
Description: Improve your English
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Synonyms Synonyms/Meanings
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Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Thick

  2. Rigid

  3. Greasy

  4. Rough

Correct Option: C

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Freedom

  2. Slave

  3. Venture

  4. Liberty

Correct Option: B

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Happiness

  2. Calmness

  3. Humbleness

  4. Misery

Correct Option: D

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Splenetic

  1. Weak

  2. Timid

  3. Active

  4. Peevish

Correct Option: D

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Help

  2. Construct

  3. Reject

  4. Destroy

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Greediness

  2. Achievement

  3. Hesitation

  4. Suffering

Correct Option: C

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Sagacious

  1. Beautiful

  2. Wise

  3. Gentle

  4. Sympathetic

Correct Option: B

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Coolness

  2. Boldness

  3. Confidence

  4. Apprehension

Correct Option: D

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Predilection

  1. Preference

  2. Sadness

  3. Dislike

  4. Aversion

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Obesity

  1. Fatness

  2. Tenderness

  3. Kindness

  4. Rudeness

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Remission

  1. Pardon

  2. Destruction

  3. Collection

  4. Allocation

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Peroration

  1. Poem

  2. Song

  3. Oration

  4. Story

Correct Option: C

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Kill

  2. Appease

  3. Swindle

  4. Rigidly

Correct Option: D

 Ossify means to harden, particularly into bone. Therefore rigid is the closest in meaning to ossify.

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Lampoon

  1. Cry

  2. Elevate

  3. Magnify

  4. Ridicule

Correct Option: D

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Inveigh

  1. To protest

  2. To inform

  3. To instruct

  4. To argue

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Angel

  2. Demon

  3. Alien

  4. God

Correct Option: B

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Incognito

  1. Recognized

  2. Open

  3. Disguised

  4. Revealed

Correct Option: C

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Foible

  1. Perfection

  2. Failing

  3. Meekness

  4. Fondness

Correct Option: B

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Harmful

  2. Dense

  3. Pastoral

  4. Sophisticated

Correct Option: C

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Gyrate

  1. To construct

  2. To approve

  3. To examine

  4. To spin

Correct Option: D

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Histrionic

  1. Theatrical

  2. Natural

  3. Genuine

  4. Real

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Facile

  1. Effortless

  2. Silly

  3. Awkard

  4. Slow

Correct Option: A

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword.


  1. Agreement

  2. Dispute

  3. Fondness

  4. Coherence

Correct Option: B

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Militate

  1. Collect

  2. Oppose

  3. Destroy

  4. Erase

Correct Option: B

Directions: Find the option that best expresses the meaning of the keyword. Lucre

  1. Material

  2. Contract

  3. Profit

  4. Product

Correct Option: C
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