Transpiration - 1

Description: Tranpiration-I
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Tranpiration-I Transpiration Mechanism of Stomatal Transpiration Factors Affecting Transpiration
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Which of the following is NOT the site for transpiration?

  1. Stomata

  2. Surface stems

  3. Roots

  4. Lenticels

Correct Option: C

Transpiration does not occur through roots.

Which of the following is the process through which water from the aerial parts of the plant is lost?

  1. Respiration

  2. Photosynthesis

  3. Transpiration

  4. Guttation

Correct Option: C

Transpiration is the process through which water vapours from the aerial parts of the plant are lost.

Which of the following is the major site for transpiration?

  1. Stomata

  2. Surface of branches

  3. Lenticels

  4. Cuticle of stem

Correct Option: A

Major part of transpiration occurs through stomata.

Which of the following is the major site for transpiration in a dicot plant?

  1. Stem lenticels

  2. Stem cuticle

  3. Upper surface of leaf

  4. Under surface of leaf

Correct Option: D

Most of transpiration occurs through stomata, and in a dicot leaf more stomatal openings are on the under surface of a dicot leaf.

Which of the following, when increases, does not increase the rate of transpiration?

  1. Intensity of sunlight

  2. Temperature

  3. Humidity

  4. Velocity of wind

Correct Option: C

High humidity decreases the rate of transpiration.

Which of the following regulates the opening and closing of lenticels?

  1. Turgidity and flaccidity of guard cells

  2. Turgidity and flaccidity of epidermal cells

  3. Amount of water in the surrounding cells

  4. It is unregulated and remains open.

Correct Option: D

Lenticels remain open all the time.

Where are lenticels located in plants?

  1. Undersurface of leaf

  2. Root hair

  3. Flowers

  4. Older stem

Correct Option: D

Lenticels are special openings that develop in older stem.

Which of the following is the increasing order for rate of transpiration?

  1. Cuticular transpiration - Lenticular transpiration - Stomatal transpiration

  2. Lenticular transpiration - Cuticular transpiration - Stomatal transpiration

  3. Stomatal transpiration - Lenticular transpiration - Cuticular transpiration

  4. Stomatal transpiration - Cuticular transpiration - Lenticular transpiration

Correct Option: A

Stomatal transpiration forms the major part of overall transpiration. Lenticular transpiration is more than that of cuticular transpiration.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  1. Transpiration is reduced on a cloudy day.

  2. Transpiration is not affected by sunlight.

  3. Stomatal transpiration does not occur at night.

  4. Rate of transpiration is higher during the day.

Correct Option: B

Transpiration is affected by sunlight. Stomata remain open during day and close at night. More transpiration occurs due to presence of sunlight.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  1. If velocity of wind is high, more transpiration occurs.

  2. If outside temperature is low, more transpiration occurs.

  3. Warm air holds more water allowing more transpiration.

  4. Cold air holds less water allowing less transpiration.

Correct Option: B

Decrease in temperature reduces the rate of transpiration.

Which of the following results in wilting of leaves of some plants during mid-day?

  1. Absorption of water exceeding rate of transpiration

  2. Rate of transpiration exceeding absorption of water

  3. Rate of photosynthesis exceeding rate of transpiration

  4. Rate of transpiration exceeding rate of photosynthesis

Correct Option: B

Wilting occurs when rate of transpiration exceeds absorption of water.

Which of the following processes results in movement of water vapours from the surface of cell to the outside atmosphere?

  1. Imbibition

  2. Diffusion

  3. Exosmosis

  4. Active transport

Correct Option: C

Exosmosis can be defined as the movement of water vapours from the surface of the cell to the outside atmosphere. Diffusion involves exchange of gases.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  1. Cuticle is secreted by epidermis.

  2. Desert plants tend to have thicker cuticle.

  3. Thickness of cuticle is directly proportional to rate of transpiration.

  4. Thickness of cuticle varies from plant to plant.

Correct Option: D

Thickness of cuticle is inversely proportional to rate of transpiration. The greater the thickness of the cuticle, the lesser is the evaporation.

Which of the following factors does NOT affect the rate of transpiration?

  1. CO2 content of air

  2. Water content of air

  3. Oxygen content of air

  4. Atmospheric pressure

Correct Option: C

Oxygen content of air does not affect the rate of transpiration.

Which of the following adaptations could be found in plants growing in dry climate?

(i) Sunken stomata (ii) More stomata (iii) Fewer stomata (iv) Wide stomata

  1. Both (i) and (ii)

  2. Both (ii) and (iv)

  3. Both (i) and (iii)

  4. Both (i) and (iv)

Correct Option: C

Plants in dry climate have sunken stomata. Also, the number of stomata is reduced.

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