Social responsibility of management and csr - class-XI

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Business people have the skills to solve ___________.

  1. All social problems

  2. Some social problems

  3. No social problems

  4. All economic problems

Correct Option: B

Business people are skillful. They have innovative power. They try to comply with the social responsibilities associated to them. But, business people do not have the motivation to solve all social problems as private companies main aim is to maximize profits. Hence, they are only able to solve a few social problems. 

Ethics is important for _____________.

  1. Top level Management

  2. Middle-level Managers

  3. Non-Managerial Employees

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: D

Ethics are basically moral principles that governs a person's behaviour or an activity. When a person follows ethics in his business he becomes successful. Ethics is important in business to keep a proper flow of communication between management and employees. Hence, ethics is important for top management, middle-level managers and non-managerial employees.

Social responsibility is ______________.

  1. Same as legal Responsiblity

  2. Broader than legal Responsibility

  3. Narrower than legal Responsibility

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: B

Social responsibility means responsibility of an organisation to make the well-being of the society at large.  Hence, social responsibility is broader than legal responsibility.

Which of the following is capable of doing maximum good to society?

  1. Business success

  2. Laws and regulations

  3. Ethics

  4. Professional management

Correct Option: C

Ethics are basically moral principles that governs a person's behaviour or an activity. When a person follows ethics in his business he becomes successful. Hence, ethics is capable of doing good to society.

Which of the following is a 'business practice' towards Government?

  1. Ensure safety of their money and timely payment of interest

  2. Rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade

  3. Unscrupulous tactics and methods should be avoided while handling them

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

business practice towards government:-

1. rules and regulations regarding taxes.
2.follow environmental regulations.
3. abide by labor laws.
4. avoid restrictive trade practices.

For stopping the unethical practices at society level ____________ practice should be followed.

  1. Establishment of consumer associations

  2. Consumer awareness programs to be stated

  3. Publish journals on social issues

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The skills that are required for a ethical coach are __________.

  1. Analitical skill

  2. Confidentially skill

  3. Humanatanian skill

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Coaches will maintain high standards of competence in their work.

Coaches will represent themselves in an honest and fair manner, being knowledgeable about their particular competencies and limitations.
Coaches strive to be aware of their own belief systems, values, needs, and limitations and the effect of these on their work. To the extent feasible, they attempt to clarify the roles they are performing for relevant parties, and to function in accord with those roles.

Professional Responsibility
Coaches will uphold standards of ethical conduct that reflect well on the individual coach as well as the profession at large.

Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
Coaches will treat clients with dignity and respect, being aware of cultural differences, their own cultural background and biases, and the client’s right to autonomy, privacy, and confidentiality.
Coaches accord appropriate respect to the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of all people. They respect the rights of individuals to privacy, 

confidentiality, self-determination, and autonomy, mindful that legal and other obligations may lead to inconsistency and conflict with the exercise of these rights. Coaches seek to learn more about cultural, individual, and role differences, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status.
Coaches try to eliminate the effect on their work of biases based on those factors, and they do not knowingly participate in or condone unfair or discriminatory practices.

According to W.Wilson______________________.

  1. Business should help others only in that condition when other deserves to help.

  2. Anything that is being done or to be done should be brought to the notice of everyone.

  3. Business should be conducted on the basis of universal value.

  4. One should make proper judgement before doing anything so that there is fair view taken and others do not suffer from any loss or risk of evil by conduct of business.

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is a 'business practice' towards Government ? 

  1. Ensure safety of their money and timely payment of interest

  2. Rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade practices should be adhered to

  3. Unscrupulous tactics and methods should be avoided while handling them.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Every business is required to perform some practices towards government like filing of taxes. It includes rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade practices. Business needs to do all these activities to survive in the market for longer period of time.

They are concerned about ethics, social responsibility and reputation of the company in which they invest _______________.

  1. Employees

  2. Employers

  3. Investors

  4. Students

Correct Option: C
Investors are concerned about ethics, social responsibility and reputation of the company in which they invest. Investors are becoming more and more aware that an ethical climate provides a foundation for efficiency, productivity and profits. Relationship with any stakeholder, including investors, based on dependability, trust and commitment results in sustained loyalty.

Administrative corruption includes "gifts" to the _________.

  1. Factory inspector

  2. Boiler inspector

  3. Pollution control board inspectors

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Examples of adminstrative corruption inclues gifts to factory inspectors, boiler inspector, pollution control board inspector and officers under customs, income tax, gst.

The four types of social responsibility include _______________________.

  1. Legal, philanthropic, economic and ethical

  2. Ethical, moral, social, and economic

  3. Philanthropic, justice, economic, and ethical

  4. Legal, moral, ethical and economic

Correct Option: A
In general, businesses have a hierarchy of responsibilities to meet, ranging from the basic (making a profit) to the benevolent (benefiting society). Here are some examples:
  • Economic Responsibilities - A business exists to make a profit for shareholders. If it fails to do so, it likely won’t be able to pay its employees, taxes and other obligations. A corporate social responsibility program (CSR program) cannot be implemented until a business is profitable.
  • Legal Responsibilities - Following the law is the foundation of corporate responsibility. A company cannot benefit society if it does not adhere to labor and tax laws or applicable industry regulations.
  • Ethical Responsibilities - Once a company is profitable and meets its legal responsibilities, it can move up the ladder to ethical responsibilities, which might include paying higher wages, offering employees better benefits, avoiding trade with unscrupulous companies or providing jobs to those who would otherwise have difficulty finding work.
  • Philanthropic Responsibilities - As a company meets its economic, legal and ethical responsibilities, it can consider taking on philanthropic responsibilities. Corporate philanthropy ranges in size and scope, and can include everything from donating time to a local charity to building a children’s hospital.

A company promoting 'tasty' fatty foods that might lead to consumers suffering from heart disease and obesity could be accused of ________________.

  1. Deceptive selling

  2. Misleading advertising

  3. Invasion of privacy

  4. Short-termism

Correct Option: D

Short-termism arises when a business priorities short-term rather than long-term performance.Here, the company is promoting tasty fatty foods for their short term benefits at the cost of their reputation and goodwill.

Unethical behaviour is often triggered by ____________________.

  1. Pressure from higher management to achieve goals.

  2. An organizational atmosphere that condones such behaviour.

  3. Both (A) & (B)

  4. A system of checks and balances.

Correct Option: C

Unethical behavior is often triggered by pressure from higher management to achieve goals.When there is heavy pressure, the employees tend to use unfair means and show unethical behavior. when the organizational atmosphere is not ethical and unethical behavior prevails , then the employees start behaving unethically and take advantage of such situation. 

Team leader Gopal is scheduled to prepare a performance report of Kavita, a team member who also happens to be his wife's closest friend. The ethical temptation Gopal faces is ___________________.

  1. Sexual harassment.

  2. Misuse of corporate sources.

  3. Dealing with confidential information.

  4. Conflict of interest,

Correct Option: D

A conflict of interest arises in the workplace when an employee has competing interests or loyalties that either is or potentially can be, at odds with each other.

An example is a manager who was promoted from a coworker job where he worked with his wife. The promotion made him his wife's boss so the company, after discussion with the couple and HR, transferred her to another department.

Which one of the following is not recommended as a method for a company to protect itself against sexual harassment charges ? 

  1. Develop a zero-tolerance policy on harassment and communicate it to employees.

  2. Retaliate swiftly against employees who brings-forth charges of harassment.

  3. Give swift and sure punishment to harassers.

  4. Train managers at all levels on sexual harassment issues.

Correct Option: B

Retaliating swiftly against employees who bring out charges of harassment is not a recommended way to protect itself against sexual harassment charges instead of this company should take appropriate steps in favor of that employee who brings out these complaints.

Workers will often behave unethically because ___________________.

  1. They have planned to be unethical.

  2. They come from dysfunctional families.

  3. Other issues seem more important at that time.

  4. Management pressures them into unethical behaviour.

Correct Option: C

There are number of reasons why people act unethically at workplace. But what is unethical behavior? It is defined as behavior that contradicts with the rules designed to maintain the justice, integrity and decency in the organization. An example of unethical behavior is employees providing fake bills for money redemption against approved funds. Behavior like this is motivated by various things such as :-

  1. Resentment feeling: When employees feel that they are not being treated fairly and are not being rewarded substantially for the amount of effort they are placing into their work they tend to cheat the company they are working for. Their most common perception is that they should not worry about the organization and its well being when the organization is not worrying about them.
  2. Misguided loyalty: It is another reason for unethical conduct on the job. People sometimes lie because they think in doing so they are being loyal to the organization or to their bosses. Examples of this type of behavior are not hard to find. For example, managers at automobile companies who hide or falsify information about defects that later cause accidents and kill people or managers at pharmaceutical companies who hide information about dangerous side effects of their drugs. No doubt these managers believed they were protecting their employers. They may well have seen themselves as good, loyal employees.
  3. Environment: Sometimes, employee acts unethically in business because his employer condones the behavior. For example, in the stock market traders are supposed to cheat a little to create the market hype necessary for its efficient working. This is unethical, but the behavior is so common on the trading floor that it is never questioned.
  4. Individual factor:Employees who obey authority figures’ unethical directives or act merely to avoid punishment. They manipulate others for their own personal gain, fail to see the connection between their actions and outcomes, and believe that ethical choices are driven by circumstance.
  5. Pressure: It can drive people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Pressure to succeed, pressure to get ahead, pressure to meet deadlines and expectations, pressure from co-workers, bosses, customers, or vendors to engage in unethical activities or at least look the other way.
  6. Career Advancement: A person acts unethically because she believes it helps her career. An unethical act is used as a means of impressing a superior or hurting the career of a competitor. For example, a person sabotages a co-worker’s project as a means of making him/herself to look better in comparison.
  7. Issue-specific: Issues can vary in the degree of harm they impose on the victim, and on the degree of agreement among peers. Sometimes, a particular issue requires unethical behavior from the employee and there is not other option they can utilize.
  8. Greed: Of course, some people do not just do something wrong in a weak moment or because they are not sure about what is the right thing to do. Some people know exactly what they are doing and why. Self-interest, personal gain, ambition, and downright greed are at the bottom of a lot of unethical activity in business.
  9. Ignorance: Ethical conflicts or violations are not always transparent, and it’s easy for an employee to perform an unethical act without knowing it. For this reason, it is important for companies to make employees aware both of the company’s general ethics policy, and specific examples of ethical and unethical behavior.
  10. Insensitivity towards others: Unethical behavior also increases when employees feel that their actions will not harm a potential victim and that their peers will not condemn their actions. They will engage in more unethical behavior when the company promotes an “everyone for him or herself” atmosphere instead of an environment that focuses employee attention on the company’s stakeholders

Self appraisal refers to _________________________________.

  1. developing useful goals

  2. formulating programmes

  3. fefining assumption

  4. appraisal of the company's strengths and weaknesses in the market

Correct Option: D

Self appraisal report is the report which is developed by the company that defined the strength and the weaknesses of the company in the market so that the company can handle its threats and opportunities accordingly.

They are concerned about ethics, social responsibility and reputation of the company in which they invest ___________.

  1. employees

  2. employers

  3. investors

  4. students

Correct Option: C
Investors are concerned about ethics, social responsibility and reputation of the company in which they invest. Investors are becoming more and more aware that an ethical climate provides a foundation for efficiency, productivity and profits. Relationship with any stakeholder, including investors, based on dependability, trust and commitment results in sustained loyalty. 

A company promoting 'tasty'  fatty foods that might lead to consumers suffering from heart disease and obesity could be accused of  __________.

  1. decpetive

  2. misleading advertising

  3. invasion of privacy

  4. short-termism

Correct Option: D

Short termism-concentration on short-term projects or objectives for immediate profit at the expense of long-term security.

Exaggerated claims made by promotional marketing communications are referred to as _____________.

  1. deceptive selling

  2. marketing misdemeanor

  3. misleading advertising

  4. sugging

Correct Option: C

Under the Consumer Protection Act 2007, advertising is seen as misleading if it involves false, misleading or deceptive information that is likely to cause the average consumer to act in a way they might otherwise not.  Advertising may also be considered misleading if important information that the average consumer needs to make an informed decision is left out.  Misleading advertising covers claims made directly to consumers by manufacturers, distributors and retailers, as well as in advertisements, catalogues, websites etc.

Truthfulness in marketing communications is an example of ___________.

  1. customer satisfaction ratios

  2. corporate sales returns

  3. customer sales ratios

  4. corporate social responsibility

Correct Option: D

Corporate social responsibility-the incorporation of ethical elements, such as the public interest and environmental concern, into the planning of business strategy truthfulness in marketing communication, is an example of corporate social responsibility.

An individual who owns status symbols such as designer wear and high-tech gadgets could be accused of __________.

  1. short-termism

  2. environmentalism

  3. socialism

  4. materialism

Correct Option: D

Materialism, also called physicalism, in philosophy, the view that all facts (including facts about the human mind and will and the course of human history) are causally dependent upon physical processes, or even reducible to them.

Materialism is the attitude of someone who attaches a lot of importance to money and wants to possess a lot of material things.

A worker is most likely to behave ethically and legally when ___________.

  1. a manager observes his or her behaviour closely

  2. the worker has intense morals

  3. the consequences of the act are minor

  4. the consequences of the act are substantial

Correct Option: D
Disciplinary provisions should be in place to ensure consistent responses to similar violations of standards and procedures (as against applying different standards to different employees based on their position, performance, function, and the like). There should be provisions for those who ignore as well as for those who violate standards and procedures. This will ensure that workers behave ethically and legally.

Fairness in employment practices centers on _________.

  1. hiring no family members or friends

  2. giving people equal rewards for accomplishing the same tasks

  3. obeying equal employment opportunity legislation

  4. avoiding conflicts of interest

Correct Option: B

Giving people equal rewards is ethical practice or fairness in employment practice but distributing unequal rewards for the same task is a type of discrimination. 

The idea of social responsibility is ____________. 

  1. Maximize owner worth

  2. Maximize profits of business

  3. Concern about effects on public

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Social responsibility in business or corporate social responsibility $(CSR)$ pertains to people and organizations behaving and conducting business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.

Social responsibility of a business refers to its ________ obligation.

  1. Action values of our society

  2. Action values for business

  3. Action values for individual

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A
There is a kind of social contract between the society and business by which the society expects the business to work in its interest. Society creates and accepts business enterprises, hence it expects them to work in a manner which is not detrimental to its well being and interests. Technological advancements have to be made but their impact on the environment and mankind has he kept in mind. 

Social responsibility of a business can broadly be divided into _____ categories.

  1. Three

  2. Two

  3. Four

  4. Five

Correct Option: C

Social responsibility can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Economic responsibility
  • Legal responsibility
  • Ethical responsibility
  • Discretionary responsibility.

Social responsibility is beneficial because of __________.  

  1. Availability of resources with business

  2. Maintenance of society

  3. Justifications for its existence and growth

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Social responsibility has become increasingly important to companies over the last several years. Whether it's by empowering women, helping the environment, or trying to end poverty, more and more companies are incorporating social responsibility into their overall business strategy. The social issues may be local, national, or global, but a concern for the health and wellness of others that do not involve sales can be seen as commendable. There are many reasons why a company might engage in social responsibility, and in this article, we'll outline a few of them. 

Improving the Company's Brand 

Being a socially responsible company can bolster a company's image and build its brand. The public perception of a company is critical to customer and shareholder confidence in the company. By projecting a positive image, a company can make a name for itself for not only being financially profitable, but socially conscious as well. Also, by being active in the community, a company's employees are engaging with potential customers and in doing so, indirectly marketing the company in the process. 

Engaging Customers 

Building relationships with customers is the cornerstone of a successful company and having a social responsibility policy can impact the buying decisions of customers. Some customers are willing to pay more for a product if they know a portion of the profit is going to worthy cause. Also, if a company is active in the local community – for example, a bank that offers loans to low-income families – the company will be viewed positively by the community and perhaps boost the company's sales as a result. In short, building a positive relationship with customers and their communities can lead to increased sales and rising profits. 

Retaining Top Talent

Many employees want to feel like they're part of something bigger. Social responsibility empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their disposal to do good. Some public corporations' employees number in the tens of thousands, and when they get behind an initiative, the results can be amazing.  

Furthermore, being part of a strategy that helps the greater good can boost employee morale and lead to greater productivity in the workforce. Knowing a product and service is also helping with social causes can create a sense of pride and that pride shows in relationships with customers and fellow employees.

Negative effects of social responsibility ___________. 

  1. Violation of profit maximization objective

  2. Lack of social skills

  3. Burden on consumers

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The negative aspects of corporate social responsibility.

The basic reason why a business is formulated is to make a profit. Corporate social responsibility insists on a corporation to make an effort to look out for stakeholders who are not shareholders only, but who have an interest on what an organization does and the outcomes of what it does. Despite of that, its not totally the duty of the corporation to look out for the many people who hold an interest in the company's activities. If the operations of the free market don’t solve the social problem, it is the duty of the government and not the businesses, to address the many issues faced by the society.

Some businesses are just not prepared to deal with social issues. The lack of preparations of a particular business to deal with societal issues needs the managers to be trained and well versed in dealing with the complex issues that many societies face, as this will give them the skills and the knowledge to be prepared to do so.

Statement X:
In some situations a company action can be legal, yet still unethical
Statement Y: 
Ethics is the study of moral obligation, or separating right from wrong.
Select the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Statement X is correct but Statement Y is false

  2. Both Statement X and Y are false

  3. Statement Y is correct but Statement X is false

  4. Both Statement X and Y are true

Correct Option: D

There is biggest ethical dilemma, a legal action, yet unethical so upper level management has to understand.

Ethics is the study of moral obligation or separating right from wrong. According to the concept of moral intensity, an intensely moral person will be equally ethical in almost all situations.

Under social responsibility business enterprise should serve ___________. 

  1. Customer

  2. Community

  3. Owner

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Ethics is the discipline that deals with moral duties and obligations. Social responsibility implies corporate enterprises should follow business ethics and work for not only to maximize their profits or shareholders' value but also to promote the interests of other stakeholders and the society as a whole.

Social responsibility of business implies the obligations of the management of a business enterprise to protect the interests of the society.
Customer, community,owner are the part of society.

Responsibility of a business towards the consumers are ______.

  1. Fair returns

  2. Fair wages

  3. Fair prices

  4. Working condition

Correct Option: C

Fair Prices: The customers should not be cheated by charging high prices. It is not possible to fool the customer at all the time. Thus, fair price convert a customer into permanent customer.This is the responsibility of a business towards its customers.

Responsibility towards the workers is _______.

  1. Fair wage

  2. Fair deal

  3. Right kind of working conditions

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Companies should provide a workplace environment that is safe, hygienic and humane and which upholds the dignity of employees. They should provide all employees with access to training and development of necessary skills for career advancement, on an equal and nondiscriminatory basis. They should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining of labour, have an effective grievance redressal system, should not employ child or forcedlabour and provide and maintain equality of opportunities without any discrimination on any grounds in recruitment and during employment.

 Responsibility of a business towards its shareholders is _____________.

  1. Giving them more profits

  2. Giving them fair returns

  3. Giving them returns more than others

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Shareholders who are the owners of business should be provided with correct information about company to enable them to give them true and fair position of the company to enable them to decide about further investments.

Company should provide a fair return on the investment made by shareholders. If shareholders do not get proper dividend then they will hesitate to invest additional funds in the concern. Shareholders should be kept fully informed about the working of the company for healthy growth of the business. The Companies Act $2013$ requires company to give full disclosure in the published statements.
Company should strengthen the share prices by its growth, innovation and diversification. At the same time shareholders shall also offer wholehearted support and co-operation to the company to protect their own interests.

An enterprise is responsible towards for its __________.  

  1. Workers

  2. Managers

  3. Stakeholders

  4. Customers

Correct Option: C
The companies should respect the interests of, and be responsive towards all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, project affected people, society at large etc. and create value for all of them. They should develop mechanism to actively engage with all stakeholders, inform them of inherent risks and mitigate them where they occur. 

Discretionary responsibility means ______.

  1. Providing charitable contributions to educational institutions

  2. Helping the affected people during floods

  3. Helping the affected people during earthquakes

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Discretionary responsibility refers to purely voluntary obligations that an enterprise assumes.It is the responsibility of the company management to safeguard the capital investment by undertaking only healthy business ventures which gives good returns on investment.It includes charitable contributions, helping people during floods and earthquakes and many such activites.

The enterprise must take proper precaution against _______.

  1. Adulteration and poor quality

  2. Misleading and dishonest advertising

  3. Lack of desired service and courtesy to customers

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  • Businesses, while serving the needs of their customers, should take into account the overall well-being of the customers and that of society.
  • Businesses should disclose all information truthfully and factually, through labeling and other means, including the risks to the individual, to society and to the planet from the use of the products, so that the customers can exercise their freedom to consumer in a responsible manner. Where required, businesses should also educate their customers on the safe and responsible usage of their products and services.
  • Businesses should promote and advertise their products in ways that do not mislead or confuse the consumers or violate any of the principles in these Guidelines.

Consumer have right of _____________________.

  1. Right to decide quality of goods

  2. Right to decide price of goods

  3. Right of information

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Right to Information. The right to information is defined as 'the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services, as the case may be so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices' in the Consumer Protection Act of 1986.

Nestle and ICI have taken steps to address human rights issues in their overseas factories. This represent that these companies have.

  1. Social obligation

  2. Social screening

  3. Social responsibility

  4. Social responsiveness

Correct Option: C

Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. Hence any steps taken to address human rights issue represent social responsibility

Behaviour that does not conform to generally social norms will be considered as.

  1. Arrogant Behaviour

  2. Arbitrary Behaviour

  3. Ethical Behaviour

  4. Unethical Behaviour

Correct Option: D

Unethical behavior is an action that falls outside of what is considered morally right or proper for a person, a profession or an industry. Individuals can behave unethically, as can businesses, professionals and politicians.

Unethical behavior is behavior that is contrary to our own moral principles as well as the principles admired in the community one lives in.

Business enterprises must protect the natural environment by avoiding _____________. 

  1. Smoky chimneys

  2. Ugly buildings

  3. Dirty working conditions

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Business enterprises can be protected by installing smoky chimneys, wind off ugly buildings, and improving dirty working conditions.

Enterprise must pay taxes _____.

  1. In advance

  2. More

  3. Regularly

  4. In cash

Correct Option: C

Enterprises must pay taxes regularly. They should not indulge in the activity of tax evasion. regular tax payment contributes in development of economy.

Business enterprise develop a proper image in society by ________________.

  1. continuous interaction with government

  2. continuous interaction with people

  3. continuous interaction with employees

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: C

In a competitive business climate, many businesses actively work to create and communicate a positive image to their customers, shareholders, the financial community, and the general public.

Ethics has become important because of _________.

  1. Globalization

  2. Communication explosion

  3. Both a & b

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C
Globalization – coupled with focus on cross-border trade, multinational enterprises and global supply chains — is increasingly raising ethical concerns related to human resource management practices, environmental protection, and health and safety, among other things.
Advances in communications technology, such as the Internet, cellular phones and personal digital assistants, are making it easier to track corporate activities and disseminate information about them. Non-governmental organizations now regularly draw attention through their websites to business practices they view as problematic. 

The term socio-technical systems was coined by __________.

  1. Ken Bamforth

  2. Fred Emery

  3. Eric Trist

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The term sociotechnical systems was coined by Eric Trist, Ken Bamforth and Fred Emery, in the World War II era, based on their work with workers in English coal mines at the Tavistock Institute in London.

A business should have what kind of an approach? 

  1. Profit earning

  2. Social responsibility

  3. Both (A) and (B)

  4. Either (A) and (B)

Correct Option: C
Companies are expected to meet society’s demands for goods and services, to provide employment, to contribute to the exchequer, and to operate efficiently at a profit. There is no conflict between social responsibility and the obligation on companies to use scarce resources efficiently and to be profitable—an unprofitable business is a drain on society. The essence of the contract between society and business is that companies shall not pursue their immediate profit objectives at the expense of the long-term interests of the community. 

A worker is most likely to behave ethically and legally when _____________________.

  1. A manger observes his or her behaviour closely.

  2. The worker has intense morals.

  3. The consequences of the act are minor

  4. The consequences of the act are substantial

Correct Option: D

A worker is most likely to behave ethically and legally when the consequences of the act are substantial. When the workers know that his unethical behavior will cause him certain loss then he is more likely to act ethically in order to save himself from the consequence of the unethical acts.

Fairness in employment practices centers on ____________________.

  1. Hiring no family members or friends.

  2. Giving people equal rewards for accomplishing the same tasks.

  3. Obeying equal employment opportunity legislation.

  4. Avoiding conflicts of interest.

Correct Option: B

It is essential to reward people equally for accomplishing the same task.If people are not rewarded equally for the same task performed by the people then it will amount to bias which is an unethical act. People should e rewarded equally for same task irrespective of their caste, gender, etc.

A whistle blower is an employee who __________________.

  1. Exposes organizational wrongdoing.

  2. Complains a lot of company management.

  3. Engages in unethical behaviour.

  4. Referees disputed with other employees.

Correct Option: A

whistleblower is an employee that reports an employer's misconduct. There are laws that protect whistleblowers from being fired or mistreated for reporting misconduct. One of these laws is the Whistleblower Protection Act.

The four types of social responsibility include ____________.

  1. legal, philanthropic, economic and ethical

  2. ethical, moral social and economic

  3. philanthropic, justice, economic and ethical

  4. legal, moral, ethical and economic

Correct Option: A
In general, businesses have a hierarchy of responsibilities to meet, ranging from the basic (making a profit) to the benevolent (benefiting society). Here are some examples:
  • Economic Responsibilities - A business exists to make a profit for shareholders. If it fails to do so, it likely won’t be able to pay its employees, taxes and other obligations. A corporate social responsibility program (CSR program) cannot be implemented until a business is profitable.
  • Legal Responsibilities - Following the law is the foundation of corporate responsibility. A company cannot benefit society if it does not adhere to labor and tax laws or applicable industry regulations.
  • Ethical Responsibilities - Once a company is profitable and meets its legal responsibilities, it can move up the ladder to ethical responsibilities, which might include paying higher wages, offering employees better benefits, avoiding trade with unscrupulous companies or providing jobs to those who would otherwise have difficulty finding work.
  • Philanthropic Responsibilities - As a company meets its economic, legal and ethical responsibilities, it can consider taking on philanthropic responsibilities. Corporate philanthropy ranges in size and scope, and can include everything from donating time to a local charity to building a children’s hospital.

All definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility recognize that __________.

  1. companies have a responsibility for their impact on society and environment

  2. the natural environment should be the main focus of CSR activities

  3. business ethics is a complex issue

  4. companies must pay equal attention to business ethics and sustainability

Correct Option: A
Corporate Social Responsibility  is a concept whereby companies not only consider their profitability and growth, but also the interests of society and the environment by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on stakeholders, environment, consumers, employees, communities, and all other members of the public sphere. The basic premise is that when the corporations get bigger in size, apart from the economic responsibility of earning profits, there are many other responsibilities attached to them which are more of non-financial/social in nature. These are the expectations of the society from these corporate to give something in return to the society with whose explicit or implicit help these entities stand where they are. 

Which of the following is not a dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility ? 

  1. Economic

  2. Legal

  3. Voluntary

  4. Emotional

Correct Option: D

There are four kinds of social responsibility: legal, ethical, economic and philanthropic. 

Hence emotional is not a dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility 

All definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility recognize that ________________________.

  1. Companies have a responsibility for their impact on society and environment

  2. The natural environment should be the main focus of CSR activities.

  3. Business ethics is a complex issue.

  4. Companies must pay equal attention to business ethics and sustainability.

Correct Option: A
The term Corporate Social responsibility refers to the concept of business being accountable for how it manages the impact of its processes on stakeholders and takes responsibility for producing a positive effect on society.
CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.

CSR stands for __________.

  1. Customer Satisfaction Ratios

  2. Corporate Sales Returns

  3. Customer Sales Ratios

  4. Corporate Social Responsibility

Correct Option: D
Corporate Social Responsibility $(CSR)$ is a concept whereby companies not only consider their profitability and growth, but also the interests of society and the environment by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on stakeholders, environment, consumers, employees, communities, and all other members of the public sphere. 

In which dimension of CSR responsibility would you classify the issue of recycling and non wasteful packaging? 

  1. Consumer

  2. Social and community involvements

  3. Physical environment

  4. Employee relations

Correct Option: C
Businesses should utilize natural and man-made resources in an optimal and responsible manner and ensure the sustainability of resources by reducing, reusing, recycling and managing waste. This can restore the physical environment.

A business should have which kind of an approach?

  1. Profit earning

  2. Social responsibility

  3. Both (a) & (b)

  4. Either (a) and (b)

Correct Option: C
Companies are expected to meet society’s demands for goods and services, to provide employment, to contribute to the exchequer, and to operate efficiently at a profit. There is no conflict between social responsibility and the obligation on companies to use scarce resources efficiently and to be profitable—an unprofitable business is a drain on society. The essence of the contract between society and business is that companies shall not pursue their immediate profit objectives at the expense of the long-term interests of the community

Which of the following is not a dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility?

  1. Economic

  2. Legal

  3. Ethical

  4. Emotional

Correct Option: D

There are four kinds of social responsibility: legal, ethical, economic and philanthropic. Legal dimension of CSR relates to compliance with laws and regulations established by the authorities, which set standards for responsible behavior – the codification of what society thinks is right or wrong.

A business should have which kind of an approach?

  1. Profit earning

  2. Social responsibility

  3. Both (A) and (B)

  4. Either (A) and (B)

Correct Option: C

Generally business have three main approach:-

1. Profit earning
2. Wealth maximization
3. Social responsibility

In which dimension of CSR responsibility would you classify the issue of recycling and non wasteful packaging?

  1. Consumer

  2. Social and community involvements

  3. Physical environment

  4. Employee relations

Correct Option: C

Physical environment refers to the level of upkeep, ambient noise, lighting, indoor air quality and/or thermal comfort of the school's physical building and its location within the community. the issue of recycling and non-wasteful packaging refers to physical environment.

Which of the following is not a criticism of CSR?

  1. CSR is too costly

  2. CSR encourage cynicism

  3. CSR leads to enhanced brand reputation

  4. CSR is misguided

Correct Option: C
 $CSR$ creates a favourable public image, which attracts customers. Reputation or brand equity of the products of a company which understands and demonstrates its social responsibilities is very high.
Customers trust the products of such a company and are willing to pay a premium on its products. 
Organizations that perform well with regard to $CSR$ can build reputation, while those that perform poorly can damage brand and company value when exposed. Brand equity, is founded on values such as trust, credibility, reliability, quality and consistency. 

A socially responsible mutual fund will only purchase stocks in companies that ____________.

  1. have no-smoking policy in place

  2. have a culturally diverse management team

  3. hire some job candidates who are HIV positive

  4. have good social performance

Correct Option: D

A socially responsible mutual fund will only purchase stock of that company who have good social performance as socially responsible mutual fund will always look for those company who have good social performance. 

A running company was selling defected machines by claiming them to be new such kind of practice is unethical is?

  1. Institutional level

  2. Government level

  3. Society level

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C
  1. Taking shortcuts / shoddy work: 
  2. Lying to hide mistakes: 
  3. Badmouthing colleagues: 
  4. Passing the buck (when you don't get your work done): 
  5. Slacking off when no one is watching
  6. Lying to hide your colleagues’ mistakes: 
  7. Taking credit for other colleagues’ work: 
  8. Pulling a sickie: 
  9. Lying about skills and experience: 
  10. Taking low value items

Which of the following is not a criticism of CSR ? 

  1. CSR is too costly

  2. CSR encourages cynicism

  3. CSR leads to enhanced brand reputation

  4. CSR is misguided

Correct Option: C
CSR creates a favourable public image, which attracts customers. Reputation or brand equity of the products of a company which understands and demonstrates its social responsibilities is very high. Customers trust the products of such a company and are willing to pay a premium on its products.
Organizations that perform well with regard to CSR can build reputation, while those that perform poorly can damage brand and company value when exposed. Brand equity, is founded on values such as trust, credibility, reliability, quality and consistency. 
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