Digestive System

Description: digestion Physiology of Digestion DigestionAlimentary CanalAlimentary Canal AnatomyDigestive System of HumanMinerals and VitaminsImportance and Deficieny Symptoms of VitaminsTypes of Nutrients
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Tags: digestion Physiology of Digestion Digestion Alimentary Canal Alimentary Canal Anatomy Digestive System of Human Minerals and Vitamins Importance and Deficieny Symptoms of Vitamins Types of Nutrients
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The cells of pancreas are not autodigested by their enzymes as ___________.

  1. its cells are covered by mucus

  2. enzymes are secreted in their inactive forms

  3. enzymes are secreted in active form

  4. these enzymes do not have coenzymes

  5. autodigestion occurs but the cells are renewed many times in the pancreas

Correct Option: B

This is true that enzymes secreted in the inactive form such as their pro form stops the autodigestion of pancreas from the active forms of the same enzymes.

When a dilute solution of glucose reaches the small intestine it is _______.

  1. absorbed rapidly by active transport with sodium ions

  2. absorbed by facilitated diffusion like fructose

  3. lost with undigested food as its concentration is very low

  4. absorbed rapidly by passive transport

  5. absorbed slowly

Correct Option: A

Glucose is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine along with sodium ions by the process called as active transport by co transport.

An organism living in the intestine of man and consuming undigested food without any harm, such relationship is called as ________.

  1. parasitism

  2. commensalism

  3. protocooperation

  4. mutualism

  5. autotrophic nutrition

Correct Option: D

Mutualism is the way two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual benefits.

Which of the following is not shown by vitamins?

  1. digestion

  2. metabolism

  3. growth

  4. release of energy

  5. antioxidants

Correct Option: A

Digestion is not performed by vitamins.

There is an increase in beta cells of langerhans in ________.

  1. hyperinsulinaemia

  2. hypoglycemia

  3. hypoinsulinaemia

  4. hyperinsulinaemia and hypoglycemia

  5. diabetes mellitus

Correct Option: A

Hyperinsulinaemia is a condition in which there are excess levels of insulin circulating in the blood than expected.

Digestion of both starch and proteins is done by ___________.

  1. gastric lipase

  2. gastric juice

  3. pancreatic juice

  4. ptyalin

  5. bile juice

Correct Option: C

A clear alkaline secretion of the pancreas containing enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Which of the following vitamin should be consumed daily?

  1. Fat soluble

  2. Water soluble

  3. Ether soluble vitamins

  4. Terpene soluble vitamins

  5. Fat and water soluble vitamins both

Correct Option: B

As water soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body,  hence these are required on the daily basis.

If we take food in lime juice then action of ptyalin on starch __________.

  1. is enhanced

  2. is reduced

  3. is unaffected

  4. stops

  5. first increases then decreases

Correct Option: D

Activity of ptyalin completely stops in very acidic medium.

When a woman takes dairy products she complains of diarrhoea and stomach aches. She does not complains when she consumes food other than the dairy products. She is suffering with deficiency of which of these enzymes?

  1. Renin

  2. Lactase

  3. Lipase

  4. Trypsin

  5. Ptyalin

Correct Option: B

Any of a group of enzymes found in the small intestine, liver, and kidney of mammals that catalyze the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar) into the simple sugars.

The function of ductus choledochus is to carry ________.

  1. ova

  2. bile and pancreatic juice

  3. urine

  4. sperms

  5. bile

Correct Option: B

Common bile duct is also called as ductus choledocus. It conducts both bile and pancreatic juice.

Which of the following is the best source of vitamin C?

  1. Glycine max

  2. Arachis hypogea

  3. Embalica officinalis

  4. Citrus indica

  5. Oryza sativa

Correct Option: C

It is amla,  which is considered as one of the good sources of vitamin C.

Hastate plate is present in which part of the alimentry canal?

  1. Cardiac stomach

  2. Pyloric stomach

  3. Fundic stomach

  4. Ileum

  5. Rectum

Correct Option: A

The anterior end of the stomach is situated near the diaphragm,  which is right beneath the heart and that is the reason why it is branded as the Cardiac Stomach. Hastate plate makes the mid-ventral floor of cardiac stomach.

Which of the following does not produce any digestive enzyme?

  1. Mouth

  2. Liver

  3. Pancreas

  4. Gastric mucosa

  5. Intestine

Correct Option: B

Liver does not secretes any enzyme. Bile juice is produced here.

Burning feet syndrome is due to the deficiency of which vitamin?

  1. Vitamin D

  2. Vitamin A

  3. Vitamin B3

  4. Vitamin B5

  5. Vitamin B1

Correct Option: C

Vitamin B3 is also called as niacin. Its deficiency results in burning feet syndrome.

Formation of glucose from lipids is called _________.

  1. gluconeogenesis

  2. glycognesis

  3. glycogenolysis

  4. lipogenesis

  5. lipolysis

Correct Option: A

It is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate, fats, etc.

One of the following is nutritionally essential amino acids. This is _________.

  1. tryptophan

  2. histidine

  3. gLycine

  4. proline

  5. arginine

Correct Option: A

An essential amino acid or indispensable amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized natively by the organism being considered, and therefore must be supplied in its diet.

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