Biology Test

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Which of the following characterises melanin?

  1. It enhances the penetration of UV radiation through the skin.

  2. Skin may vary frequently in the amount of melanin it contains.

  3. Individuals with high concentration of melanin in their skin are at a greater risk for skin cancer.

  4. It enhances the penetration of infrared radiation through the skin.

Correct Option: B

Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun stimulates melanocytes in the skin to produce more melanin, which in turn makes the skin browner. This seasonal tanning is most noticeable among light complexioned people. It has the effect of shielding the inner skin.

Which among the following best supports the fact that, contrary to Gloger's Rule, many of dark complexioned human beings reside in temperate and even arctic regions today?

  1. When a population of lighter skin people migrates into far northern areas, natural selection makes their skin dark in only in the immediate next generation.

  2. Gloger's Rule is a hypothesis that cannot be applied to unverified scenario.

  3. Human societies had become very active in moving around the planet in recent centuries.

  4. When a population of lighter skin people migrates into far northern areas, natural selection makes their skin dark in all the next generations.

Correct Option: C

The rate of evolutionary change for skin colour is much slower than the homogenizing effect of human migrations today. This process of interregional movements of societies has been accelerating, particularly since the time of Columbus.

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Gloger's rule states that

  1. there should be a purposeless distribution of people around the world who have low concentrations of skin pigmentation

  2. dark skin has a benefit for the people who live in far north latitudes

  3. dark skin has a benefit for the people who live in far south latitudes

  4. in series of generations, natural selection contributes for changes in human skin colour

Correct Option: D

There is a selective advantage for people with dark complexions in regions of intense solar radiation.  

The basis for the current treatment of urea cycle disorders is

  1. replacement of missing enzyme activity by enzyme infusion

  2. kidney transplant

  3. coenzyme replacement

  4. providing alternative pathways for excretion of ammonia

Correct Option: D

Urea cycle disorders lead to buildup of ammonia. The mainstay of current treatment is to use substances such as sodium benzoate and sodium phenylacetate to complex with ammonia, forming water soluble compounds that can be excreted in the urine. In some cases, liver transplantation is used successfully as well.

A sequence-based molecular diagnostic test reveals that an affected child has a missense mutation in a gene known to be associated with a dominantly-inherited disorder. The child is the first member of the family to be affected, and the disorder is associated with complete penetrance. The mutation has never been seen before, either in affected individuals or in controls. Which of the following would be the most powerful evidence that the mutation is pathogenic?

  1. Test both parents to see if the mutation is found only in the child.

  2. Determine whether the mutation affects an amino acid that is conserved in evolution.

  3. Examine the structure of the protein to see if the mutation has a major effect on protein function.

  4. Review the literature to see if the mutation has been reported to be pathogenic.

Correct Option: A

The child is expected to have a new mutation given that the disorder displays complete penetrance and both parents are unaffected. Therefore, one would predict that the mutation would not be found in either parent (although germline mosaicism would be possible).

Which among the following cannot cause mutation?

  1. Radiation

  2. Some chemicals

  3. Incest

  4. Some microorganisms

Correct Option: C

Incest apparently does not increase the likelihood of mutations occurring. However, it does usually increase the likelihood of children inheriting recessive conditions if the recessive allele for them already exists in the family line.

Mrs. Verma's son suffers from lactose intolerance. It is typically due to

  1. lactase inadequacy

  2. lactase leftover

  3. enzyme warfare

  4. lactase conflict

Correct Option: A

Lactose intolerance is due to an inadequate production of lactase. This enzyme breaks down or digests lactose in the digestive tract. While most babies produce sufficient amount of lactase, the gene for their production often later gets turned off.

Mr. X suffered from an upset stomach and diarrhea after drinking milk. A common cause of this problem is

  1. calcium intolerance

  2. lactose intolerance

  3. butter fat intolerance

  4. caesine intolerance

Correct Option: B

Milk sugar or lactose, is difficult for many adults to digest due to an inability of their bodies to produce enough of a particular chemical to break it down. Also, there are other possible causes of these symptoms, including allergies.

Lactase deficiency is

  1. equally common throughout the world

  2. at its highest frequency in Europe

  3. at its minimum frequency in Asia

  4. none of these

Correct Option: D

Lactase deficiency has a non-random distribution. Generally, it is the least common among Europeans. Asians and Native Americans have very high frequencies. In Africa, there are regions of extremely high frequency and others of low frequency.

The eskimos of Florida, Northern Canada and Greenland traditionally eat food that is very high in

  1. lactose

  2. lactase

  3. fats

  4. raw vegetables

Correct Option: C

Much of their diet consisted of animals fats. This provide great numbers of calories to keep their bodies warm. Dairy products were essentially non-existent for them, and vegetable foods were very scarce in their arctic environment.

The ancient Chinese custom of permanently changing the foot shape of daughters by tightly wrapping them with cloth in early childhood is an example of

  1. developmental adjustment

  2. long-term acclimatization

  3. seasonal acclimatization

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

This cultural practice had the effect of permanently altering the shape, size and position of foot bones so that their feet were smaller and subsequently, more attractive to the Chinese. This is a classic example of developmental adjustment.

During the hot summers, formation of a suntan in response to UV rays is an example of

  1. developmental adjustments

  2. long-term acclimatization

  3. seasonal acclimatization

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

Most humans are capable of tanning or producing more melanin in their skin in response to ultraviolet radiation. In the winter, usually there is less ultraviolet radiation and our bodies respond by producing less melanin.

A girl who has become taller than her parents as a consequence of good nutrition during her growing years is an example of

  1. morphological

  2. biochemical

  3. developmental adjustment

  4. mid-term acclimatization

Correct Option: C

This woman has experienced a permanent change in stature from what would likely have been the case if nutrition had been poor during her growing years. Therefore, this is an example of developmental adjustment.

Genetic change in response to an environmental stress typically takes place if the stress is

  1. severe and constant through out many generations

  2. mild and constant through out many generations

  3. very severe and short-term

  4. very severe and long-term

Correct Option: A

Natural selection is most likely to result in the genetic change of a population when a stress is severe, constant and long term. Selection usually will favour the successful adaptation resulting in its increased frequency in subsequent generations.

Sickle-cell trait was selected by nature in whole Central Africa because

  1. it provides prominent immunity to chronic anemia

  2. it provides little immunity against malaria

  3. it provides little immunity against thalassemia

  4. it provides little immunity against gout

Correct Option: B

The microscopic organisms that cause malaria are parasites on normal red blood cells. Full-blown sicklers produce abnormal and deformed red cells. As a result, they are poor hosts for this disease and are immune. However, they are frequently anemic.

People inheriting a trait that provides a biological benefit in responding to a particular environmental stress

  1. are less likely to survive

  2. are less likely to pass on their genes to their future generations

  3. neither of the above

  4. both of the above

Correct Option: C

If individuals can respond more successfully, they will usually be more healthy and vigorous. As a result, they are more likely to live longer and to reproduce. The net result will be that their genes will be more common in subsequent generations.

We generally use fire to warm our body on a very cold day. It is an example of

  1. developmental adjustment

  2. seasonal acclimatization

  3. long-term acclimatization

  4. none of these

Correct Option: D

Using fire for warmth is a cultural response to the environmental stress of a cold climate. In contrast, developmental adjustment and the two kinds of acclimatization are biological responses.

Which of the following explanations is CORRECT concerning different populations of humans in the world?

  1. They are approximately equal in their ability to handle environmental stresses such as high altitude.

  2. They are unequal in their ability to handle environmental stresses.

  3. They all are typically disclosed to the same type of environmental stresses.

  4. They remain unaffected by environmental stresses.

Correct Option: B

Natural selection has resulted in genetic differences between populations that allow them to be more or less successful in adapting to particular stresses. Populations that have been exposed to a stress generally have the best adaptation.

Mrs. XYZ is suffering from mother-fetus Rh blood type incompatibility problems. This is happening because the Rh factor of her and her fetus, respectively, are

  1. Rh positive & Rh positive

  2. Rh positive & Rh negative

  3. Rh negative & Rh positive

  4. Rh negative & Rh negative

Correct Option: C

In order for the fetus to be Rh positive, the father must also be Rh positive. As a result, when the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive (or his Rh type is unknown), doctors usually assume that there will be a serious medical problem.

Raman is Rh positive. Which among the following best describes him?

  1. He is either homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait.

  2. He will be homozygous dominant (DD).

  3. He will be homozygous recessive (dd).

  4. He may be either homozygous recessive (dd) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait.

Correct Option: A

The Rh blood factor is a dominant trait. Therefore, both homozygous dominant (DD) and heterozygous (Dd) people have Rh antigens on the surface of their red cells, which make them Rh positive.

If medical student discovered that there is a single human gene responsible for all of the various forms of physical deterioration commonly associated with cancer, it would be referred to as

  1. a modifying gene

  2. pleiotropy

  3. regulator genes

  4. operator gene

Correct Option: B

Pleiotropy is a genetic inheritance pattern in which a single gene causes or affects an entire series of traits.

The Rh mother-fetus incompatibility problems occur more severely in

  1. Europeans

  2. Africans

  3. Native Americans

  4. All are at equal risk.

Correct Option: A

Europeans have the highest frequency of Rh negative people (40%), which puts them at the highest risk for this problem. About 13% of newborn Europeans are at risk, but we can now prevent the life threatening complications in most cases.

If the father of a developing embryo is Rh positive and the mother is Rh negative, what are the chances that there will be a mother-fetus incompatibility problem? (Assuming that the lady has already had a son and 2 daughters and that there has been no medical treatment to anticipate this problem)

  1. 100%

  2. At least 50%

  3. Less than 50%

  4. 0%

Correct Option: B

If the father is homozygous dominant (DD) the chances of the fetus being Rh positive and an incompatibility problem occurring will be 100%. If the father is heterozygous (Dd), the chances are 50%. There will be no problem if the fetus is Rh negative.

If there is a single pair of alleles that controls the number of toes for an insect species and homozygous dominant individuals have 7 toes, heterozygous ones have 6 and homozygous recessive ones have 5, the inheritance pattern would be referred to as

  1. genome imprinting

  2. intermediate expression

  3. pleiotropy

  4. codominance

Correct Option: B

This hypothetical example would be an example of the intermediate expression of a trait. Apparently, this is rare. For most genes, it is expected that individuals with heterozygous genotypes will have phenotypes like homozygous dominant individuals.

If there is a gene for beauty and complexion whose effect is altered by the inheritance of another gene, the latter gene would be referred to as a

  1. sex-controlled gene

  2. modifying gene

  3. regulator gene

  4. chimeric gene

Correct Option: B

Modifying genes alter the effect of companion genes in the phenotype of an individual. A real life example is a gene that modifies the effect of a dominant cataract allele.

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