receiver. Formal greeting from the writer to the reader is called salutation. Salutation usually refers to greetings. Salutations can be classified as formal or informal.

State the following statement is True or False:

Head address or Heading introduces the sender to the receiver of the letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Head address or heading introduces the sender to the receiver of the letter. Head address or heading of the letter usually includes the street name, city, state, zip code of the recipient along with the name by whom the letter is being written.

State the following statement is True or False:

Subject line is also called caption line.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Subject line is also called caption line- this is a true statement. Subject line helps to describe in brief what the subject matter of the letter is all about. It helps to seek the reader's attention and give a more clear picture about the contents of the letter.

State the following statement is True or False:

Enclosures means other documents sent along with the letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A


Enclosures refer to the documents that are attached to a letter. These documents can be anything like cheque, draft, bills, receipts, invoices, forms, etc. They are listed one by one and are also arranged as per this sequence.

State the following statement is True or False:

Documents attached to the letter are enclosures.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A. True

The enclosures refer to the documents that are attached to a letter such as bills, invoices,resume, application, cheques, certificate, etc. In the letter it is mentioned that which all documents are attached to the letter and also the order in which they are arranged or enclosed.

State the following statement is True or False:

Layout of the letter means arrangement of its various parts in proper order.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Layout of the letter means arrangement of its various parts in roper order- this is a true statement. Arrangement of various parts of the letter is called the layout of a letter. Every elements of the letter should be arranged in a proper way to make the layout of the letter perfect. For example, spaces should be given between each paragraph, greetings should be done in a respectful manner, etc.

State the following statement is True or False:

Use of polite tone in the letter is courtesy.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Use of polite tone in the letter is courtesy- this is a true statement. Courtesy wins the heart of the reader. In letters, courtesy can be shown by using words like please, thank you, etc.

State the following statement is True or False:

Correspondences means written communication.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Correspondences means written communication- this is a true statement. Basically communication through exchange of letters is known as correspondence. Correspondence helps in maintaining proper relationship. It also serves as a evidence.

State the following statement is true or False:

Formal greeting from the writer to the reader is called salutation.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Formal greeting from the writer to the reader is called salutation- this is a true statement. Salutation usually refers to greetings. Salutations can be clasified as formal or informal.

State the following statement is True or False:

An envelope with a transparent panel is known as window envelope.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

An envelope with a transparent panel is known as window envelope- this is a true statement. In window envelope there is no need to write the address of the receiver separately on the envelope. It is clearly visible through the transparent part on the face of the envelope, which is known as window.

State the following statement is True or False:

A line which introduces the contents of the letter at a glance is the subject line.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A. True. 

A subject is a statement in brief which mentions the reason for which the letter has been written. It is important that the subject should be clear, simple, and short yet eye catchy and easily understandable.

Main part of a letter is the body of the letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Main part of a letter is the body of the letter- this is a true statement. Body of the letter is considered as the main part of the letter and it contains the actual message of the sender. It should be precise and written in clear words.

State the following statement is True or False:

The copies sent along with letter are called enclosures.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The copies sent along with letter are called enclosures- this is a true statement. If any documents is enclosed along with the letter, then one line enclosure must be written before closing.

State the following statement is True or False:

Name and address of the sender of the letter is the heading or head address.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Name and address of the sender of the letter is the heading or head address- this is a true statement. Head address or heading of the letter usually includes the street name, city, state, zip code of the recipient along with the name by whom the letter is being written.

State the following statement is True or False:

Formal greeting to the receiver of the letter is the salutation.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A. True.

Salutation or greeting contains the words to greet the recipient. The type of salutation must be according to the relationship between the sender and the recipient. Generally the words like Dear, Respected or just Sir or Madam are used for salutation.

State the following statement is True or False:

Name and address of the receiver of the letter is the inside address.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Name and address of the receiver of the letter is the inside address- this is a true statement. Inside letter usually includes the street name, city, state, zip code of the recipient along with the name to whom the letter is being written.

State the following statement is True or False:

Concluding part of a business letter is known as complementary close.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Concluding part of a business letter is known as complementary close- this is a true statement. It is a merely a polite way of ending a letter. It must be in accordance with the saluation.

State the following statement is True or False:

Closing word before the signature in the letter is the complimentary close.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Closing word before the signature in the letter is the complimentary close- this is a true statement. Complimentary close of the letter includes customary expressions. For example- thanks and regards, sincerely yours, etc.

Electronic communication includes all of the following EXCEPT:

  1. Internet logs

  2. Telephone calls

  3. Video-conferencing

  4. E-mail

Correct Option: B

Electronic communication includes all of the following, like internet logs, video-conferencing, E-mail, except telephone calls. Telephone calls take place through the telephonic network. It is not one of the modes of electronic communication.

With reference to e-mail, BCC stands for __________.

  1. Blind Carbon Copy

  2. Bundled Carbon Copy

  3. Before Copy Carbon

  4. Bold Copy Carbon

Correct Option: A

With respect to e-mail, BCG stands for Blind Carbon Copy.

Choose the incorrect option about e-mail services ___________________.

  1. E-mail is a replacement of Tele-conferencing.

  2. E-mail depends on internet connectivity.

  3. E-mail cannot be considered a confidential mode of communication.

  4. E-mails are not expensive.

Correct Option: A

Features of email :-

  • E-mail is an electronic mode of message transmission.
  • It is cost effective.
  • We can send files along with emails as an attachments.
  • Unsolicited mails or spams can be deleted.
  • We can customize our signatures as we want them to look. These signatures can be used for complimentary closure in your emails.
  • Packages like Messenger and Outlook help to compose new messages, forward the mails to different people whose email addresses are registered in the address book.
  • E-mail is not the confidential mode of communication.
  • E-mail depends on internet connectivity.

While writing an official email _________ should be avoided.

  1. email address

  2. abbreviation like "U" for 'you'

  3. both a & b

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

While writing an official email abbreviation like 'U' for 'you' should be avoided. Messages which need to get delivered via mail, should be clear and appropriate. Abbreviations should be avoided. Clarity of the information should be maintained in an email.

You need to provide guidance to your work team on how to use a new database that will become operational next week.

Which of the following would be the most suitable email type to convey the instructions?

  1. Authorization email

  2. Announcement email

  3. Instruction email

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

You need to provide guidance to your work team on how to use a new database that will become operational next week.

In this situation instruction email  would be the most suitable email type to convey the instructions. Any instruction or order which needs to  get delivered to a mass of people or a team, then instruction email should be used.

The pitfalls in e-mail as a correspondence is __________.

  1. confidentiality is not guaranteed always

  2. depends on internet connectivity

  3. cannot replace direct communication

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D
Email can be referred as messages which are delivered from one computer to another computer through the electronic mode of transmission. Email are widely used as a means of communication in daily life. The pitfalls in e-mail as a correspondence are:a) confidentiality is not guaranteed always
b) depends on internet connectivity  c) cannot replace direct communication.

Which one of the following is a system of interlinked documents accessed via internet?

  1. Intranet

  2. Extranet

  3. World Wide Web

  4. Local area network

Correct Option: C

The World Wide Web, or "Web" for short, is the very large subset of the Internet dedicated to broadcasting HTML pages. It is a system of inter linked documents accessed via internet.

Attachment with the e-mail may _______.

  1. slow down delivery of the email

  2. be vulnerable to viruses

  3. both a & b

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C
An email attachment can be described as a computer sent file along with the email. One or more attachments can be sent with an e-mail. Attachment with the e-mail may:
a) slow down delivery of the email
b) be vulnerable to viruses

The Information to be communicated in a data communications system is the ___________.

  1. medium

  2. protocol

  3. message

  4. transmission

Correct Option: C

The Information to be communicated in a data communications system is the message. In data communication, message is transmitted from one point to another via network system which are designed to convey information from the point of origing to the destination.

Some of the benefits not present with email are ________________.

  1. Fixed font size

  2. Highlight

  3. Grammar check

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Some of the benefits not present with email is fixed font size. Email can be described as a way of getting any message delivered through the electronic modes of transmission. Nowadays emails are a very crucial mode of communication.

Invariably the benefits of BPO are _____________.

  1. Taking case of core business.

  2. It is cost effective

  3. A double edged sword

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

BPO is the practice of contracting a specific work process or processes to an external service provider. BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. Invariably the benefits of BPO are.  a) Taking case of core business. b) It is cost effective c) A double edged sword

State whether the following statement is True or False.
'You attitude' means writing the word 'you' many times in a letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

This Statement is False because of the following reasons:

(i) You attitude does not mean using the word 'you' in place of "I or We".
(ii) It is a mental outlook to look at things from the point of view of the reader.
(iii) You Attitude is a practice of writing letters from the view point of the addressee.
(iv) The letter are to be drafted in such a manner that the party will  be pleased on reading the contents of the letter.
(v) He should get a feeling that whatever is suggested in the letter is in his best interest.
(vi) In you attitude more importance is given to the addressee.
(vii) The writer has to write the sentence like " This offer is more suitable and profitable to you."
(vii) " This is a special concession offered to you only."
Hence, you attitude does not mean writing the word you many times in a letter.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
Postscript should not be used in business letters.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This statements is True because of the following reasons:

(i) Postscript means 'written afterwards'.
(ii) It is derived from the Latin phrase'Post Scriptum .' It means additions matter not written.
(iii) It is like a foot note added to the letter.
(iv) It is necessary if same information is received late and its request to be conveyed along with the original letter.
(v) To have post script in the letter is not a good practice and hence should be avoided.
(vi) It indicates possible carelessness of the writer.
(vii) A letter without post script is not incomplete.
(viii) It should be used only for communicating an urgent message.
(ix) However,post script should not be used in business letters.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
Business letter is the silent salesman.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This statement is True because of the following reasons :

(i) Business correspondence provides a cheap; quick and convenient method of communicating business messages and information through letters. 
(ii) Making enquiries, placing orders, effecting payments and all other allied business matters are facilitated through correspondence.
(iii) In modern times, the scale of business has increased to such an extent that direct and personal dealing with the customers is difficult except in case of retail trade. 
(iv) Correspondence is, thus, necessary to widen the boundaries of markets and expand the scale of business. 
(v) Effectively drafted and neatly typed letters play the role of salesman in creating and expanding the market for goods and services. 
(vi) Letters convince the prospects of the novelty, specialty and utility of the products and induce them to place orders. 

State whether the following statement is True or False.
Courtesy is one of the requisites of a good business letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This Statement is True because of the following reasons:

(i) Every business letter must be polite,pleasing and convincing.
(ii) The language language used should be courteous.
(iii) Insulting remarks should be avoided even when an unpleasant decision is to be conveyed.
(iv) One should be firm about the decision to be communicated,but the language used should be courteous.
(v) Courtesy is a matter of tone.
(vi) Courtesy and polite tone is possible by using terms like 'please''thank you','very kind of you'etc.
(vii) Courtesy is particularly required while drafting replies to complaint letters.
(viii) It does not mean excessive humility ,as humility is treated as a weakness of  the writer.
(ix)It is necessary to be courteous during conveying messages or decisions to employees.
(x) It includes polite manners,kindness and consideration for others.
(xi) A courteous letter builds goodwill for the organisation .
(xii) A business letter will serve as 'silent salesman'or 'silent ambassador' only when it is courteous in meaning and language.
(xiii) Lack of courtesy may prove to be costly and troublesome to a business.
(xiv) Courtesy facilities the expansion of business activities.
(xv) Hence ,courtesy is one of the requisites of a good business letter.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
A letter without a date is complete.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

This statement is False because of the following reasons:

(i) The date is an important part of a business letter.

(ii) The date includes the day , the month and the year on which the letter is sent to the addressee.
(iii) It is written on the right side of the page just below the head address.
(iv) The reference of date is useful for fulfilment of business transactions on a particular date.
(v) It is very necessary to write the date on the letter.
(vi) A letter with a date can serve as evidence in the court of law.
(vii) A letter without a date is incomplete and legally invalid.
(viii) It is like a body without a head.
(ix) Hence, a letter without a date is not complete.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
Margin on all sides is a waste of paper.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
This statement is True because of the following reasons : 
(i) The physical appearance of a business letter is very important as it creates a lasting impression upon the reader. 
(ii) The appearance of a business letter can build or destroy the image or reputation of the organisation.
(iii) The physical appearance must be neat, clean, decent and attractive.
(iv) Receiver should be impressed with the letter's appearance.
(v) It is connected with quality of paper used, the margin, the typing, the envelope, layout and so on.
(vi) Attractive physical appearance creates favourable impression at the initial stage and last for a very long time. 
(vii) In order to make a letter appear systematic.and attractive, it is better to maintain margins on both side of letter. 
(viii) Proper margin makes the letter attractive. 
(ix) Proper margin must be kept on the left hand side and right hand side. 
(x) Margin kept on all sides would make the paper shabby and unattractive.
(xi) Proper space must be left at-the bottom of the letter. 
Hence, margin on all sides is a waste of paper. 

State whether the following statement is True or False.
A letter without date is incomplete.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This statements is True because of the following reasons:

(i) The date is an important part of a business letter.
(ii) The date included the day , month and the year on which the letter is sent to the addressee.
(iii) It is very necessary to write date on the letter.
(iv) The reference of date is useful for fulfilment of business translations on a particular date. 
(v) A letter with date can serve as evidence in the court of law.
(vi) The contents of the letter are supposed to be valid on the date of the letter.
(vii) The date on the letter facilitates quick reference to old letters and filing of letters in a chronological order.
(viii) A letter without a date,is incomplete and legally invalid.
(ix) It is like a body without a head.
(x) Hence, a letter without a date in incomplete.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
Signature provides legal value to the letter.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This statement is True because of the following reason:

(i) This is the final part of the letter.
(ii) It usually consists the name of the writer, his official designation, if any  and the department he is concerned with.
(iii) It is placed directly below the complimentary close.
(iv) The signature must be handwritten in ink and placed two or three line space below the complimentary close.
(v) Business letters,today ,carry the typed name and also  the designation of the signatory below signature.
(vi) This helps the reader to identify the person by his name and his official position in the  company.
(viii) A letter contains every layout,but does not have signature of the party concerned, then the letter is useless.
(ix) Un-signed letter has no significance.

State whether the following statement is True or False.
A subject-line helps in filing.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

This statements is True because of the following reasons:

(i) The subject - line gives the gist of the letter in a few words.
(ii) Subject - line is used to introduce the subject matter of a letter in one line.
(iii) Through subject -line, the receiver of a letter can understand the content of the letter.
(iv) It gives a sort of introduction to the topic of the letter.
(v) It informs the purpose of letter in advance.
(vi) It is used for filing purpose in firms in which the filing is done according to the subject -matter.
(vii) It is written in brief as"Sub".
(viii) It shows the purpose of the letter.
(ix) Quick filing is possible after going through subject - matter.
(x) The subject - line is not compulsory.'
(xi) It may not be written at all, if the writer thinks it is not necessary.

A meeting is not valid without the quorum. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Quorum is the minimum number of members required to be present at a meeting to transact business. The quorum safeguards the organization by preventing a very small number of members from taking action on behalf of the entire organization. 

A motion or vote should not occur without a quorum. Hence a meeting without a quorum is void.

State the following statement is True or False:

A meeting need not be convened by giving a proper notice. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

This statement is False because of the following reasons:

(i) A meeting is defined as " an official gathering of two or more person invited at a specific place and time for participation in free discussion and arriving at decision regarding certain lawful purpose.
(ii) A meeting provides opportunities to the member to come together ,to know each other and also to discuss common problems.
(iii) A meeting is said to be duly convened only when a proper notice is issued to concerned  members within the prescribed time limit.

Thus ,a company secretary should ensure that the meeting is duly convened and properly constituted for it to be a valid meeting.

FAX is an abbreviation of _________.

  1. Facsimile

  2. Faximile

  3. Faxisimile

  4. Faxsimilee

Correct Option: A

FAX is an abbreviation of Facsimile. It is also known as telescoping or teletext. FAX is generally defined as one of the modes through which telephonic transmission of printed material can be done. The telephone number is usually connected with any output device, like printer.

In TELEGRAM Stop is to be entered.

  1. At the end of the message

  2. Between the two words

  3. Between the two lines

  4. At the beginning of the message

Correct Option: B

In TELEGRAM Stop is to be entered between the two words. A telegraph message sent by an electrical telegraph operator or telegrapher using Morse code (or a printing telegraph operator using plain text) was known as a telegram. Telegram is regarded is a cloud-based instant messaging service.

Feature of email packages helps to ______.

  1. Highlight

  2. Delete

  3. Attach

  4. Both a & b

Correct Option: C

Feature of email packages helps to attach. Any computer based documents can be attached and sent along with the email via electronic transmission. One or more files can be attached with the email.

Some of the good feature(s) of email is/are __________.

  1. Consice

  2. Well-organised

  3. Polite

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Email or electronic-mail can be defined as a process of delivering messages through electronic mode of transmission. Emails are widely used as a method of communication in our daily life. Some of the goods features of email are:
a) concise
b) well-organized
c) polite.

___________ option filters unwanted e-mails from being delivered to the Inbox.

  1. Interface

  2. Spam

  3. Browser

  4. Jargon

Correct Option: B

Unsolicited or Junk mails can be filtered by using the 'Spam' option.

The abbreviation 'VSAT' stands for ________.

  1. Very Straight Aperture Terminals

  2. Very Straight Aperture Transfer

  3. Very Small Aperture Transfer

  4. Very Small Aperture Terminals

Correct Option: D

VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is a satellite communications system that serves home and business users. 
A VSAT end user needs a box that interfaces between the user's computer and an outside antenna with a transceiver. 
The transceiver receives or sends a signal to a satellite transponder in the sky.

All types of voice and non voice messaging services are known as ______________.

  1. Business services

  2. Telecom services

  3. Social services

  4. Personal services

Correct Option: B
  • Business services are those services which are used by business enterprises for the conduct of their activities.
  • Telecom services provide voice and non voice messaging services.
  • Social services are those services that are generally provided voluntarily in pursuit of certain social goals.
  • Personal services are those services which are experienced differently by different customers. They will also depend upon customer’s preferences and demands. For example, tourism, recreational services, restaurants.

The vertical flow of communication from lower level to one higher level is ________________.

  1. Upward communication

  2. Downward communication

  3. Formal communication

  4. Horizontal communication

Correct Option: A

  • Upward communication flows to a higher level in an organization. It provides feedback on how well the organization is functioning. The subordinates use upward communication to communicate to their superiors.
  • Downward communication flows from a higher level in an organization to a lower level. It happens from superiors to subordinates in a chain of command.
  • Formal communication is the official interchange of ideas/information. It is also called as 'Proper Channel Communication'.
When two individuals of the same level communicate, such communication is a horizontal communication.

Liaison office acts as communication channel between _________.

  1. foreign corporation and Indian customers

  2. foreign corporation and educational institutes

  3. foreign corporation and art galleries

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Liaison office acts as communication channel between foreign corporation and Indian customers. Liaison office functions as a representative office in order to understand business and investment climate. It also conveys information to the head office or principal office of the company.

___________ is a satellite based media services provided by cellular service providers.

  1. VSAT

  2. DTH

  3. Cellular mobile

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is a satellite-based communications service. It offers businesses and government agencies a highly flexible and reliable communication solution in both urban and rural areas.

DTH (Direct to Home) is again a satellite based media services provided by cellular companies. One can receive media services directly through a satellite with the help of a small dish antenna and a set top box.

Cellular mobile services are all types of mobile telecom services including voice and non-voice messages, data services and PCO services utilizing any type of network equipment within their service area.

Telegram was charged on the basis of _________.

  1. number of words used

  2. number of letter used

  3. number of sentences used

  4. number of paragraphs used

Correct Option: A

Telegram was charged on the basis of number of words used. A telegraph message sent by an electrical telegraph operator or telegrapher using Morse code (or a printing telegraph operator using plain text) was known as a telegram. Telegram is regarded is a cloud-based instant messaging service.

Which is the most historical way of sending information?

  1. Internet

  2. Telephone

  3. Telegram

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Telegram is the most historical way of sending information. Telegram was charged on the basis of number of words used. A telegraph message sent by an electrical telegraph operator or telegrapher using Morse code (or a printing telegraph operator using plain text) was known as a telegram. Telegram is regarded is a cloud-based instant messaging service.

Written communication is called _________.
  1. compliments

  2. consideration

  3. correspondence

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

C. correspondence

A written  communication is usually in the form of a letter and is called business correspondence. It is a way by which any person who is related to the business expresses oneself. 
He may also ask any doubts or queries through business correspondence. Any correspondence between two organizations or within an organization is referred to as business correspondence.  
For example, a letter to the supplier, letter of inquiry, complaint letters, job applications, etc.

Rate of return which considers riskiness and an available returns on investments is classified as _______________.

  1. constant dividend

  2. constant rate

  3. maximum rate of return

  4. minimum acceptable rate of return

Correct Option: D

A _______ was developed to offer a broad coverage against all possible damages arising from a variety of risks.

  1. Lump-sum policy

  2. One-time policy

  3. Comprehensive policy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

A comprehensive policy was developed to offer a broad coverage against all possible damages arising from a variety of risks. Comprehensive policy typically covers damage from fire, vandalism or falling objects. Comprehensive policy is often regarded as an optional coverage.

Health Insurance is a safeguard against rising medical costs. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Health Insurance is a safeguard against rising medical costs- this is a true statement. Health insurance can be defined as a policy which is designed to provide coverage to costs which occur due to medical care. It helps to provide financial protection in case of hospitalization of the insured.

Whenever you buy a vehicle, motor insurance is equally important and third party liability insurance is mandatory.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
A. True
Motor Vehicle Insurance falls under the General Insurance. In motor insurance, the owner’s liability to compensate people who were killed or injured through negligence of the motorists or drivers is passed on to the insurance company. This is also known as third party insurance. The premium is paid yearly in case of Motor Vehicle Insurance.

'A' group items in the ABC system are ______________.

  1. Large number of items with large rupee investment

  2. Very high quality items

  3. Large number of items with small rupee investment

  4. Small number of items with large rupee investment

  5. Sub standard items with large rupee investment.

Correct Option: D

ABC analysis is an inventory management technique in which inventory is segregated into three groups - A, B and C on the basis of the value of annual usage. The A items are those in which contribute the largest rupee investment.

State the following statement is True or False:

The persons who are trustees, agents and managing partners of the company are the directors.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Since the company is an artificial person, Director acts an agent of the company. Director acts as a trustee by safeguarding the financial and other resources of the company. He/She acts as a managing partner by managing the company's affairs under the guidance of the Board of Directors.

State the following statement is True or False:

The authority which directs and manages the affairs of a company is the Board of directors.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2013, the Board of Directors of a company shall be entitled to exercise all such powers, and to do all such acts and things, as the company is authorized to exercise and do.

State the following statement is True or False:
Fire Insurance has a surrender value.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B
Fire insurance is a part of general insurance. A fire insurance is a contract to indemnify the loss due to fire to any property that is insured. It is taken for a period of one year and is only for the purpose of covering the risk. There is no element of investment in the policy of fire insurance. Thus, it has no surrender or paid up value at the end of the life of the policy.

State the following statement is True or False:

The intimation to members stating the day, date, time and place of meeting is known as notice.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The intimation to members stating the day, date, time and place of meeting is known as notice- this is a true statement.  When any information needs to get delivered to all the members of the organization, then notice is written to inform abut the necessary details like- day, time,venue, etc.

The body of the elected representatives of the shareholders is the Board of Directors.
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The Board of Directors is a team of people elected by a corporation's shareholders to represent the shareholders' interests and ensure that the company's management acts on their behalf. The head of the board of directors is the chairman or chairperson of the board.

State the following statement is True or False:
Fire Insurance is a contract to cover risk of loss due to fire.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
Fire insurance is a contract whereby the insurer, in consideration of the premium paid, undertakes to make good any loss or damage caused by fire during a specified period upto the amount specified in the policy. Normally, the fire insurance policy is for a period of one year after which it is to be renewed from time to time.

The type of warehouse suitable for seasonal goods is ______.

  1. Private warehouse

  2. Co-operative warehouse

  3. Cold Storage warehouse

  4. Public warehouse

Correct Option: C

The type of warehouse suitable for seasonal goods is cold storage warehouse. Cold storage warehouse helps to prolong the shield life for fresh goods. It helps to keep the goods fresh after production and before the delivery or sale of the goods.

Identify the type of warehouse licensed by the government provided for storing imported goods _______________.

  1. Duty-paid warehouse

  2. Bonded warehouse

  3. Government warehouse

  4. Licensed warehouse

Correct Option: B

Bonded warehouse licensed by the government provided for storing imported goods. It may be managed by the state or  private enterprises.Bonded warehouse can be defined as customs-controlled warehouse for storing the imported goods until the duty is paid.

Cold-Storage are found in ______.

  1. Kolkata

  2. Delhi

  3. Mumbai

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Cold storage are used to store perishable goods for a period of time. It is important as it helps to prolong the shelf life of fresh goods. Cold-Storage are found in:
a) Kolkata
b) Delhi
c) Mumbai

How does warehousing help in the widening of the market?

  1. The goods stored are maintained in good condition.

  2. Goods can be transported in bulk.

  3. Processed goods can be packaged.

  4. Goods produced at one place can be supplied at a distant place by storing them in various cities.

Correct Option: D

Goods produced at one place can be supplied at a distant place by storing them in various cities as because warehousing help in widening of the market. Warehousing can be defined as an act of storing goods which are to be distributed or sold later.

The growth in warehousing in India is primarily being driven by the factors viz __________.

  1. Growing manufacturing activity

  2. Rising domestic consumption

  3. Increasing international trade

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Warehousing can be defined as the process of storing physical goods before the distribution of goods for sale. The growth in warehousing in India is primarily being driven by the factors viz:a) Growing manufacturing activity
b) Rising domestic consumption
c) Increasing international trade.

Quotation on GIF basis included _________.

  1. cost of product

  2. expenses incurred on insurance

  3. expenses incurred on freight

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

Central Sales Tax _______________.

  1. Varies

  2. Fixed to 4%

  3. Fixed to 11%

  4. Various from 4% to 10%

Correct Option: B

__________ warehouse divides the the commodities stored into smaller quantities. 

  1. Consolidation

  2. Break the bulk

  3. Stock piling

  4. Price stabilsation

Correct Option: B
Consolidation: In this function the warehouse receives and consolidates, materials/goods from different production plants and dispatches the same to a particular customer on a single transportation shipment.

Break the bulk: The warehouse performs the function of dividing the bulk quantity of goods received from the production plants into smaller quantities.

Stock piling: Warehousing is used for the seasonal storage of goods to select businesses. Goods or raw materials which are not required immediately for sale or manufacturing are stored in warehouses.

Price stabilization: By adjusting the supply of goods with the demand situation, warehousing performs the function of stabilizing prices.

Which of the following are a type of warehouse?

  1. Private 

  2. Public 

  3. Bonded 

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Private warehouses are operated, owned or leased by a company handling their own goods, such as retail chain stores or multi-brand multi-product companies.

Public warehouses can be used for storage of goods by traders, manufacturers or any member of the public after the payment of a storage fee or charges.
Bonded warehouses are licensed by the government to accept imported goods prior to payment of tax and customs duty.
Thus, all the three are types of warehouses.

The place where goods are preserved on a large scale in a systematic and orderly manner is commonly called as _____________.

  1. Retail outlet

  2. Factory

  3. Open ground

  4. Warehouse

Correct Option: D

The place where goods are preserved on a large scale in a systematic and orderly manner is commonly called as warehouse. Goods are stored in warehouse generally before th delivery or sale of the goods. Warehouse helps to protect the perishable goods.

Which among the following gives an idea that the goods preserved are perishable?

  1. Cold storage helps to maintain the quality of goods.

  2. It helps to widen the market.

  3. It saves time by providing the goods as and when required.

  4. Processed goods can be graded, packed, and labeled.

Correct Option: A

Cold storage helps to maintain the quality of goods gives an idea that the goods preserved are perishable. Cold storage is useful as it helps to store perishable goods for a period of time. Cold storage is crucial as it helps to prolong thhe shelf life of fresh goods.

Goods once cleared from Bonded warehouse can be shifted to Duty-paid warehouse.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Bonded warehouses are licensed by the government to accept imported goods prior to payment of tax and customs duty. 

The goods are kept in bonded warehouses by the customs authorities till the customs duty is paid. 
Goods can be removed in part as and when required by the importers and buyers, and import duty can be paid in installments.

'Goods in bond' is related to which of the following warehouses?

  1. Public warehouses

  2. Bonded warehouses

  3. Co-operative warehouses

  4. Cold-storage warehouse

Correct Option: B
  • Public warehouses can be used for storage of goods by traders, manufacturers or any member of the public after the payment of a storage fee or charges. The government regulates the operation of these warehouses by issuing licences for them to private parties.
  • Bonded warehouses are licensed by the government to accept imported goods prior to payment of tax and customs duty. These are goods which are imported from other countries. Importers are not permitted to remove goods from the docks or the airport till customs duty is paid.
  • At times, importers are not in a position to pay the duty in full or does not require all the goods immediately. The goods are kept in bonded warehouses by the customs authorities till the customs duty is paid. These goods are said to be in bond.
  • Some marketing cooperative societies or agricultural cooperative societies have set up their own warehouses for members of their cooperative society.
  • Cold-storage warehouse are suitable for storing goods that are highly perishable.
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