Improvements in Food Resources

Description: Improvements in Food Resources
Number of Questions: 17
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Tags: Improvements in Food Resources Crop Nutrient Management Cropping Patterns Crop and Post Harvest Protection Cattle and Poultry Family
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Which of the following are not used in biofertilisers?

a. Bacteria b. Thurioside c. Blue-green algae d. Pyrethrum

  1. Only a and b

  2. Only a and c

  3. Only a and d

  4. Only b and c

  5. Only b and d

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option as thurioside and pyrethrum are used in biopesticides. This is the correct option as thurioside and pyrethrum are used in biopesticides.

Essential plant nutrients are divided into two categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. Which of the following is not a macronutrient?

  1. Manganese

  2. Nitrogen

  3. Sulphur

  4. Magnesium

  5. Potassium

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Manganese is not a macronutrient. It is a micronutrient.

In India, there are two main seasons of crop growth: kharif and rabi. Which of the following is not a property of rabi crop?

  1. They are non-monsoon season crops.

  2. The crops grow in hot and wet conditions.

  3. These crops are sown in October-November.

  4. These crops are harvested in March-April.

  5. Wheat, barley, gram and mustard are a few examples of rabi crops.

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option as this is not a property of rabi crops. They do not grow in hot and wet conditions, but grow in cold and nearly dry conditions.

Nitrogeneous fertilisers are those fertilisers that supply the macronutrient nitrogen. Which of the following is not a nitrogeneous fertiliser?

  1. Urea

  2. Ammonium sulphate

  3. Calcium ammonium nitrate

  4. Nitrophosphate

  5. Sodium nitrate

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Nitrophosphate is not a nitrogeneous fertiliser. It is a complex fertiliser.

Manures are natural fertilisers. Which of the following is an advantage of manures?

  1. They are bulky with low nutrient content.

  2. They contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

  3. Manures add organic matter to the soil.

  4. The nutrients get released slowly in manures.

  5. Manures are not nutrient-specific.

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option as this is an advantage of manures. They add organic matter to the soil called humus.

Which of the following is a narrow-leaf kharif season weed?

  1. Wild sorghum

  2. Amaranthus viridis

  3. Phalaris

  4. Trianth

  5. Parthenium hysterophorus

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Wild sorghum (Janghali jowar) is a narrow-leaf kharif season weed.

Chemical weed killers called weedicides are sprayed on weeds to destroy them. Which of the following is not a weedicide?

  1. 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

  2. Atrazine

  3. Dimethoate

  4. Fluchloralin

  5. Isoproturon

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. Dimethoate is not a weedicide. It is an insecticide.

Which of the following is a draught breed of cow found in Karnataka, India?

  1. Gir

  2. Deoni

  3. Nageri

  4. Kankrej

  5. Hallikar

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. Hallikar is a draught breed of cow found in Karnataka, India

Which of the following is not a bacterial disease of the cattle?

  1. Anthrax

  2. Black quarter

  3. Brucellosis

  4. Ringworm

  5. Salmonellosis

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Ringworm is not a bacterial disease of the cattle. It is a fungal disease.

Chewing insect pests tear off bits of leaves, chew and swallow them. Which of the following is not a chewing insect pest?

  1. Locust

  2. Grasshopper

  3. Caterpillar

  4. Grub

  5. Sugarcane leaf hopper

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. Sugarcane leaf hopper is not a chewing insect pest. It is a sucking insect pest.

The marine fishes are cultured in coastal waters of India. Which of the following is not a mariculture fish?

  1. English carp

  2. Pearl spot

  3. Sardine

  4. Mullet

  5. Milk fish

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. English carp is not a mariculture fish. It is a freshwater culture fish.

Match the following:

Names of green manures Scientific names
a. Dhaincha 1. Crotalaria juncea
b. Sunn Hemp 2. Vigna sinensis
c. Cowpea 3. Sesbania aculeata
  1. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

  2. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  3. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  4. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

  5. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. The scientific name of green manure  dhaincha is Sesbania aculeata. The scientific name of green manure sunn hemp is Crotalaria juncea. The scientific name of green manure cowpea is Vigna sinensis.

Poultry birds suffer from various diseases. Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungi?

  1. Aspergillosis

  2. Diarrhoea

  3. Dermitis

  4. Fowl pox

  5. Tuberculosis

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Aspergillosis is a disease that is caused by a fungi.

Which of the following diseases of honey bees is caused by a protozoan pathogen?

  1. Septicemia

  2. Amoeba disease

  3. Foul brood

  4. Dysentry

  5. Acarine disease

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Amoeba disease is caused by protozoan pathogen.

Match the following: Name of revolution|Aim| |a. Yellow revolution|1. Its aim was to enhance the fish production.| |b. Blue revolution|2. Its aim was to increase the oil production.| |c. Green revolution|3. Its aim was to increase the production of food grains.|

  1. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  2. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  3. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  4. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  5. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. The aim of yellow revolution was to increase the oil production. The aim of blue revolution was to enhance the fish production. The aim of green revolution was to increase the production of food grains.

Mixed cropping is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land. Which of the following mixed cropping combinations is not used by the Indian farmers?

  1. Maize and urad bean

  2. Wheat and sunflower

  3. Wheat and mustard

  4. Sorghum and pigeon pea

  5. Barley and chick pea

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option as this mixed cropping combination is not used by the Indian farmers.

Which of the following is not a feature of intercropping?

  1. Both the crops can be easily harvested and threshed separately.

  2. Pesticides can be easily applied to the individual crop.

  3. It involves set patterns of rows of crops.

  4. Seeds of two crops are mixed before sowing.

  5. It aims to increase productivity per unit area.

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option as this is not a feature of intercropping. Seeds of two crops are mixed before sowing in mixed cropping.

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