Biology Test

Description: This test is bases on certain topics from biology which are highly beneficial for learning aspirants.
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Genes heredity Mendel haemophlilia primates catastrophism linkage variations etc DNA Replication Replication of DNA Mutation Cytoplasmic Inheritance Genetics and Evolution Gene Expression and Regulation Regulation of Gene Expression
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Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which of the following is used as the mainstay of treatment of hemochromatosis?

  1. Phlebotomy

  2. Blood transfusion

  3. Chelation therapy

  4. Iron therapy

Correct Option: A

Hemochromatosis results in iron overload, which is typically treated by phlebotomy.

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Testing an individual for HLA haplotype to determine risk of an autoimmune disease would be an example of

  1. diagnostic tests

  2. screening tests

  3. predispositional test

  4. predictive testing

Correct Option: C

Determination of HLA haplotype is based on association of particular haplotype with risk of disease, particularly an auto-immune disease. 

How many alleles can result from an individual restriction fragment length polymorphism?

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. Any number

Correct Option: A

There can be only two alleles representing either the enzyme cutting or not cutting the polymorphic site.

Which of the following types of DNA replication or repair systems is dysfunctional in individuals with xeroderma pigmentosum?

  1. Base excision repair

  2. Mismatch repair

  3. Nucleotide excision repair

  4. Direct DNA damage

Correct Option: A

Base excision repair, involved in removal of thymidine dimers, is defective in individuals with xeroderma pigmentosum.

If one starts a polymerase chain reaction with a single copy of a DNA sequence approximately, how many copies will be present after 10 cycles of amplification?

  1. 10

  2. 1000

  3. 10,000

  4. 1,00,000

Correct Option: B

PCR reaction is exponential. After 10 cycles of amplification, one expects approximately 210 copies, or around 1000.

A dominantly inherited trait affects a child and his grandmother, but neither parent. This best illustrates which of the following principles?

  1. Variable expressivity

  2. Somatic mosaicism

  3. Non-penetrance

  4. New mutation

Correct Option: C

A skipped generation for a dominant trait is an example of non-penetrance.

A mutation results in production of a protein that inhibits the action of other proteins resulting in an abnormal phenotype. The most likely mode of inheritance would be

  1. autosomal dominant

  2. autosomal recessive

  3. X-linked recessive

  4. mitochondrial

Correct Option: A

Such a mutation would cause a phenotype in the heterozygous state and therefore would be a dominant trait.

A 15 year old boy develops a disorder, which is present in his father and no one else in the family is known to be affected. Which of the following modes of inheritance is least likely?

  1. Autosomal recessive

  2. Autosomal dominant

  3. X-linked recessive

  4. Sex-linked dominant

Correct Option: C

An X-linked trait does not display male to male transmission. Any of the others are possible, including autosomal recessive, if the mother is also heterozygous (pseudo-dominant transmission).

Which of the following cloning vectors is designed to accommodate the largest size DNA insert?

  1. YAC

  2. Plasmid

  3. Phage

  4. Cosmid

Correct Option: A

The yeast artificial chromosome can accommodate several hundred thousand base pairs to upwards of a million.

Which of the following explanations about a dominant genetic trait subject to genomic imprinting is FALSE?

  1. In a given family, only males or females will be affected.

  2. The trait may appear to skip generations.

  3. Affected individuals will always inherit the mutation from either the mother or father, but not both.

  4. Severity of the phenotype will be independent of sex of the affected individual.

Correct Option: A

For an inherited trait subject to imprinting, the phenotype will only be expressed when it is inherited from the parent whose copy is expressed in the next generation.

Which of the following explanations about restriction endonucleases is FALSE?

  1. The enzymes are natural products of bacteria.

  2. The enzymes cut DNA at defined sequences.

  3. The enzymes cut only single-stranded DNA molecules.

  4. The enzymes are named because they restrict the growth of bacteriophage.

Correct Option: C

Restriction endonucleases cut double stranded DNA and are made by bacteria, where they cut DNA injected into the cells by bacteriophage.

The basis for the current treatment of urea cycle disorder is

  1. replacement of missing enzyme activity by enzyme infusion

  2. providing alternative pathways for excretion of ammonia

  3. coenzyme replacement

  4. kidney transplant

Correct Option: B

Urea cycle disorders lead to buildup of ammonia. The mainstay of current treatment is to use substances such as sodium benzoate and sodium phenylacetate to complex with ammonia, forming water soluble compounds that can be excreted in the urine.

Which of the following represents the clones of a cDNA library?

  1. mRNA

  2. Genomic DNA

  3. Intron

  4. Exons

Correct Option: A

A cDNA library is created by using reverse transcriptase to copy mRNA into DNA, which is subsequently cloned. Each cDNA is homologous to a distinct mRNA molecule.

Which of the following is involved in targeting enzymes to the lysosome?

  1. Mannose-6-phosphate

  2. Phosphorylation of tyrosine

  3. Cleavage of N-terminus of protein

  4. Cleavage of C-terminus of protein

Correct Option: A

Modification of the protein by addition of mannose-6-phosphate is involved in targeting enzymes to the lysosome.

Which of the following inborn errors of metabolism can be treated by enzyme infusion?

  1. Galactosemia

  2. Dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) deficiency

  3. Canavan disease

  4. Gaucher disease

Correct Option: D

Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disorder that can be treated by enzyme infusion.

Which of the following defines a sequence in dysmorphology?

  1. Multiple anomalies attributed to mutation in a specific gene.

  2. Non-random happening of multiple anomalies is more frequent than expected by chance.

  3. Set of anomalies that can be attributed to consequences of a single aberrant developmental event.

  4. Set of anomalies resulting from damage to a fetal structure.

Correct Option: C

A sequence is a set of anomalies that result as a consequence of a single primary malformation.

Developmental anomalies associated with basal cell nevus syndrome are believed to occur as a result of

  1. homozygous mutation of a tumor suppressor gene

  2. gain of function mutation

  3. haploinsufficiency

  4. loss-of-function mutation

Correct Option: C

Haploinsufficiency is believed to explain the developmental anomalies, whereas tumors form as a consequence of homozygous mutation by a tumor suppressor mechanism.

Failure to produce Mullerian-inhibiting substance in a human male would result in

  1. deficit of formation of a testis

  2. breast development in human males at puberty

  3. deficit of virilization of the phallus

  4. presence of a uterus

Correct Option: D

Mullerian-inhibiting substance prevents development of Mullerian ducts into a uterus and fallopian tubes. Absence of the substance would lead to persistence of these structures in a male.

Hox genes encode proteins with which of the following properties?

  1. Presence of DNA-binding domain

  2. Transport to lysosome

  3. Binding of extracellular ligands in the cell membrane

  4. Secretion from the cell

Correct Option: A

Hox gene products contain a DNA-binding domain and function as transcription factors.

Which of the following would most likely explain a 46, XX individual with development of testes?

  1. Mutation of SOX9 gene

  2. Presence of excessive androgen during in utero development

  3. Translocation of SRY from the Y to an autosome

  4. Chimerism with a 46, XY cell line

Correct Option: C

Development of the testes requires the presence and function of SRY.

Cirrhosis occurring in a 25 year woman suffering from thalassemia would be a consequence of

  1. iron overload

  2. toxicity due to chelation therapy

  3. hepatitis infection due to transfusion

  4. chronic anemia

Correct Option: A

Cirrhosis in individuals with thalassemia would be the result of chronic iron overload, although chelation therapy can prevent this from occurring.

The high prevalence of beta thalassemia mutation in Sardinia is best attributed to

  1. heterozygote advantage

  2. high mutation rate

  3. genetic drift

  4. low frequency of consanguinity

Correct Option: A

Carriers for a beta thalassemia mutation are relatively resistant to malaria, which confers a heterozygote advantage in this region of the world.

Tay-Sachs disease carrier screening is most commonly done by

  1. enzyme assay

  2. DNA-based testing

  3. ophthalmological testing searching for a cherry-red spot

  4. analysis of a blood smear

Correct Option: A

Carriers for Tay-Sachs disease are most commonly screened by enzyme assay.

A major limitation of DNA-based carrier screening in cystic fibrosis is

  1. germline mosaicism

  2. laboratory errors in mutation analysis

  3. negative carrier testing

  4. incomplete ascertainment of mutations

Correct Option: D

The current approach to carrier detection involves testing of a limited panel of mutations, which results in failure to detect some of the rarer CFTR mutations.

The most significant limitation of molecular analysis of the HFE gene for screening for hemochromatosis in individuals of northern European descent is

  1. non-penetrance

  2. allelic heterogeneity

  3. genetic heterogeneity

  4. locus heterogeneity

Correct Option: A

A significant proportion of individuals who are homozygous for HFE mutation will not develop signs or symptoms of iron overload. There are only two HFE mutations that account for most affected individuals, and HFE mutation accounts for the majority of cases of hemochromatosis in individuals of northern European descent.

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