Population and settlement - class-X

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Approximately what per cent of Indian population is living below poverty line ____.

  1. 22%

  2. 30%

  3. 40%

  4. 35%

Correct Option: D

Decrease in Death rate is a __________.

  1. Economic Indicator

  2. Political Indicator

  3. Social Indicator

  4. Demographic Indicator

Correct Option: D

Most of the social differences are based on ____________ .

  1. Birth

  2. Choice

  3. Caste

  4. Religion

Correct Option: A

Discrimination and differences are found among different caste , sex, religion etc but the base for this difference is created  by birth.

Caste and religion of a person is determined by their birth in a family.
Caste and religion of a person is determined by the caste and religion of their ancestors.

The primitive stage in the human society is known ____________.

  1. Pastoral Age

  2. Huntinge Age

  3. Industrial Age

  4. Agricultural Age

Correct Option: B

Hunting age was the period in which hunter-gatherer had to catch or find everything they ate. They moved from place to place in search of food. Pastoral age consisted of shepherds herding livestock in open grassland areas, according to the availability of water and pasture. Agricultural age involved improved crop productivity due to the adoption of new farming techniques. The industrial age is attributed to the advent of power driven machines, steam engines, power looms which changed the economic and social condition of humans. Option B Hunting Age is the correct answer, as the most primitive stage.    

Literacy rate among women as per 2001 Census is ________.

  1. 52%

  2. 58%

  3. 54%

  4. 56%

Correct Option: C

In India census is carried out at an interval of 10 years. 

As per census 2011 literacy rate is:
India- 74.04%
Males-  82.14% 
Females- 65.46%

As per census 2001, literacy rate is:
India- 64.84%
Males- 75.26%
Females- 53.67%

The literacy rate of Kerala is _____.

  1. 93.91%

  2. 92.02%

  3. 90.05%

  4. 91.29%

Correct Option: A

As per census 2011, Literacy rate in Kerala is 93.91%

Male literacy in Kerala - 96%
Female literacy in Kerala - 92%.

Which of the following states/union territories has the lowest sex ration in India?

  1. Kerala

  2. Puducherry

  3. Delhi

  4. Haryana

Correct Option: C
Sex ratio refers to the number of females per 1000 of males.
As per the census 2011 sex ratio:
Kerala- 1084, Puducherry- 1037, Haryana- 879 and in Delhi it is 868.

Literacy among women is extremely low in ______.

  1. Andhra Pradesh

  2. Kerala

  3. Maharashtra

  4. Bihar

Correct Option: D

Literacy rate refers to the number of people who are of 7 years and above and can read and write.

As per census 2011 highest literacy rate is in Kerala and the lowest literacy rate is in Bihar.
Literacy rate in India is - 74.04%
Literacy rate in Kerala - 93.91%
Literacy rate in Bihar - 63.82%

The article that stipulates that all minorities shall have the right to establish educational institutions of their choice is ____________.

  1. Article 27

  2. Article 28

  3. Article 29

  4. Article 30

Correct Option: D

The Article 30 of Indian Constitution, speaks about the rights of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions. Minorities bases on any religion or language enjoy this right. The state while granting aid  to educational institutions cannot discriminate on the grounds of religion or language. Hence, option D is the correct answer. 

What is the female literacy rate in India according to 2011 census?

  1. 60.12%

  2. 61.21%

  3. 64.31%

  4. 65.46%

Correct Option: D

As per census 2011 :-

Total literacy rate in India - 74.04%
Male literacy rate in India - 82.14%
Female literacy rate in India - 65.46%.

State with the highest female population as per 2011 census is ______.

  1. Kerala

  2. Himachal Pradesh

  3. Uttar Pradesh

  4. Andhra Pradesh

Correct Option: A

Sex ratio denotes the number of females per 1000 males. As per census 2011, Kerala has the highest sex ratio I.e., 1084 females per 1000 males.

What was the national literacy rate of India in 2011?

  1. 70.02%

  2. 72.08%

  3. 71.07%

  4. 74.04%

Correct Option: D
  • In India census is issued at an interval of 10 years. 
  • As per the census, 2011 literacy rate of India is 74.04 %.

What is the sex ratio of Kerala?

  1. $1001$ females for every $1000$ males

  2. $821$ females per $1000$ males

  3. $861$ females per $1000$ males

  4. $1058$ females per $1000$4 males

Correct Option: D

Which State or Union Territory of India has the lowest literacy?

  1. Bihar

  2. Arunachal Pradesh

  3. Manipur

  4. Nagaland

Correct Option: A

In India the lowest literacy rate is found in Bihar. Literacy rate in Bihar as per census 2011

Total Literacy rate  - 63.82%
Male Literacy  rate - 73.39%
Female Literacy rate - 53.33%

Live births per 1000 population per year is called _______.

  1. Live birth rate

  2. Birth rate

  3. Crude birth rate

  4. New population rate

Correct Option: B

The birth rate is the total number of live births per thousand of a population in a year or period. The birth rate is used to calculate population growth of a country.

Sex-ratio means __________________.

  1. The relation between male and female

  2. The ratio between the number of adult male and adult female in a population

  3. The ratio between number of female and number of male in a population

  4. The number of females per 1000 males in a population

Correct Option: D

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. Sex ratio of India according 2011 census is 940 females per 1000 males. Kerala state of India has highest sex ratio.

The composition of a population in terms of the proportions of individuals of different ages is called ____________.

  1. Age structure

  2. Population density

  3. Population dynamics

  4. Youth bulge

Correct Option: A

The composition of a population in terms of the proportions of individuals of different ages is called age structure. It divides population among the ages like the number of individuals aged 0–4, 5–14, 15–29, 30–44, 45–59, 60–69, over 70.

Which of the following is not correct regarding India's literacy?

  1. Literacy rate has gone up to 74% from 65%

  2. Kerala has the highest literacy rate

  3. Bihar has the lowest literacy rate

  4. Men outnumber women in literacy growth rate

Correct Option: D

Among the given options the correct ones are: 
  • Literacy rate has gone up to 74% from 65%, Kerala has the highest literacy rate and Bihar has the lowest literacy rate.
  • The only option which states that Men outnumber women in growth literates is not true because literacy growth rate of women is higher when compared to men.

In a fast-growing population with a high proportion of young people representing younger ages at the bottom and older ages at the top is called ___________.

  1. Triangle shaped age structure

  2. Inverted triangle

  3. Both A and B

  4. None

Correct Option: A

In a fast-growing population with a high proportion of young people representing younger ages at the bottom and older ages at the top will have triangle shaped age structure because young people who are represented at the bottom are more in number than that of the old aged individuals in a growing population.

The denominator for 'General Fertility Rate' is ____________.

  1. Mid year population

  2. Mid year population of 15-45 years

  3. Mid year population of all women

  4. Mid year population of 15-45 year age group married women

Correct Option: B

The general fertility rate (GFR) is the total number of live births per 1,000 women of reproductive age. The reproducitve age is ususally considered as population of 15-45 years. Hence the denominator in general fertility rate pertains to Mid year population of 15-45 years.

According to 2011 census, Dibang Valley in Arunachal Pradesh and Samba Valley in Jammu and Kashmir have _________.

  1. Least population density

  2. Least adult sex ratio

  3. Least female literacy

  4. Least child sex ratio

Correct Option: A

Population density is defined as the number of people present per square kilometer. According to 2011 census, Dibang Valley of Arunachal Pradesh and Samba Valley of Jammu and Kashmir have least population density. According to 2011 census, Dibang valley has 1 person per square kilometer and Samba valley had 353 persons per square kilometer.

According to 2011 census, which of the following states is not among the first five places in highest literacy rates?

  1. Kerala

  2. Mizoram

  3. Tripura

  4. Punjab

Correct Option: D

According to 2011 census, Punjab does not occupy first five places in literacy rate. It has a literacy rate of  75.84 %. Kerala has highest literacy rate followed by Lakshadweep and then Mizoram.

Sex ratio is __________.

  1. Number of females per thousand males

  2. Number of females per hundred males

  3. The study of population growth

  4. Difference between birth rate and death rates

Correct Option: A

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. According to 2011 census sex ratio of India is 940 females per 1000 of males.

Which of the following is true about the age structure diagram of developed countries like the United States?

  1. They have column shaped age structure diagram

  2. The population has fewer young and reproductive-aged individuals

  3. lesser older peoples proportion

  4. A and B

Correct Option: D

The composition of a population in terms of the proportions of individuals of different ages is called age structure. In a developed country the age structure pyramid takes the shape of a column and they have fewer young and reproductive-aged individuals.

Population born following 'baby boomers' is known as __________.

  1. Generation X

  2. Generation Y

  3. Baby boomers

  4. Both a and b

Correct Option: A

The population born after baby boomers is referred to as X-generation. This generation had reduced adult supervision compared to previous generations, a result of increasing divorce rates and increased maternal participation in the workforce.

According to 2011 census, the sex ratio of India is 943. What does 943 indicate?

  1. Number of males per 1000 females

  2. Number of females per 1000 males

  3. Could be A or B

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. According to the question 943 implies the number of female population for every 1000 males of that particular area.

Which of the following statements defines the density of population?

  1. Number of persons living per unit area

  2. Number of persons living in a country

  3. Change in the number of inhabitants of a country during a specific period of time

  4. Absolute numbers added every year

Correct Option: A

Population density is defined as the number of people present per square kilometre. Population density of India according to 2011 census is 382 persons per square kilometres.

Generation born before 1964 and after World War II is classified as _____________.

  1. Generation X

  2. Generation Y

  3. Baby boomers

  4. Both a and b

Correct Option: C

Generation born before 1964 and after World War II is classified as baby boomers. This is because after second world war there was a high birth rate because of the ideal conditions for growth and survival of people.

Which of the following place have highest density of population in India?

  1. Bihar

  2. Punjab

  3. Delhi

  4. Karnataka

Correct Option: C

Population density is defined as the number of people present per square kilometre. Population density of India according to 2011 census is 382 persons per square kilometre. Delhi has the highest population density which is 11,297 per square kilometre.

State or union territory with maximum sex ration after Kerala is __________.

  1. Lakshadweep

  2. Karnataka

  3. Puducherry

  4. Andhrapradesh

Correct Option: C

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. Puducherry has highest sex ratio after Kerala. It is 1,031 females for every 1,000 males.

 As per the Census of 2011, India's Sex Ratio stands at _____ females per 1000 males.

  1. 933

  2. 940

  3. 1084

  4. 877

Correct Option: B

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. Sex ratio of India according 2011 census is 940 females per 1000 males. Kerala state of India has highest sex ratio.

Countries that have higher population density than India are ___________.

  1. China

  2. U.S.A.

  3. Britain

  4. Bangladesh

Correct Option: D

Population density is defined as the number of people present per square kilometre. Population density of India according to 2011 census is 382 persons per square kilometre. Bangladesh has more population density than India which is 51,703 persons per square kilometre.

State with least population density is _______________.

  1. Arunachal Pradesh

  2. Assam

  3. Manipur

  4. Mizoram

Correct Option: A

Population density is defined as the number of people present per square kilometre. Population density of India according to 2011 census is 382 persons per square kilometre.

Arunachal Pradesh is the state of India with least population density. According to 2011 census, population density of this state was 17/square kilometre.

Which is the least literate state in India?

  1. Bihar

  2. Uttar Pradesh

  3. Madhya Pradesh

  4. Rajasthan

Correct Option: A

The state with lowest literacy rate is Bihar. The literacy recorded in Bihar is 63.82 according to 2011 census. The state has a male literacy of 73.39 and a female literacy rate of 53.33%.

Working population includes those persons who fall in the age group of ___________.

  1. 6-14 years

  2. 0-15 years

  3. +60 years

  4. 15-59 years

Correct Option: D

Working population is nothing but the people engaged in a productive work which earns them the wages to live. Working population includes those persons who fall in the age group of 15-59 years.

 According to 2011 census, the literacy rate among men in India is _______.

  1. 82.14%

  2. 84.14%

  3. 85.14%

  4. 86.14%

Correct Option: A

Literacy is traditionally meant as the ability to read and write. In modern time literacy include the ability to use language, numbers, images, computers and other basic things to understand, communicate and gain useful knowledge. According to census 2011, the literacy rate of India is found to be 74.04%. The male literacy rate is 82.14% and the female literacy rate is 65.46%.

According to 2011 census, the literacy rate among women in India?

  1. 65.46

  2. 66.46

  3. 67.46

  4. 62.46

Correct Option: A

According to 2011 census literacy rate of India was 74.04%. Highest female literacy rate is seen in Kerala. Kerala also has a record of highest overall literacy rate. The female literacy according to 2011 census in Kerala is 91.98%.

A worker according to the Census of India is a person who works for _____ in a year?

  1. 180 days

  2. 183 days

  3. 186 days

  4. 189 days

Correct Option: B

Working population is nothing but the people engaged in a productive work which earns them the wages to live. In order to classify a person as worker, by census of India, he should at least work for 183 days.

Child sex ratio is taken for the children falling under the age group of _____.

  1. 0-5 years

  2. 1-5 years

  3. 0-6 years

  4. 2-6 years

Correct Option: C

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. Child sex ratio is the number of girl children for 1000 boys under age of 0-6 years.

Highest child sex ratio is seen in __________.

  1. Mizoram

  2. Manipur

  3. Assam

  4. Sikkim

Correct Option: A

Sex ratio is the number of females present per 1000 males in an area. Child sex ratio is the number of girl children for 1000 boys under age of 0-6 years. According to 2011 census, child sex ratio is recorded highest in Mizoram which is 971 per 1000 boys.

Graphical representation of the total population of a country, males and female population ratio and old and young people ratio is classified as __________.

  1. Population density pyramid

  2. Population pyramid

  3. Resource pyramid

  4. Population characteristics pyramid

Correct Option: B

Graphical representation of total population of a country, male and female population ratio and old and young people ratio is classified as population pyramid. There are different types of it which include:

  • Stationary pyramid: in such countries, people of all the ages are present more or less equally.
  • The expansive pyramid is wide at younger ages and narrows at older ages.
  • The constrictive pyramid is narrow at the bottom, which means younger people are less in number.

 Which is the most literate districts of India?

  1. Kottayam

  2. Serchhip

  3. Rangareddy

  4. Gwalior

Correct Option: B

Serchhip is the most literate districts in India. It is one of the districts of Mizoram. It has a literacy rate of 97.91%.

 Which of the following is not supported by the definition of a town as per the census of India?

  1. Population density of 400 persons per sq km.

  2. Presence of municipality, corporation, etc.

  3. More than 75% of the population engaged in primary sector.

  4. Population size of more than 5,000 persons.

Correct Option: B

As per the census of India, an urban town is defined as a place which has a population density of 400 persons per sq km, more than 50% of the population should be engaged in agriculture and size of the population should be more than 5000. The mere presence of municipality does not make it a town according to the census of India.

Tool used to measure distribution of population is called _________.

  1. Population intensity

  2. Population density

  3. Death rate

  4. Birth rate

Correct Option: B

Tool used to measure distribution of population is called population density. Population density is defined as the number of people present per square kilometre. Population density of India according to 2011 census is 382 persons per square kilometres.

The study of population is called______.

  1. cartography

  2. anthropology

  3. demography

  4. biography

Correct Option: C
Demography is the statistical study of human population. Demographers seek to understand population dynamic by investigating three main demographic processes:
Birth, Migration and Ageing(including death).

According to 2011 Census of India the density of population is _________.

  1. 250 - 299 persons per sq. km.

  2. 300 - 349 persons per sq. km.

  3. 350 - 399 persons per sq. km.

  4. 400 - 450 persons per sq. km.

Correct Option: C

The population density of India has gone up to 382 persons per square kilometre in 2011 from 325 persons per square kilometre in 2001. The rate of increase in density of India has exhibited a sharp decline during 2001ó2011 (17.5 per cent) as compared to 1991ó2001 (21.7 per cent).

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