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Folklore - Quizzes

Folklore and Sociology
Folklore and Sociology Quiz
Folklore and History
Folklore and History Quiz
Festivals and Celebrations
Test your knowledge about various festivals and celebrations...
Folklore and Literature
Folklore and Literature Quiz
Folk Heroes and Villains
Folk Heroes and Villains Quiz
Folk Art and Crafts
Folk Art and Crafts Quiz
Folklore and Religion
Folklore and Religion Quiz
Customs and Traditions
Test your knowledge about various customs and traditions...
Folklore and Race
Folklore and Race Quiz
Folklore and Technology
Folklore and Technology Quiz
Folklore and Education
Folklore and Education Quiz
Folklore and Class
Folklore and Class Quiz
Folklore and Popular Culture
Folklore and Popular Culture Quiz
Folklore and Anthropology
Folklore and Anthropology Quiz
Fairy Tales and Fables
Test your knowledge of classic fairy tales and...
Folklore and Globalization
Folklore and Globalization Quiz
Folk Music and Dance
Folk Music and Dance Quiz
Folklore and Tourism
Folklore and Tourism Quiz
Folklore and Media
Folklore and Media Quiz
Folklore and Gender
Folklore and Gender Quiz
Superstitions and Beliefs
Test your knowledge about various superstitions and beliefs...
Folklore and Environment
Folklore and Environment Quiz
Myths and Legends of the World
Myths and Legends of the World Quiz