Mutational theory of evolution - class-X

Description: mutational theory of evolution
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Tags: zoology biology organic evolution the paths traversed by life origin of life and organic evolution evolution
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Hugo de Vries' contribution is :

  1. Theory of Natural selection

  2. Theory of Mutations

  3. Law of Dominance

  4. Law of segregation

Correct Option: B

Hugo de Vries gave a theory of evolution, called 'Mutation theory' which states that evolution is a jerky process where new varieties and species are formed by mutation.

So. the correct answer is 'Theory of Mutation'

The tendency of a large population to remain in genetic equilibrium can n be disturbed by

  1. Presence of random mating

  2. Lack of gene migration

  3. Lack of mutations

  4. Presence of selective mating

Correct Option: D
For a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium five conditions must be met :
1. Population must be very large.
2. Population must be isolated from other populations (no immigration or emigration).
3. No mutations
4. Random mating
5. No natural selection
Non-random/selective/assortative mating causes more expression of recessive phenotypes.
So, the correct option is 'Presence of selective mating'.

Match the columns

Column I Column II
A. Hugo de Vries 1. Inheritance of acquired characters
B. Julian Huxley 2.  Multiplication of individual species in geographical proportion
C. Jean Baptiste 3. Mutation theory of evolution
  1. A=1, B=2, C=3

  2. A=2, B=3, C=1

  3. A=3, B=1, C=2

  4. A=3, B=2, C=1

Correct Option: D

The plant which made Hugo de Vries famous is

  1. Antirrhinum majas

  2. Lathyrus odoratus

  3. Oenothera lamarckiana

  4. Pisum sativum

Correct Option: C

Hugo de vries was born in Haarlem, Netherlands. He was a Professor of Botany, when he began his genetic experiments with plants in 1880. De Vries believed species evolve from other species through sudden, large changes of character traits. De Vries based this 'theory of mutation' on work he did using Oenothera lamarckiana - the evening Primrose. He observed that the original plant would occasionally have offspring with significant phenotypic differences such as leaf shape and plant sizes. Some of the offspring would pass the new 'sport (mutation) to their progeny, these de Vries designated as new species.

Mutation theory was given by

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Leuwenhoeck

  4. Hugo de Vries

Correct Option: D

According to Hugo de Vres, new species are not formed by continuous variations but by sudden appearance of variations, which he named as mutations. Hugo de Vries stated that mutations are heritable and persist in successive generations. Thus, option D is correct.

De Vries gave his mutation theory on organic evolution, while working on

  1. Alcea rosea

  2. Drosophila melanogaster

  3. Oenothera lamarckiana

  4. Pisum sativum

Correct Option: C

Hugo de Vries was a Dutch botanist, one of the independent rediscoveries of Mendelism, put forward his views regarding the formation of new species in 1901. He also met some of the objections found in Darwins theory. According to him, new species are not formed by continuous variations but by sudden appearance of variations, which he named as mutations. 

Hugo de Vries stated that mutations are heritable and persist in successive generations. He conducted his experiments on Oenothera lamarckiana, (evening primrose) and found several aberrent types.

In a random mating population in equilibrium, which of the following brings about a change in a gene frequency in a non-directional manner?

  1. Mutation

  2. Random drift

  3. Selection

  4. Migration

Correct Option: A

In a random mating population in equilibrium, mutations bring about a change in gene frequency. Mutations are non-directional.

Hugo de Vries conducting experiments on Evening Primrose and when he self-pollinated the plants from F1 generation. He found that though the majority of plants are similar to parents, there were a few different plants which appeared at random, in which inherited characters appeared suddenly without any previous indication in the race.
On this basis, he gave the mutation theory
  • mutations appear suddenly but become operational immediately
  • mutations are inheritable
  • do not revolve around normal characteristics of species
  • same type of mutations can appear in the number of individuals of the species

The concept of sudden genetic change which breeds true in a species is represented as 

  1. Inheritance of acquired characters

  2. Natural selection

  3. Laws of inheritence

  4. Mutation

Correct Option: D

The concept of sudden genetic change which breeds true in a species is represented as a mutation. Any sudden or spontaneous change in character which is inheritable is known as mutation. It is defined as the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form which may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes. 

So, the correct answer is option D.

Name of the scientist, who gave 'Mutation Theory'.

  1. Wallace

  2. Mathus

  3. Darwin

  4. De Vries

Correct Option: D

Mutation theory of evolution was proposed by Hugo De Vries. According to him, new species are not formed by continuous variations but by sudden appearance of variations which he named as mutations. Hugo de Vries stated that mutations are heritable and persist in successive generations. He conducted his experiments on Oenothera Lamarckiana, (evening primrose) and found several aberrant types. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Which of the following is a correct match?

  1. Darlington - DNA replication

  2. Mendel - mutation

  3. Morgan - father of genetics

  4. Hugo de Vries - Oenothera lamarckiana

Correct Option: D

The most successful post-Darwinian saltationist was Hugo de Vries. He dominated evolutionary thought during the first decade of the twentieth century. His theories, which achieved an enormous popularity, grew out of his own experimentation using evening primrose (Oenothera lamarckiana). Thus, option D is correct. 'Father of Genetics' is Gregor Mendel, through his work on pea plants, discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. He deduced that genes come in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Thomas Hunt Morgan was an American evolutionary biologist, geneticist and embryologist and science author, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933 for discoveries elucidating the role that the chromosome plays in heredity. Cyril Dean Darlington was an English biologist, geneticist and eugenicist, who discovered the mechanics of chromosomal crossover, its role in inheritance and therefore its importance to evolution. Thus, other options are wrong.

Neo-Darwinians were
I. Hugo de-Vries
II. Weismann
III. Aristotle
IV. H. Spencer

  1. I and III only

  2. II and III only

  3. III and IV only

  4. I, II and IV

Correct Option: D

Neo-Darwinism, Theory of evolution that represents a synthesis of Charles Darwin's theory in terms of natural selection and modern population genetics. The term was first used after 1896 to describe the theories of August Weismann (18341914), who asserted that his germ-plasm theory made impossible the inheritance of acquired characteristics and supported natural selection as the only major process that would account for biological evolution. A few supporters of neo darwinism are Romanes, Wallace, Fisher, Huxley, Ford, Haldane, Sewall Wright, Ernst Haeckel, August Weismann, Herbert Spencer and Hugo de Vries etc. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Gene frequency in a population remains stable, unless and until there is ___________.

  1. Random drift

  2. Random mating

  3. Selection

  4. Mutation

Correct Option: D
  • In biology, a mutation is the alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA.
  •  Mutations result from errors during DNA replication or other types of damage to DNA such as may be caused by exposure to radiation or carcinogens.
  • Hence, gene frequency in a population remains stable, unless and until there is a mutation. 
  • So, the correct answer is 'Mutation'.

The theory of mutation was propagated by

  1. Hugo De Vries

  2. Charles Darwin

  3. Neo Darwinism

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Mutations are sudden changes in the characteristics of organisms due to chemical changes in the genetic material. The theory of mutation was proposed by Hugo De Vries. Charles Darwin gave the theory of natural selection and Neo-Darwinism is an advanced version of darwins theory.

Who coined the term 'mutation'?

  1. Morgan

  2. Darwin

  3. de Vries

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: C

The term mutation was introduced by Hugo de Vries, while working on evening primrose. He observed aberrent types in $F _1$ generation of two pure breeding varieties. The sudden appearance of new characters was termed as mutation, which he defined as sudden, discontinuous, inheritable changes in genetic material. 

The concept of sudden genetic change, which breeds true in an organism is visualized as

  1. Natural selection

  2. Inheritance of acquired characters

  3. Mutation

  4. Independent assortment

Correct Option: C

The concept of sudden genetic change, which breeds true in an organism is visualized as a mutation. Any sudden or spontaneous change in character which is inheritable is known as mutation. It is defined as the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form which may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.

So, the correct answer is option C.

After observing the variations Hugo De Vries first of all described the mutation in

  1. Oenothera lamarckiana

  2. Neurospora crassa

  3. Pisum sativum

  4. Drosophila melanogaster

Correct Option: A

Hugo de Vries studied inheritance of flower colour in Oenothera lamarckiana (evening primrose) and proposed mutation theory that says that mutations are sudden, random, and inheritable and discontinuous variations which serve as raw material for evolution. 

George Beadle and Edward Tatum gave molecular definition of a gene while working on nutritional mutants in Neurospora crassa and proposed the one gene–one enzyme hypothesis.
Mendel conducted hybridization experiments on garden pea plant, Pisum sativum and proposed “Laws of inheritance” but did not observe any mutations.
Morgan and Muller identified radioactive nature of X-rays to induce point mutations while working on sex linked inheritance in Drosophila
So, the correct answer is option A.

Which one of the following scientist's name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him?

  1. De Vries - Natural selection

  2. Mendel - Theory of Pangenesis

  3. Weismann - Theory of continuity of Germplasm

  4. Pasteur - Inheritance of acquired characters

Correct Option: C

a) Theory of evolution was given by De Vries in 1901 which states that evolution is a process where new species are formed due to mutations that functions as a raw material for evolution.

b) Mendel experimented on pea plant for seven years (1856-1863) and proposed the law of inheritance in living organisms. 
c) Theory of continuity of germplasm was proposed by Wiesmann in 1884 but published in 1893 and states that heritable information is transmitted by germ cells only to gonads but not by somatic cells.
d) The germ theory of disease was proposed by Pasteur in late 1850s.
So, the correct answer is 'Weismann - 'Theory of continuity of Germplasm'.

In nature, the occurrence of mutations are

  1. Mostly harmful

  2. Mostly useful

  3. Mostly neutral

  4. Mostly neutral or harmful

Correct Option: D

Example for harmful effect of mutation: Oncogenes are harmful mutations can cause cells to become malignant and can ultimately lead to cancer. Mutations are mostly harmful and sometimes neutral (silent mutations)

So, the correct answer is 'Mostly neutral or harmful'

The ultimate source of organic evolution is

  1. Selection

  2. Sexual reproduction

  3. Hormonal action

  4. Mutation

Correct Option: D

According to Dobzhansky, mutations, which help organisms in its survival, in the changing environment are accumulated in its genetic composition by natural selection. Mutations are now considered as the ultimate source of organic evolution. By mutations, some old genes can be replaced by new genes in a population to develop changes and thus, mutations play important part in the process of organic evolution.
Thus, the correct answer is option (D), 'Mutation'.

Hugo de Vries discarded the principle of

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Haeckel

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: A

Hugo de Vries gave mutation theory and felt the importance of chance events i.e., mutations during evolution. This was against Darwinian view of evolution as a slow directional process. Mutations are random chance events and result in sudden evolution of characters in a single or few generations.

Which one of the following was the contribution de Vries?

  1. Theory of natural selection

  2. Law of segregation

  3. Theory of mutation

  4. Law of dominance

Correct Option: C

Mutations are the raw materials of evolution. 

It is sudden heritable change in germplasm.

According to the theory of mutation by Hugo de Vries

  1. Only small mutation takes part in variation

  2. Only large mutation takes part in variation

  3. Both small and large mutation cause variation in species

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

According to Devries the evolution is very fast like horse running

movement, but not slowly like snails movement as said by Darwin.

Devries also said that there are no middle forms between the ancestor

and new species.

The major cause of evolution of genes and protein is

  1. Point mutation

  2. Chromosomal aberration

  3. Sexual reproduction

  4. Gene duplication and divergence

Correct Option: A

Point mutation refers to the single nucleotide change in genes or single amino acid change in proteins. These changes lead to variability in population and ultimately leads to evolution. Meiosis during sexual reproduction produces new combination of already existing alleles and genes through crossing over but does not creates any new alleles. Gene duplication and divergences are rare events as compared to point mutation. Chromosomal aberrations will bring changes in entire chromosome, not individual genes and / or proteins.

Hugo de Vries formulated the "Mutation Theory" based on the experiments he conducted on 

  1. Althea rosea

  2. Pisum sativum

  3. Drosophila melanogaster

  4. Oenothera lamarckiana

Correct Option: D

Hugo de Vries, a Dutch Botanist formulated the Mutation theory. According to him, "new species are not formed by continuous variations but by the sudden appearance of variations", which he named as variations. He stated that mutations are heritable and persisted in successive generations.

He conducted his experiments on Oenothera lamarckiana (Evening Primrose) and found several aberrant types. These plants appeared to be new species, Hugo de Vries suggested from his experiments that new types of inherited characteristics may appear suddenly without any previous indication of their previous in the race. He believed that Mutation causes evolution and not the minor heritable variations which were mentioned by Darwin. Hence option D is correct.

Mutations were first reported by De Vries in

  1. Pea

  2. Datura

  3. Oenothera lamarckiana

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

De Vries discovered new forms among a display of the evening primrose (Oenothera lamarckiana) growing wild in an abandoned potato field. Taking seeds from these, he found that they produced many new varieties in his experimental gardens; he introduced the term mutations for these suddenly appearing variations.

So, the correct answer is 'Oenothera lamarckiana'.

Hugo de Vries worked on the plant :

  1. Garden Pea/ Pisum sativum

  2. Sweat Pea / Lathyrus odoratus

  3. Primula sinesis

  4. Evening Primrose / Oenothera lamarckiana

Correct Option: D

Hugo de Vries had discovered different morphological forms/abberants/variations in primrose/ Oenothera lamarckiana 

So, the correct option is' 'evening primrose/ Oenothera Lamarckiana'

De Vries theory of mutation is :

  1. Opposed to natural selection theory.

  2. Not opposed to natural selection theory.

  3. Opposed to germplasm theory

  4. Opposed to Lamrck's theory

Correct Option: B

According to De Vries theory of evolution,

  • Mutation or discontinuous variation is the raw material of evolution.
  • The mutation appears suddenly and produced their effect immediately.
  • Mutants are different from the parents and there is no intermediate stage between the two.
  • The same type of mutation can appear in several individuals of a species.
  • Mutation can appear in all direction and all mutations are the inheritance
  • Useful mutations are selected by nature an lethal mutations are eliminated.

So, the correct option is 'Not opposed to natural selection theory'

Forthcoming generation will be less adaptive than the present generation due to :

  1. Genetic drift

  2. Adaption

  3. Mutation

  4. Natural selection

Correct Option: C

According to De Vries theory of evolution:

  • Mutation or discontinuous variation is the raw material of evolution.
  • The mutation appears suddenly and produced their effect immediately.
  • Mutants are different from the parents and there is no intermediate stage between the two.
  • The same type of mutation can appear in several individuals of a species.
  • Mutation can appear in all direction and all mutations are the inheritance
  • Useful mutations are selected by nature an lethal mutations are eliminated.

So, the correct option is 'Mutation'.

Mutation theory based on work over Oenothera lamarckiana was given by,

  1. Morgan

  2. Mendel

  3. De Vries

  4. Muller

Correct Option: C

Hugo de Vries proposed the mutation theory .He worked on a flowered evening primrose, he observed the sudden appearance of several expressions

So, the correct answer  is 'De Vries'

Choose the wrong statement with reference to mutation theory :

  1. Mutations accumulate over generations.

  2. There are no intermediate stages.

  3. Mutants are markedly different from parents.

  4. Mutations are subjected to natural selection.

Correct Option: D

Mutations are considered raw materials of evolution because they :

  1. Cause death of organism

  2. Contribute to new variations

  3. Are stable

  4. Random

Correct Option: B
Mutations are considered raw material to evolution, as mutations change the genetic material giving rise to  variations an accumulation of variations eventually leads to evolution.
So, the correct answer is 'Contribute to new variations'

A theory explaining the mechanism of evolution based on change of gene structure was put forward by :

  1. De Vries

  2. Darwin

  3. Lamarck

  4. Wallace

Correct Option: A
  • The theory which took change of gene structure called mutation under consideration was put forward by Hugo De Vries.
  • He his work on evening primrose suggested that variations occurred due to mutations.
  • Mutations are random and directionless while the variations that Darwin talked about were small and directional. Hugo de Vries gave the name saltation (single step large mutation) to the mutations which brought about speciation.
So, the correct answer is 'De Vries'

Theory of mutation by a De Vries considers that :

  1. Only small mutations take part in developing variations

  2. Only large mutations take part in developing variations.

  3. Both small and large mutations cause variations.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: B

Hugo de Vries after his work on Evening Primose, put forth his theory explaining the structural changes in gene structures, called mutation as the cause of variations. Only large, single step and abrupt mutation termed as saltation are capable enough to drive the process of evolution.

So, the correct option is 'Only large mutations take part in developing variations'.

Change in gene structure change the trait it represents. The theory about formation of new species with the help of such changes is :

  1. Theory of natural selection

  2. Mutation theory

  3. Theory of inheritance of acquired characters.

  4. Theory of biogenesis

Correct Option: B

  • Mutations are the sudden changes that takes place in the DNA sequence of an organism causing structural changes in genes. 
  • These are the permanent changes that can be either induced or occur naturally leading to the variation in the populations. Mutations is essential for speciation since variations are the raw material for evolution.
So, the correct answer is 'Mutation theory'

De Vries gave his mutation theory on organic evolution while working on -

  1. Oenothera lamarckiana

  2. Drosophila melanogaster

  3. Pisum sativum

  4. Althea rosea

Correct Option: A

De Vries gave his mutation theory on organic evolution while working on Oenothera lamarckiana. Oenothera lamarckiana is an annual plant commonly called as evening primose. De Vries in his experiment observed that original plant showed some offsprings with different phenotypes. These mutations were passed from offsprings to their progeny. However, late it was observed that the variations were due to chromosomal segregations and not due to mutations.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Oenothera lamarckiana.'

To be evolutionary successful, mutation must occur in :

  1. Germplasm DNA

  2. Somatoplasm DNA

  3. Plasma protein

  4. RNA

Correct Option: A

  • For a mutation to be evolutionary successful, it must occur in Germplasm DNA since germline mutations are the only one that can be passed on to offspring, when either a mutated sperm or oocyte come together to form a zygote.
  • After this fertilization event occurs, germ cells divide rapidly to produce all of the cells in the body, causing this mutation to be present in every somatic and germline cell in the offspring; this is also known as a constitutional mutation.
So, the correct option is 'Germplasm DNA'.

Mechanism of evolution proposed by de Vries is based on :

  1. Mutations

  2. Variation

  3. Adaptation

  4. Reproduction

Correct Option: A

Concept of mutations was put forth by Hugo de Vries who worked on evening Primose. He stated that mutation causes evolution and not the minor variations that were suggested by Darwin. Mutations are sudden, random and directionless while Darwinian variations are small and directional.

So, the correct answer is 'Mutations'

 Hugo de Vries' theory of mutation is

  1. Opposed to natural selection theory

  2. Not opposed to natural selection theory

  3. Opposed to germplasm theory

  4. Not opposed to Lamarck's theory

Correct Option: B

  • The theory of mutation given by Hugo de Vries suggested that evolution is fueled by the occurrence of the discontinuous process called mutation, that arises in the genetic material suddenly and are transmitted to the next generation. 
  • These mutations serve as raw material for evolution as they may provide a selective advantage to an individual. The selective advantage would allow an individual to reproduce successfully and hence, the natural selection would lead to evolution.

  • Hence, the correct answer is 'Not opposed to natural selection theory'

Match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given.
         Column I                                              Column II
A  Robert Hooke                                 1.  Mutation theory
B  Charles Darwin                               2.  Swan-necked flask experiment
C  Hugo de Vries                                 3.  Origin of species
D  Louis Pasteur                                  4.  Micrographia

  1. A- 3, B- 4, C- 1, D- 2

  2. A- 2, B- 1, C- 3, D- 4

  3. A- 1, B- 2, C- 3, D- 4

  4. A- 4, B- 3, C- 1, D- 2

  5. A- 4, B- 2, C- 3, D- 1

Correct Option: D

  • Hooke's reputation in the history of biology largely rests on his book Micrographia, published in 1665. 
  • Micrographia contains some physiological descriptions of Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries through various lenses.
  • On the Origin of Species (or, more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life), published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
  • Hugo Marie de Vries was a Dutch botanist and one of the first geneticists.
  • He is known chiefly for suggesting the concept of genes, rediscovering the laws of heredity in the 1890s while unaware of Gregor Mendel's work, for introducing the term "mutation", and for developing a mutation theory of evolution.
  • A swan neck flask is a particular shape of plastic or glass tube leading into a test tube or other vessel.
  • The "swan neck" significantly slows down the motion of air through the tube, and particles in the air, such as bacteria, become trapped on moisture on its inner surfaces. Louis Pasteur used  Swan-necked flask experiment for supporting the idea of the germ theory of disease.
  • So, the correct answer is 'A- 4, B- 3, C- 1, D- 2'.

Match the following column I with column II.
    Column I                               Column II
1.  Darwin                            a.  Use and disuse theory
2.  Lamarck                         b.  Origin of species
3.  Hugo de Vries                c.  Origin of life
4.  Oparin                            d.  Mutation theory

  1. 1- a, 2- b, 3- c, 4- d

  2. 1- b, 2- c, 3- d, 4- a

  3. 1- b, 2- a, 3- d, 4- c

  4. 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c

Correct Option: C
Origin of Species, published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
Lamarck gives use and disuse theory which states that when certain organs become specially developed as a result of some environmental need, then that state of development is hereditary and can be passed on to next generations.
Hugo de Vries gives mutation theory which states that new species are not formed by continuous variations but by sudden appearance of variations, which he named as mutations. Hugo de Vries stated that mutations are heritable and persist in successive generations.
Origin of life is given by Oparin Haldane. According to their theory, life evolved in the oceans during a period when the atmosphere was reducing - containing H$ _2$, H$ _2$O, NH$ _3$, CH$ _4$ and CO$ _2$, but no free O$ _2$.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Mark the correct set.

  Column I  Column II
1. Sewall Wright A.  Mutation
2. Hugo de Vries   B.  Natural selection
3. Darwin C.  Industrial melanism
4. Kettlewell  D.  Genetic drift
5. Hardy-Weinberg E.  Genetic equilibrium
  1. A- 2, B- 3, C- 4, D- 1, E- 5

  2. A- 1, B- 3, C- 5, D- 2, E- 4

  3. A- 3, B- 2, C- 1, D- 4, E- 5

  4. A- 1, B- 2, C- 3, D- 4, E- 5

Correct Option: A
Hugo de Vries, a Dutch botanist, one of the independent rediscoveries of Mendelism, put forward his views regarding the formation of new species which are due to mutations. 
In 1859, Charles Darwin set out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation. He defined natural selection as the "principle by which each slight variation if useful, is preserved".
Industrial melanism is an effect of urban pollution prominent in many species of arthropods. It is the phenomenon of an organism evolving dark pigmentation when exposed to an environment polluted by dark soot deposit and sulfuric buildup from industrial pollution. The first important experiments on the peppered moth were carried out by Bernard Kettlewell at Oxford University.
Genetic drift or allelic drift is the change in the frequency of a gene variant (allele) in a population due to random sampling. Sewall wright was the chief developer of the mathematical theory of genetic drift.
Genetic equilibrium describes the condition of an allele or genotype in a gene pool (such as a population) where the frequency does not change from generation to generation. It is also called as Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Ontogeny repeats Phylogeny is the statement of

  1. Recaptulation theory

  2. Biogenetic law

  3. Darwin's law

  4. All

Correct Option: B

Recaptulation theory was modified in the light of evolution as biogentic law by a German biologists - Ernst Haeckel in 1968 AD. It states that ontogeny repeats phylogeny which means that an individual during its own development (ontogeny) passes through ancestral listor (Phylogeny).

The fountain head of evolution is 

  1. Mutations

  2. Acquired characters

  3. Natural selection

  4. Sexual reproduction

Correct Option: A

A transformation is an adjustment in DNA, the inherited material of life. A creature's DNA influences what it looks like, how it carries on, and its physiology. So an adjustment in a living being's DNA can cause changes in all parts of its life. Changes are basic to advancement; they are the crude material of hereditary variety.                                                                             

So, the correct option is 'Mutations'.

For evolutionary success, mutation must occur in

  1. Somatic RNA

  2. Somatic DNA

  3. Germplasm DNA

  4. Germplasm RNA

Correct Option: C

Germplasm is living hereditary assets, for example, seeds or tissues that are kept up with the end goal of creature and plant reproducing, protection, and other research employment. Germplasm accumulation is vital for the support of organic decent variety and sustenance security.

So, the correct option is 'Germplasm DNA'.

De Vires called mutants

  1. Variants

  2. Elementary species

  3. New species

  4. Sports

Correct Option: B
Hugo de Vries gave mutation theory in 1901 stating that evolution occurs through discontinuous variation or sudden change due to elementary species (later called mutants) which passed on to generations. Thus, the correct answer is 'elementary species.'

According to De Vries' theory, evolution is

  1. Discontinuous

  2. Jerky

  3. Continuous and smooth

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

According to De Vries theory of evolution:

  • Mutation or discontinuous variation is the raw material of evolution.
  • The mutation appears suddenly and produced their effect immediately.
  • Mutants are different from the parents and there is no intermediate stage between the two.
  • The same type of mutation can appear in several individuals of a species.
  • Mutation can appear in all direction and all mutations are the inheritance
  • Useful mutations are selected by nature an lethal mutations are eliminated.

So, the correct option is 'Both A and B'.

The mechanism of origin of variations was first suggested by

  1. Lamarck

  2. Darwin

  3. De Vries

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: C

Variation was first explained by Hugo De Vries in 1901 while studying evening primrose species. He suggested that species are not formed by continuous changes but with sudden changes called mutation. Thus, the correct answer is 'De Vries.'

De Vires' Oenothera lamarckiana was 

  1. Complex heterozygote with anomalous chromosome behaviour

  2. Homozygous with fragile chromosome

  3. Heterozygote which developed gene mutations

  4. Homozygous with stable chrmosomes

Correct Option: A

Hugo De Vries gave Mutation theory in 1901. He worked on plant Oenothera lamarckiana, commonly known as evening primrose and found several aberrant types. When the plant was self-pollinated and its seeds were allowed to grow, the majority of F$ _1$ plants were similar to the parents, but a few were different plants. Same results were found in F$ _2$ generation. He resulted in that origin of species is through sudden, large changes of traits from another species and these sudden changes are due to Mutation in the gene pool which passes from one generation to another. Later on, it was revealed that most of the variants isolated from Oenothera lamarckiana were due its anomalous chromosome behaviour i.e., chromosome forms multiple rings at meiosis and chromosomal end segments only involves in recombination (low-level crossing over) and plant shows complex heterozygosity i.e., during meiosis maternal and paternal chromosomes are arranged in alternate order. Thus, the correct answer is ‘Complex heterozygote with anomalous chromosome behaviour.’

Choose the correct combination among the following :
(i) Thomas Malthus - Principle of population
(ii) Paul Kammarer - Proteus anguimia
(iii) Hugo de Vries - Oenothera lamarckiana
(iv) Bernard Kettleweli - BIston betularia

  1. i, iv

  2. ii, iv

  3. i, iii

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D
  1. The work of Thomas Malthus 'Principle of population' inspired Darwin's study of evolution.
    2. Paul Kammarer studied the pattern of inheritance on Proteus anguimia, commonly called 'The midwife toad'.
    3. Hugo de Vries brought forward the idea of mutations after his Workin on Oenothera lamarckiana (evening primose).
    4. Bernard kettleweli studies industrial melanisation on Biston betularia.
    So, the correct option is 'All are correct'.
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