Election Polls and Surveys

Description: This quiz covers the concepts and methods used in election polls and surveys.
Number of Questions: 14
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Tags: election polls surveys political science public opinion
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What is the primary purpose of an election poll?

  1. To predict the outcome of an election

  2. To gauge public opinion on candidates and issues

  3. To inform voters about the candidates and issues

  4. To increase voter turnout

Correct Option: B

Election polls aim to measure the level of support for different candidates or political parties among the electorate.

What is the difference between a poll and a survey?

  1. Polls are conducted before an election, while surveys are conducted after an election

  2. Polls are conducted to predict the outcome of an election, while surveys are conducted to understand voter behavior

  3. Polls are conducted among a sample of the population, while surveys are conducted among the entire population

  4. Polls are conducted by government agencies, while surveys are conducted by private organizations

Correct Option: B

Polls are designed to estimate the level of support for different candidates or parties, while surveys aim to understand the factors that influence voter behavior.

What is the most common type of election poll?

  1. Telephone poll

  2. Internet poll

  3. Mail poll

  4. In-person poll

Correct Option: A

Telephone polls are the most widely used method of conducting election polls due to their relatively low cost and ease of administration.

What is the margin of error in an election poll?

  1. The percentage of respondents who are undecided

  2. The difference between the number of respondents who support a candidate and the number who oppose them

  3. The range of values within which the true population proportion is likely to fall

  4. The number of respondents who are ineligible to vote

Correct Option: C

The margin of error represents the amount of uncertainty associated with the poll results due to sampling error.

What is the difference between a random sample and a convenience sample?

  1. A random sample is selected from the entire population, while a convenience sample is selected from a specific group of people

  2. A random sample is selected using a probability-based method, while a convenience sample is selected using a non-probability-based method

  3. A random sample is more representative of the population than a convenience sample

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

A random sample is selected from the entire population using a probability-based method, which ensures that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. A convenience sample, on the other hand, is selected from a specific group of people, such as those who are easily accessible or willing to participate, which may not be representative of the entire population.

What is the response rate in a survey?

  1. The percentage of people who are contacted for the survey

  2. The percentage of people who agree to participate in the survey

  3. The percentage of people who complete the survey

  4. The percentage of people who are eligible to vote

Correct Option: C

The response rate is the percentage of people who are contacted for the survey and who agree to participate and complete the survey.

What is the difference between a leading question and a neutral question?

  1. A leading question is designed to influence the respondent's answer, while a neutral question is not

  2. A leading question is more likely to produce a biased response than a neutral question

  3. A leading question is more likely to produce a socially desirable response than a neutral question

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

A leading question is designed to influence the respondent's answer by suggesting a particular response or by using emotionally charged language. Leading questions are more likely to produce biased and socially desirable responses than neutral questions, which are designed to be objective and unbiased.

What is the purpose of weighting in a survey?

  1. To adjust the sample to match the population on certain demographic characteristics

  2. To reduce the margin of error

  3. To increase the response rate

  4. To make the survey more representative of the population

Correct Option: A

Weighting is a statistical technique used to adjust the sample to match the population on certain demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, race, and education. This helps to ensure that the survey results are representative of the population as a whole.

What is the difference between a cross-sectional survey and a longitudinal survey?

  1. A cross-sectional survey collects data from a sample of the population at a single point in time, while a longitudinal survey collects data from the same sample of people over a period of time

  2. A cross-sectional survey is more expensive to conduct than a longitudinal survey

  3. A cross-sectional survey is more likely to produce biased results than a longitudinal survey

  4. A cross-sectional survey is more likely to produce generalizable results than a longitudinal survey

Correct Option: A

A cross-sectional survey collects data from a sample of the population at a single point in time, while a longitudinal survey collects data from the same sample of people over a period of time. Longitudinal surveys are more expensive to conduct than cross-sectional surveys, but they can provide more detailed information about changes in attitudes and behaviors over time.

What is the difference between a qualitative research method and a quantitative research method?

  1. Qualitative research methods collect data in the form of words, while quantitative research methods collect data in the form of numbers

  2. Qualitative research methods are more subjective than quantitative research methods

  3. Qualitative research methods are more exploratory than quantitative research methods

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Qualitative research methods collect data in the form of words, while quantitative research methods collect data in the form of numbers. Qualitative research methods are more subjective and exploratory than quantitative research methods, which are more objective and confirmatory.

What is the purpose of a focus group?

  1. To generate ideas for a new product or service

  2. To test the effectiveness of a new advertising campaign

  3. To gather in-depth information about people's attitudes and beliefs

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

A focus group is a small group of people who are brought together to discuss a particular topic in depth. Focus groups are used to gather in-depth information about people's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

What is the difference between a content analysis and a discourse analysis?

  1. Content analysis focuses on the manifest content of a text, while discourse analysis focuses on the latent content

  2. Content analysis is more quantitative than discourse analysis

  3. Content analysis is more objective than discourse analysis

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Content analysis focuses on the manifest content of a text, while discourse analysis focuses on the latent content. Content analysis is more quantitative than discourse analysis, which is more qualitative. Content analysis is also more objective than discourse analysis, which is more subjective.

What is the purpose of a meta-analysis?

  1. To combine the results of multiple studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon

  2. To identify the most effective research methods for studying a particular phenomenon

  3. To develop new theories and hypotheses

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

A meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines the results of multiple studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon. Meta-analyses can be used to identify the most effective research methods for studying a particular phenomenon, to develop new theories and hypotheses, and to make recommendations for policy and practice.

What is the difference between a correlation and a causal relationship?

  1. A correlation is a relationship between two variables, while a causal relationship is a relationship in which one variable causes the other

  2. A correlation can be positive or negative, while a causal relationship is always positive

  3. A correlation can be strong or weak, while a causal relationship is always strong

  4. A correlation can be spurious, while a causal relationship is always real

Correct Option: A

A correlation is a relationship between two variables, while a causal relationship is a relationship in which one variable causes the other. A correlation can be positive or negative, strong or weak, and spurious or real. A causal relationship, on the other hand, is always positive, strong, and real.

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