Post-Structuralism and the Rise of New Forms of Literary Criticism

Description: Post-Structuralism and the Rise of New Forms of Literary Criticism
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Tags: post-structuralism literary criticism theory
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Which of the following is a key concept in post-structuralist literary criticism?

  1. Deconstruction

  2. Structuralism

  3. New Criticism

  4. Formalism

Correct Option: A

Deconstruction is a critical approach that seeks to reveal the hidden assumptions and power structures embedded in texts.

Who is considered to be the founder of post-structuralism?

  1. Jacques Derrida

  2. Michel Foucault

  3. Roland Barthes

  4. Julia Kristeva

Correct Option: A

Jacques Derrida is widely regarded as the founder of post-structuralism, with his work on deconstruction having a profound impact on literary criticism.

Which of the following is a key text in post-structuralist literary criticism?

  1. Of Grammatology

  2. Discipline and Punish

  3. S/Z

  4. The Death of the Author

Correct Option: A

Of Grammatology is a seminal work by Jacques Derrida that explores the relationship between writing and meaning, and is considered a foundational text in post-structuralist literary criticism.

What is the central idea behind deconstruction?

  1. To reveal the hidden assumptions and power structures in texts

  2. To analyze the structure of texts

  3. To evaluate the aesthetic qualities of texts

  4. To interpret the meaning of texts

Correct Option: A

Deconstruction seeks to expose the hidden assumptions and power structures that shape the meaning of texts, rather than simply interpreting their surface meaning.

Which of the following is a key concept in Michel Foucault's work?

  1. Discourse

  2. Power

  3. Knowledge

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Discourse, power, and knowledge are all central concepts in Michel Foucault's work, as he explores the ways in which they shape and are shaped by social and cultural practices.

What is the central idea behind Roland Barthes' concept of the 'death of the author'?

  1. The author's intention is irrelevant to the meaning of a text

  2. The author is dead and cannot be resurrected

  3. The author is a fictional construct

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Barthes' concept of the 'death of the author' encompasses all of these ideas, arguing that the author's intention is not the sole determinant of a text's meaning, and that the text itself is open to multiple interpretations.

Which of the following is a key concept in Julia Kristeva's work?

  1. Abjection

  2. Intertextuality

  3. Bakhtinian dialogism

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Kristeva's work encompasses a range of concepts, including abjection, intertextuality, and Bakhtinian dialogism, as she explores the relationship between language, subjectivity, and the social world.

How did post-structuralism challenge traditional notions of authorship?

  1. By arguing that the author's intention is irrelevant to the meaning of a text

  2. By suggesting that the author is a fictional construct

  3. By emphasizing the role of the reader in constructing meaning

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Post-structuralism challenged traditional notions of authorship by arguing that the author's intention is not the sole determinant of a text's meaning, that the author is a fictional construct, and that the reader plays an active role in constructing meaning.

How did post-structuralism influence the way literary texts are analyzed?

  1. It led to a focus on the hidden assumptions and power structures in texts

  2. It encouraged a more open and多元化的 approach to interpretation

  3. It emphasized the importance of context and intertextuality

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Post-structuralism influenced the way literary texts are analyzed by leading to a focus on the hidden assumptions and power structures in texts, encouraging a more open and多元化的 approach to interpretation, and emphasizing the importance of context and intertextuality.

Which of the following is a key concept in post-structuralist feminist literary criticism?

  1. Phallogocentrism

  2. The female gaze

  3. écriture féminine

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Phallogocentrism, the female gaze, and écriture féminine are all key concepts in post-structuralist feminist literary criticism, as they explore the ways in which gender and sexuality shape the production and reception of literary texts.

How did post-structuralism influence the development of new forms of literary criticism?

  1. It led to the emergence of reader-response criticism

  2. It encouraged the development of cultural studies

  3. It contributed to the rise of postcolonial criticism

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Post-structuralism influenced the development of new forms of literary criticism, including reader-response criticism, cultural studies, and postcolonial criticism, by challenging traditional notions of authorship, meaning, and interpretation.

Which of the following is a key figure in post-structuralist Marxist literary criticism?

  1. Fredric Jameson

  2. Terry Eagleton

  3. Slavoj Žižek

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton, and Slavoj Žižek are all key figures in post-structuralist Marxist literary criticism, as they have explored the relationship between capitalism, ideology, and literary texts.

How did post-structuralism influence the way literary texts are taught?

  1. It led to a focus on close reading and textual analysis

  2. It encouraged a more open and多元化的 approach to interpretation

  3. It emphasized the importance of context and intertextuality

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Post-structuralism influenced the way literary texts are taught by leading to a focus on close reading and textual analysis, encouraging a more open and多元化的 approach to interpretation, and emphasizing the importance of context and intertextuality.

Which of the following is a key concept in post-structuralist ecocriticism?

  1. The Anthropocene

  2. Posthumanism

  3. Material ecocriticism

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The Anthropocene, posthumanism, and material ecocriticism are all key concepts in post-structuralist ecocriticism, as they explore the relationship between humans and the environment in the context of post-structuralist thought.

How has post-structuralism influenced the way literary theory is understood and practiced today?

  1. It has led to a more open and多元化的 approach to interpretation

  2. It has encouraged a focus on the hidden assumptions and power structures in texts

  3. It has emphasized the importance of context and intertextuality

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Post-structuralism has influenced the way literary theory is understood and practiced today by leading to a more open and多元化的 approach to interpretation, encouraging a focus on the hidden assumptions and power structures in texts, and emphasizing the importance of context and intertextuality.

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