Arguments from the Problem of Divine Hiddenness

Description: Arguments from the Problem of Divine Hiddenness
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Tags: philosophy philosophy of religion arguments from the problem of divine hiddenness
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Which philosopher is most closely associated with the Problem of Divine Hiddenness?

  1. William Paley

  2. David Hume

  3. John Stuart Mill

  4. Bertrand Russell

Correct Option: D

Bertrand Russell is widely regarded as the philosopher who most prominently articulated the Problem of Divine Hiddenness.

What is the central argument of the Problem of Divine Hiddenness?

  1. If God exists, He would reveal Himself to us.

  2. The existence of evil is evidence against the existence of God.

  3. The universe is too vast and complex for God to control.

  4. The laws of nature are evidence of God's design.

Correct Option: A

The Problem of Divine Hiddenness argues that if God exists, He would reveal Himself to us in a way that is undeniable. Since He has not done so, it is reasonable to conclude that He does not exist.

Which of the following is a common response to the Problem of Divine Hiddenness?

  1. God is hidden because He wants us to have faith.

  2. God is hidden because He is testing our faith.

  3. God is hidden because He is transcendent and beyond our understanding.

  4. God is hidden because He does not exist.

Correct Option: A

One common response to the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is that God is hidden because He wants us to have faith. If God were to reveal Himself in an undeniable way, then there would be no need for faith.

What is the main objection to the response that God is hidden because He wants us to have faith?

  1. It is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason.

  2. It assumes that God is benevolent and desires our good.

  3. It fails to explain why God would hide Himself from some people but not others.

  4. It is incompatible with the idea of a loving and compassionate God.

Correct Option: A

The main objection to the response that God is hidden because He wants us to have faith is that it is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason. Faith is not simply the opposite of reason; it is a kind of knowledge that is based on evidence and experience. There is no reason why God could not reveal Himself to us in a way that is both rational and convincing.

Which philosopher argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for theism in general, not just for Christianity?

  1. William James

  2. John Hick

  3. Alvin Plantinga

  4. J.L. Mackie

Correct Option: D

J.L. Mackie argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for theism in general, not just for Christianity. He argued that any god who is worthy of worship would reveal Himself to us in a clear and unambiguous way. Since no such god has revealed Himself, it is reasonable to conclude that no such god exists.

What is the main objection to Mackie's argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for theism in general?

  1. It assumes that God is benevolent and desires our good.

  2. It fails to take into account the possibility of a hidden God.

  3. It is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason.

  4. It is incompatible with the idea of a loving and compassionate God.

Correct Option: B

The main objection to Mackie's argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for theism in general is that it fails to take into account the possibility of a hidden God. It is possible that God exists, but that He has chosen to hide Himself from us for some reason. This possibility cannot be ruled out by Mackie's argument.

Which philosopher argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness can be solved by appealing to the idea of a hidden God?

  1. William James

  2. John Hick

  3. Alvin Plantinga

  4. J.L. Mackie

Correct Option: B

John Hick argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness can be solved by appealing to the idea of a hidden God. He argued that God is hidden because He is transcendent and beyond our understanding. He also argued that God may have chosen to hide Himself from us in order to give us the freedom to choose whether or not to believe in Him.

What is the main objection to Hick's argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness can be solved by appealing to the idea of a hidden God?

  1. It is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason.

  2. It assumes that God is benevolent and desires our good.

  3. It fails to explain why God would hide Himself from some people but not others.

  4. It is incompatible with the idea of a loving and compassionate God.

Correct Option: C

The main objection to Hick's argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness can be solved by appealing to the idea of a hidden God is that it fails to explain why God would hide Himself from some people but not others. If God is truly loving and compassionate, then it seems that He would want to reveal Himself to everyone, not just to a select few.

Which philosopher argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for Christianity, but not for other religions?

  1. William James

  2. John Hick

  3. Alvin Plantinga

  4. J.L. Mackie

Correct Option: C

Alvin Plantinga argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for Christianity, but not for other religions. He argued that Christianity is unique in its claim that God has revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ. Since there is no evidence to support this claim, Plantinga concluded that Christianity is false.

What is the main objection to Plantinga's argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for Christianity, but not for other religions?

  1. It assumes that God is benevolent and desires our good.

  2. It fails to take into account the possibility of a hidden God.

  3. It is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason.

  4. It is incompatible with the idea of a loving and compassionate God.

Correct Option: B

The main objection to Plantinga's argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for Christianity, but not for other religions, is that it fails to take into account the possibility of a hidden God. It is possible that God exists, but that He has chosen to hide Himself from us for some reason. This possibility cannot be ruled out by Plantinga's argument.

Which of the following is a common criticism of the Problem of Divine Hiddenness?

  1. It is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason.

  2. It assumes that God is benevolent and desires our good.

  3. It fails to take into account the possibility of a hidden God.

  4. It is incompatible with the idea of a loving and compassionate God.

Correct Option: A

A common criticism of the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is that it is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason. Faith is not simply the opposite of reason; it is a kind of knowledge that is based on evidence and experience. There is no reason why God could not reveal Himself to us in a way that is both rational and convincing.

Which of the following is a common response to the criticism that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason?

  1. God is hidden because He wants us to have faith.

  2. God is hidden because He is testing our faith.

  3. God is hidden because He is transcendent and beyond our understanding.

  4. God is hidden because He does not exist.

Correct Option: A

One common response to the criticism that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is based on a false dichotomy between faith and reason is that God is hidden because He wants us to have faith. If God were to reveal Himself to us in an undeniable way, then there would be no need for faith.

Which of the following is a common objection to the response that God is hidden because He wants us to have faith?

  1. It assumes that God is benevolent and desires our good.

  2. It fails to explain why God would hide Himself from some people but not others.

  3. It is incompatible with the idea of a loving and compassionate God.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

All of the above objections are commonly raised against the response that God is hidden because He wants us to have faith. These objections point to the fact that this response is not fully satisfactory and that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness remains a challenge for theism.

In the context of the Problem of Divine Hiddenness, what is the term used to describe the idea that God may have chosen to hide Himself from us for some reason?

  1. Divine transcendence

  2. Divine hiddenness

  3. Divine aseity

  4. Divine omnipotence

Correct Option: B

In the context of the Problem of Divine Hiddenness, the term 'divine hiddenness' is used to describe the idea that God may have chosen to hide Himself from us for some reason. This idea is often used as a response to the argument that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for theism.

Which philosopher argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for all forms of theism, including natural theology?

  1. William James

  2. John Hick

  3. Alvin Plantinga

  4. J.L. Mackie

Correct Option: D

J.L. Mackie argued that the Problem of Divine Hiddenness is a problem for all forms of theism, including natural theology. He argued that any god who is worthy of worship would reveal Himself to us in a clear and unambiguous way. Since no such god has revealed Himself, it is reasonable to conclude that no such god exists.

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