Ancient Political Scandals

Description: Test your knowledge of ancient political scandals that rocked the world.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: ancient history politics scandals
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In ancient Rome, which emperor was known for his lavish spending and extravagant lifestyle?

  1. Julius Caesar

  2. Nero

  3. Caligula

  4. Augustus

Correct Option: C

Caligula, the Roman emperor from 37 to 41 CE, was notorious for his excessive spending, including building extravagant palaces and hosting lavish parties.

Which ancient Greek leader was accused of accepting bribes from the Persian king?

  1. Themistocles

  2. Pericles

  3. Leonidas

  4. Alexander the Great

Correct Option: A

Themistocles, the Athenian general and statesman, was accused of taking bribes from the Persian king Xerxes I in exchange for favorable treatment during the Greco-Persian Wars.

In ancient China, which emperor was known for his ruthless tactics and burning of books and scholars?

  1. Qin Shi Huang

  2. Han Wudi

  3. Tang Taizong

  4. Song Taizu

Correct Option: A

Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, is remembered for his brutal rule, including the burning of books and the execution of scholars who opposed his policies.

Which ancient Egyptian pharaoh was accused of heresy and attempted to change the traditional religious beliefs?

  1. Akhenaten

  2. Tutankhamun

  3. Ramses II

  4. Hatshepsut

Correct Option: A

Akhenaten, the Egyptian pharaoh from 1353 to 1336 BCE, attempted to introduce a monotheistic religion centered around the sun god Aten, causing religious upheaval and conflict.

In ancient Greece, which politician was ostracized for his alleged attempts to establish a tyranny?

  1. Aristides

  2. Themistocles

  3. Pericles

  4. Cleon

Correct Option: A

Aristides, the Athenian statesman and general, was ostracized in 482 BCE due to concerns that his popularity and influence could lead to the establishment of a tyranny.

Which ancient Roman emperor was known for his persecution of Christians and the Great Fire of Rome?

  1. Nero

  2. Caligula

  3. Claudius

  4. Vespasian

Correct Option: A

Nero, the Roman emperor from 54 to 68 CE, is infamous for his persecution of Christians and his alleged role in the Great Fire of Rome.

In ancient India, which ruler was accused of murdering his brother to seize power?

  1. Chandragupta Maurya

  2. Ashoka

  3. Samudragupta

  4. Harshavardhana

Correct Option: A

Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Maurya Empire in India, is believed to have murdered his brother to secure his position as ruler.

Which ancient Greek leader was accused of betraying his city-state by collaborating with the Persians?

  1. Themistocles

  2. Pericles

  3. Leonidas

  4. Alcibiades

Correct Option: D

Alcibiades, the Athenian general and politician, was accused of betraying Athens by collaborating with the Persians during the Peloponnesian War.

In ancient Rome, which emperor was known for his cruelty and sadistic behavior?

  1. Nero

  2. Caligula

  3. Domitian

  4. Commodus

Correct Option: B

Caligula, the Roman emperor from 37 to 41 CE, was notorious for his cruelty, including ordering the execution of his own family members and forcing senators to watch gladiatorial contests.

Which ancient Egyptian pharaoh was accused of incest and marrying his own daughter?

  1. Akhenaten

  2. Tutankhamun

  3. Ramses II

  4. Hatshepsut

Correct Option: C

Ramses II, the Egyptian pharaoh from 1279 to 1213 BCE, was accused of marrying his own daughter, Merneptah, in order to secure his power.

In ancient Greece, which politician was accused of embezzling public funds and using them for personal gain?

  1. Pericles

  2. Themistocles

  3. Alcibiades

  4. Cleon

Correct Option: D

Cleon, the Athenian politician and general, was accused of embezzling public funds and using them to enrich himself and his supporters.

Which ancient Roman emperor was known for his lavish building projects and excessive spending?

  1. Nero

  2. Caligula

  3. Domitian

  4. Hadrian

Correct Option: A

Nero, the Roman emperor from 54 to 68 CE, is remembered for his extravagant spending on building projects, including the construction of the Domus Aurea, a lavish palace in Rome.

In ancient China, which emperor was accused of usurping the throne and eliminating his political rivals?

  1. Qin Shi Huang

  2. Han Wudi

  3. Tang Taizong

  4. Song Taizu

Correct Option: A

Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, is believed to have usurped the throne and eliminated his political rivals through ruthless tactics and purges.

Which ancient Egyptian pharaoh was accused of religious persecution and suppressing traditional beliefs?

  1. Akhenaten

  2. Tutankhamun

  3. Ramses II

  4. Hatshepsut

Correct Option: A

Akhenaten, the Egyptian pharaoh from 1353 to 1336 BCE, is known for his religious persecution of traditional Egyptian gods and his attempt to establish a monotheistic religion centered around the sun god Aten.

In ancient Greece, which politician was accused of manipulating the assembly and using demagoguery to gain power?

  1. Pericles

  2. Themistocles

  3. Alcibiades

  4. Cleon

Correct Option: D

Cleon, the Athenian politician and general, was accused of using demagoguery and manipulating the assembly to gain power and influence.

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