Tag: animal breeding

Questions Related to animal breeding

Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are the examples of

  1. Reverse evolution

  2. Artificial selection

  3. Mutation

  4. Natural selection

Correct Option: B
Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are the examples of artificial selection. The artificial selection is the modification of species by selective breeding. Animals or plants with desirable characteristics are interbred with the aim of altering the genotype and producing a new strain of the organism for a specific purpose. Traditional breeding techniques have been supplemented by more recent methods of genetic engineering, genetic testing and embryo manipulation. Sequencing of genomes of commercially important animals and plant species has enabled the inheritance of desired genes to be monitored directly by molecular methods.

So, the correct answer is 'Artificial selection'.

Which of the following is a drought breed of Indian cattle? 

  1. Malvi

  2. Gir

  3. Sahiwal

  4. Deoni

Correct Option: A

Which of the following animals is used for drawing sledges, tracing criminals, guarding sheep, leading the blind?

  1. Donkey

  2. Horse

  3. Dog

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The dog is a domesticated canid, which has been selectively bred for the millennium for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.

It is used for drawing sledges in cold countries, tracing criminals, because of their high smelling power, guarding sheep while sheep are feeding on grass, leading the blind etc. Hence, option C is correct.

Animal husbandry deals with

  1. Breeding of farm animals

  2. Care and treatment of animals

  3. Rearing animals for profit

  4. Rearing, management and breeding farm animals

Correct Option: D

Earliest animal domesticated by primitive man was 

  1. Goat

  2. Dog

  3. Horse

  4. Cat

Correct Option: B

Dogs are the earliest animals made as pets. The first potential evidence of dog domestication dates back to 30,000 B.C., in the form of a wolflike creature found in a cave in Belgium. Other evidence suggests dogs weren't domesticated until thousands of years later. Before they were pets, dogs helped human hunt and cats helped guard grain supplies by keeping rats and mice away. Eventually, people started to treat these animals more like pets. At present human-canine bonding is the mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between human and dogs that is studied by psychologists, anthropologists and ethologists.

The science of rearing, feeding, care, breeding and utilization of animals is called as

  1. Dairy science

  2. Veterinary science

  3. Animal husbandry

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

The branch of science dealing with the study of various breeds of domesticated animals and their management for obtaining better products from them is known as animal husbandry. The term husbandry derives from the word husband which means one who takes care. When it incorporates the study of the proper utilization of economically important domestic animals, it is called as livestock management.

Apiculture is rearing of

  1. Silkworm

  2. Bacteria

  3. Apex culture

  4. Honey Bees

Correct Option: D

The doctor who treats animals is called _____________

  1. Doctor

  2. Psychologist

  3. Pathologist

  4. None

Correct Option: A

How many hours cows sleep in a day?

  1. 10 hours

  2. 12 hours

  3. 8 hours

  4. 4 hours

Correct Option: D

Cows sleep for approximately 4 hrs a day

So, the correct answer is '4 hours'