Theories of Economic Development

Description: This quiz covers the various theories of economic development, which attempt to explain the process by which countries achieve sustained economic growth and improve the well-being of their citizens.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: economic development economic growth development theories
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Which theory of economic development emphasizes the importance of capital accumulation and technological progress?

  1. Classical Economic Theory

  2. Marxist Economic Theory

  3. Keynesian Economic Theory

  4. Neoclassical Economic Theory

Correct Option: D

Neoclassical economic theory, also known as neoclassical growth theory, focuses on the role of capital accumulation and technological progress in driving economic growth. It suggests that increasing the stock of physical capital and human capital, as well as adopting new technologies, can lead to sustained economic growth.

According to the theory of (\text{Balanced Growth)}, what is the key to achieving economic development?

  1. Developing all sectors of the economy at the same pace

  2. Focusing on developing heavy industries

  3. Promoting exports and foreign investment

  4. Reducing government intervention in the economy

Correct Option: A

The theory of balanced growth, proposed by Ragnar Nurkse, argues that economic development requires the balanced growth of all sectors of the economy. This means that agriculture, industry, and services should all grow at similar rates to avoid bottlenecks and imbalances that can hinder overall economic progress.

Which theory of economic development emphasizes the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in driving economic growth?

  1. Schumpeterian Economic Theory

  2. Rostow's Stages of Growth Theory

  3. Dependency Theory

  4. New Economic Geography Theory

Correct Option: A

Schumpeterian economic theory, developed by Joseph Schumpeter, emphasizes the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in driving economic growth. It suggests that entrepreneurs who introduce new products, processes, or business models can create economic growth and disrupt existing industries.

What is the central idea behind (\text{Rostow's Stages of Growth Theory)}?

  1. Economic development occurs in a linear and predictable sequence of stages

  2. Developing countries should focus on import substitution industrialization

  3. Economic growth is driven by the exploitation of natural resources

  4. Foreign aid is the key to achieving economic development

Correct Option: A

Rostow's stages of growth theory, proposed by Walt Rostow, suggests that economic development occurs in a linear and predictable sequence of stages. These stages include the traditional society, the preconditions for takeoff, the takeoff, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass consumption.

Which theory of economic development argues that developing countries are exploited by developed countries through trade and investment?

  1. Dependency Theory

  2. Modernization Theory

  3. World Systems Theory

  4. Structuralist Theory

Correct Option: A

Dependency theory, associated with scholars such as Andre Gunder Frank and Samir Amin, argues that developing countries are exploited by developed countries through trade and investment. It suggests that the economic structures and policies of developed countries perpetuate the underdevelopment of developing countries.

What is the (\text{Big Push)} theory of economic development?

  1. A sudden and rapid increase in investment to overcome economic stagnation

  2. A gradual and sustained increase in investment over time

  3. A focus on developing export-oriented industries

  4. A policy of import substitution industrialization

Correct Option: A

The big push theory, proposed by Paul Rosenstein-Rodan, suggests that a sudden and rapid increase in investment can overcome economic stagnation and initiate sustained economic growth. It argues that a large-scale investment program can create multiple industries simultaneously, generating positive externalities and stimulating overall economic activity.

Which theory of economic development emphasizes the importance of human capital and education in driving economic growth?

  1. Human Capital Theory

  2. New Economic Geography Theory

  3. Endogenous Growth Theory

  4. Institutional Economics Theory

Correct Option: A

Human capital theory, developed by economists such as Theodore Schultz and Gary Becker, emphasizes the importance of human capital, including education, skills, and knowledge, in driving economic growth. It suggests that investing in human capital can increase productivity, innovation, and economic growth.

What is the (\text{Dual Sector Model)} of economic development?

  1. A model that divides the economy into two sectors: traditional and modern

  2. A model that divides the economy into two sectors: rural and urban

  3. A model that divides the economy into two sectors: formal and informal

  4. A model that divides the economy into two sectors: public and private

Correct Option: A

The dual sector model, developed by economists such as W. Arthur Lewis, divides the economy into two sectors: traditional and modern. The traditional sector is characterized by low productivity and subsistence farming, while the modern sector is characterized by high productivity and modern technology.

Which theory of economic development argues that economic growth is driven by the accumulation of knowledge and technological change?

  1. Endogenous Growth Theory

  2. New Economic Geography Theory

  3. Institutional Economics Theory

  4. Behavioral Economics Theory

Correct Option: A

Endogenous growth theory, developed by economists such as Paul Romer and Robert Lucas, argues that economic growth is driven by the accumulation of knowledge and technological change. It suggests that knowledge and technology are not exogenous factors but are generated within the economic system itself.

What is the (\text{New Economic Geography Theory)} of economic development?

  1. A theory that explains the spatial distribution of economic activity

  2. A theory that explains the relationship between economic growth and inequality

  3. A theory that explains the role of institutions in economic development

  4. A theory that explains the impact of trade on economic growth

Correct Option: A

The new economic geography theory, developed by economists such as Paul Krugman, explains the spatial distribution of economic activity. It suggests that agglomeration economies and transportation costs play a significant role in determining the location of economic activity and the formation of economic clusters.

Which theory of economic development emphasizes the role of institutions and governance in driving economic growth?

  1. Institutional Economics Theory

  2. Behavioral Economics Theory

  3. Evolutionary Economics Theory

  4. Complexity Economics Theory

Correct Option: A

Institutional economics theory, associated with economists such as Douglass North and Oliver Williamson, emphasizes the role of institutions and governance in driving economic growth. It suggests that well-defined property rights, efficient legal systems, and effective government policies can create a favorable environment for economic development.

What is the (\text{Behavioral Economics Theory)} of economic development?

  1. A theory that incorporates psychological factors into economic decision-making

  2. A theory that explains the role of culture in economic development

  3. A theory that explains the impact of social networks on economic growth

  4. A theory that explains the relationship between economic growth and happiness

Correct Option: A

Behavioral economics theory, developed by economists such as Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler, incorporates psychological factors into economic decision-making. It suggests that individuals' cognitive biases, heuristics, and emotions can influence their economic choices and behavior.

Which theory of economic development emphasizes the role of evolutionary processes and adaptation in driving economic growth?

  1. Evolutionary Economics Theory

  2. Complexity Economics Theory

  3. Ecological Economics Theory

  4. Feminist Economics Theory

Correct Option: A

Evolutionary economics theory, associated with economists such as Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter, emphasizes the role of evolutionary processes and adaptation in driving economic growth. It suggests that economic systems evolve over time through a process of variation, selection, and retention of successful strategies.

What is the (\text{Complexity Economics Theory)} of economic development?

  1. A theory that explains the emergence of complex economic systems

  2. A theory that explains the relationship between economic growth and environmental sustainability

  3. A theory that explains the impact of technology on economic development

  4. A theory that explains the role of gender in economic development

Correct Option: A

Complexity economics theory, associated with economists such as Brian Arthur and W. Brian Arthur, explains the emergence of complex economic systems. It suggests that economic systems are complex adaptive systems that exhibit self-organization, emergence, and path dependence.

Which theory of economic development emphasizes the need for sustainable development and environmental protection?

  1. Ecological Economics Theory

  2. Feminist Economics Theory

  3. Post-Development Theory

  4. Degrowth Economics Theory

Correct Option: A

Ecological economics theory, developed by economists such as Herman Daly and Robert Costanza, emphasizes the need for sustainable development and environmental protection. It suggests that economic activities should be conducted within the limits of the Earth's ecological systems to ensure long-term sustainability.

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