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Harmony - Quizzes

Test your knowledge on Chords in music theory.
Test your knowledge of musical intervals with this...
Chord Progressions
Test your knowledge of chord progressions in music...
Cadences are musical phrases that create a sense...
Harmony Basics
Harmony Basics Quiz
Pedal Tones
Pedal Tones Quiz
Neapolitan Chords
Neapolitan Chords Quiz
Chromatic Harmony
Test your knowledge of Chromatic Harmony with this...
This quiz will test your knowledge of suspensions...
Augmented Sixth Chords
Test your knowledge of Augmented Sixth Chords with...
Harmony in Jazz
Test your knowledge of Harmony in Jazz, a...
Serial Harmony
Serial Harmony Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Serial...
Diminished Seventh Chords
Test your knowledge on Diminished Seventh Chords by...
Major and Minor Scales
Major and Minor Scales Quiz
Passing Tones
Passing Tones Quiz
Half-Diminished Seventh Chords
Test your knowledge on Half-Diminished Seventh Chords.
Atonal Harmony
Test your understanding of Atonal Harmony, a musical...
Altered Chords
Test your knowledge of altered chords, which are...
Contemporary Harmony
This quiz will test your knowledge of contemporary...
Appoggiaturas Quiz
Secondary Dominants
Test your understanding of Secondary Dominants in Music...
Harmony in Popular Music
Harmony in Popular Music Quiz
Polychords Quiz
Modal Harmony
Test your knowledge of Modal Harmony, a fundamental...