Emerging political trends 1977 to 2000 - class-VIII

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When the article 356 used first time in India?

  1. 1985

  2. 1954

  3. 1963

  4. 1965

Correct Option: B

The article  was used for the first time in up 1954. It has also been used in the state of Patiala and East Punjab States union (PEPSU) and then during Vimochana samaram to dismiss the democratically elected Communist state government of Kerala on 31 July 1959.

Which party lost the general election in 1977?

  1. Congress

  2. Janata Party

  3. BJP

  4. RJD

Correct Option: A

In a major turn of events, the ruling Congress lost control of India for the first time in independent India in the Indian general election, 1977. The hastily formed, Janata alliance of parties opposed to the ruling Congress party, won 298 seats.

In which state Congress had strong hold before emergency?

  1. Maharashtra

  2. Gujrat

  3. Uttar-Pradesh

  4. Bihar

Correct Option: C

The elections in the largest state Uttar Pradesh, historically a Congress stronghold, turned against Mrs. Gandhi. Dhanagare says the structural reasons included the emergence of a strong and united opposition, disunity and weariness within the Congress, an effective opposition and the failure of Mrs. Gandhi in controlling the mass media, which was under censorship during the Emergency.

What is the circumstances for President's rule?

  1. State Legislature is unable to elect a leader as Chief Minister

  2. Breakdown of a coalition

  3. Loss of majority in the assembly

  4. All above

Correct Option: D

In practice president's rule has been imposed under different circumstances such as these: State Legislature is unable to elect a leader as Chief Minister breakdown of a coalition loss of majority in the assembly elections postponed for unavoidable reasons

President's rule normally applicable on _____________?

  1. State

  2. Country

  3. District

  4. All above

Correct Option: A

In the event that a State government is not able to function as per the Constitution, the State comes under the direct control of the central government.

Who said the elections would decide whether India would have "democracy or dictatorship." ?

  1. Congress

  2. Janata Party

  3. BJP

  4. JDU

Correct Option: B

The Janata alliance reminded voters of the excesses and human rights violations during the Emergency, like compulsory sterilisation and imprisonment of political leaders. The Janata campaign said the elections would decide whether India would have "democracy or dictatorship."

Which Congress leader quit the party before general election of 1977?

  1. Jagjivam Ram

  2. Sanjay Gandhi

  3. Indira Gandhi

  4. All above

Correct Option: A

Agriculture and Irrigation Minister of Congress party  Babu Jagjivan Ram quit the party in the first week of February.

In which state Congress hit at all time low in 1977 election?

  1. Madras

  2. Gujrat

  3. West Bengal

  4. Haryana

Correct Option: C

Congress hit an all-time low in West Bengal, according to the Gangulys, because of poor discipline and factionalism among Congress activists as well as numerous defections that weakened the party.

Who has the authority of appointment under President's rule?

  1. President

  2. Prime Minister

  3. Chief Minister

  4. Governor

Correct Option: D

It is "under President's rule". Subsequently, executive authority is exercised through the centrally appointed Governor, who has the authority to appoint retired civil servants or other administrators to assist him.

President's rule refers to the imposition of which article of the constitution of India?

  1. Article 365

  2. Article 356

  3. Article 375

  4. Article 326

Correct Option: B

In the Republic of India, the phrase "President's rule" refers to the imposition of Article 356 of the Constitution of India on a State whose constitutional machinery has failed.

Who opposed on the Punjabi Suba issues?

  1. Akali dal

  2. Khalsa Dal

  3. Congress

  4. All above

Correct Option: B

The Akali Dal  was stoutly oppposed on the Punjabi Suba issue by the Khalsa Dal, a new party created by Congress Sikhs with the support of the government.

What was the period of Assam movement?

  1. 1979-1985

  2. 1984-1986

  3. 1974-1981

  4. 1956-1962

Correct Option: A

The Assam Movement was a popular movement against illegal immigrants in Assam from 1979 to 1985. The movement, led by All Assam Students Union (AASU) and the 'All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad' (AAGSP).

When the agitation program ended?

  1. August 1985

  2. May 1956

  3. March 1974

  4. July 1996

Correct Option: A

The agitation program ended in August 1985 following the Assam Accord, which was signed by leaders of AASU-AAGSP and the Government of India.

What is the minimum extension time of President's rule?

  1. 1 year

  2. 3 year

  3. 6 months

  4. 5 year

Correct Option: B

If approved by both houses, President's Rule can continue for 6 months. It can be extended for maximum 3 years with approval of Parliament in every 6 months.

Indira Gandhi imposed how many times President's rule?

  1. 25

  2. 16

  3. 39

  4. 38

Correct Option: C

Indira Gandhi regime and post-emergency Janata Party were noted for this practice. Indira Gandhi's government between 1966 and 1977 is known to have imposed President' rule in 39 times in different states.

In how many states Bhartiya Janta Party issued President's rule?

  1. 8

  2. 4

  3. 9

  4. 3

Correct Option: C

Similarly like Congress,  Janta Party which came to power after the emergency had issued President's rule in 9 states which were ruled by Congress.

Which party was formed by agitation leaders?

  1. Assam party

  2. Assam nation party

  3. Asom Gana Parishad.

  4. All above

Correct Option: C

The agitation leaders formed a political party, Asom Gana Parishad. It came to power in the state of Assam in the Assembly elections of 1985 and later in 1996.

The Assam movement was against the ____________?

  1. Illegal immigrants

  2. Political leaders

  3. Government

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The Assam Movement was a popular movement against illegal immigrants in Assam. The movement, led by All Assam Students Union (AASU) and the 'All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad' (AAGSP), developed a program of protests and demonstration to compel the government to identify and expel illegal immigrants.

When the AASU-AAGSP combine called?

  1. 27 November 1979

  2. 25 December 1976

  3. 16 April 1985

  4. 22 July 1986

Correct Option: A

On 27 November 1979, AASU-AAGSP combine called for the closure of all educational institutes and picketing in state and central government offices. Mass picketing was arranged in front of all polling offices where candidate nominations could be filed, in the first week of December 1979.

When was the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee elections held?

  1. 1958

  2. 1954

  3. 1961

  4. 1965

Correct Option: B

The  Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee elections in December 1954 returned a verdict totally in favor of Punjabi Suba. The electorate in this case was purely Sikh.

When Jawaharlal Nehru made this statement "redistribution of provincial boundaries was essential and inevitable. I stand for semi-autonomous units as well . . . I should like them [the Sikhs] to have a semi-autonomous unit within the province so that they may experience the glow of freedom"?

  1. 4July 1946

  2. 4 April 1946

  3. 12 April 1946

  4. 25 July 1946

Correct Option: B

Jawaharlal Nehru had himself made a statement on April 4, 1946, that "redistribution of provincial boundaries was essential and inevitable. I stand for semi-autonomous units as well . . . I should like them [the Sikhs] to have a
semi-autonomous unit within the province so that they may experience the glow of freedom."

The politics in West Bengal id dominated by which political party?

  1. Communist Party of India

  2. India National Congress

  3. Trinamool Congress

  4. All above

Correct Option: D

Politics in West Bengal is dominated by the following major political parties: the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Indian National Congress (also known as Congress(I)), and the Trinamool Congress. All three are leading a regional bloc of parties; the CPI(M) heads the Left Front and the Trinamool Congress has emerged as the main component of the UPA in the state, while the Congress(I) generally head informal alliances of various minor parties that align ahead of elections.

Who continued to protest against the ban as an attack on the civic rights of the people?

  1. Shriomani Akali Dal

  2. Khalsa Dal

  3. Congress

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The Shriomani Akali Dal continued to protest against the ban as an attack on the civic rights of the people. It gave an ultimatum that, if the ban was not withdrawn by May 10, 1955, it would launch a mass agitation.

Who became the Chief minister of West Bengal after 2011 assembly election?

  1. Jyoti Basu

  2. Mamta Banerjee

  3. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

In the 2011 Assembly Election, the Trinamool Congress- Indian National Congress alliance won by a huge margin with Mamata Banerjee becoming the first woman chief minister of West Bengal after 34 years of Communist rule.

When left formed government in West Bengal?

  1. 13 July 1977

  2. 21 June 1977

  3. 15 August 1977

  4. 20 December 1977

Correct Option: B

On 21 June 1977 the Left Front formed a government with Jyoti Basu as its Chief Minister. The first cabinet meeting of the Left Front government orders the release of political prisoners.

The first half of the 20th century was the age of the World Wars and the start of the____________.

  1. Civil War

  2. Cold War

  3. Political War

  4. All above

Correct Option: B

The history of the 20th century was shaped by the changing relations of the worlds great powers. The first half of the century, the age of the World Wars and the start of the Cold War, was dominated by the rivalries of those powers.

How many seats were contested by left front in 1977 election?

  1. 14

  2. 25

  3. 26

  4. 13

Correct Option: C

In the 1977 Lok Sabha election the Left Front contested 26 out of the 42 West Bengal Lok Sabha constituencies; CPI(M) fielded candidates for 20 seats, RSP 3 seats and AIFB 3 seats. CPI(M) won 17 seats, AIFB 3 seats and RSP 3 seats. The combined Left Front vote in West Bengal reached 5,049,077 votes (33.4% of the votes cast in the state).

Who made this statement "redistribution of provincial boundaries was essential and inevitable. I stand for semi-autonomous units as well . . . I should like them [the Sikhs] to have a semi-autonomous unit within the province so that they may experience the glow of freedom"?

  1. Mahatma Gandhi

  2. Indira Gandhi

  3. Jawaharlal Nehru

  4. Rajiv Gandhi

Correct Option: C

Jawaharlal Nehru had himself made a statement that "redistribution of provincial boundaries was essential and inevitable. I stand for semi-autonomous units as well . . . I should like them [the Sikhs] to have a semi-autonomous unit within the province so that they may experience the glow of freedom."

Which party joined the left after 1977 election?

  1. Congress

  2. Janata party

  3. Socialist Party

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The Socialist Party joined the Left Front after the 1977 elections. Prior to the arrival of the Left Front government, the political environment of West Bengal was chaotic, and the new cabinet struggled to establish order.

What was the period of 20th century?

  1. 1901 to 2000

  2. 1900 to 2000

  3. 1899 to 1999

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The 20th century was a century that began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000. It was the tenth and final century of the 2nd millennium. It is distinct from the century known as the 1900s, which began on January 1, 1900 and ended on December 31, 1999.

Presently, how many Indian States have a bicameral state legislature?

  1. 12

  2. 7

  3. 18

  4. 3

Correct Option: B

At present there are seven Indian states having bicameral legislature. These 7 states from in order from north to south are i) Jammu and Kashmir, ii) Uttar Pradesh, iii) Bihar, iv) Maharashtra, v) Telangana, vi) Karnataka, vii) Andhra Pradesh. 

Vidhan Sabha is also known as ____________?

  1. Lower house of the state

  2. Upper house of the state

  3. Lok Sabha

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The Vidhan Sabha is the lower house or the sole house of the state legislature in the different States of India. The same name is also used for the lower house of the legislatures for two of the UnionTerritories, Delhi and Puducherry.

The Indian National Congress was defeated for the first time in the General Elections of Parliament in the year _____.

  1. 1962

  2. 1967

  3. 1977

  4. 1998

Correct Option: C

The Indian National Congress was defeated for the first time in the General Elections of Parliament in the year 1977. Elections were conducted immediately after emergency was called off. Opposition parties namely INCO (M. Desai), Bhartiya Lok Dal (Charan Singh) and Bhartiya Jan Sangh (Vajpayee) formed a grand alliance called Janata Party. Congress lost badly and Janata Party alliance won.

Technology means

  1. Knowledge of practicals

  2. Knowledge of mechanics

  3. Application of knowledge of science in practical life

  4. Knowledge of machines

Correct Option: C

Technology, the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.

When did the 'National Democratic Alliance' came to power?

  1. 1990

  2. 1995

  3. 1996

  4. 1999

Correct Option: D

In 1999 the 'National Democratic Alliance' came to power under the flag of Bharatiya Janata Party and Atal Bihari Vajpayee become India's Prime Minister.

The Five Year Plans were introduced by which organisation?

  1. National Planning Commission

  2. Reserve Bank of India

  3. Indian Railway

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Indian wanted to establish an economy based on social justice through planning. For this, the National Planning Commission was established that would coordinate development through the policy of Five Year Plans.

Who started the economic reforms in India?

  1. Rajiv Gandhi

  2. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

  3. Narasimha Rao

  4. M. S. Swaminathan

Correct Option: C

The Narasimha Rao Government started economic reforms from 1991. These economic reforms are called as economic liberalisation. The Indian economy flourished as a result of the implementation of this policy.

When India declared herself as an atomic power?

  1. 1995

  2. 1998

  3. 1999

  4. 2000

Correct Option: B

Any country which have nuclear weapons can declare them as nuclear power. India conducted a number of nuclear tests in 1998 and declared herself as an atomic power. 

Who is know as the father of Green Revolution?

  1. Narasimha Rao

  2. M.S. Swaminathan

  3. Chandra Shekhar

  4. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Correct Option: B

Dr M.S. Swaminathan is known as the father of the Green Revolution. He implemented new scientific agricultural techniques and increased the production of foodgrains.

Janata Party won how many seats in 1977 election?

  1. 298

  2. 256

  3. 213

  4. 255

Correct Option: A

In the Lok Sabha elections, held in 1977, Mrs. Gandhi and Sanjay both lost their Lok Sabha seats, as did all the Congress Candidates in Northern states such as Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Many Congress Party loyalists deserted Mrs. Gandhi. The Congress was reduced to just 153 seats, 92 of which were from four of the southern states. The Janata Party's 298 seats and its allies' 47 seats (of a total 542) gave it a massive majority.

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