
Description: English.
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Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Mob

  2. Noise

  3. Shy

  4. Accuse

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Allege

  2. Fast

  3. Dining room

  4. Come

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Betterment

  2. Development

  3. Reform

  4. Dry

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Face

  2. Come

  3. Slaughter

  4. Dry

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Mob

  2. Offhand

  3. Prepared

  4. Prompt

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Critical

  2. Crisis

  3. Careful

  4. Come

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Havoc

  2. Festivities

  3. Fast

  4. Shy

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Frighten

  2. Face

  3. Stab

  4. Wild

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Show

  2. Land

  3. Drunken

  4. Anointed

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.

Turn up

  1. Show up

  2. Come back

  3. Face

  4. Crop up

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Grow

  2. Dry

  3. Shy

  4. Kill

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Far

  2. Excursion

  3. Anger

  4. Mount

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Able

  2. Dry

  3. Place

  4. Clever

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Shoot

  2. Place

  3. Focus

  4. Mob

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Plain

  2. Paint

  3. Adorn

  4. Frank

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Worry

  2. Unbiased

  3. Natural

  4. Small

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Waken

  2. Pure

  3. Worry

  4. Name

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Weak

  2. Vain

  3. Brand

  4. Reputation

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Rare

  2. Poor

  3. Help

  4. Twisted

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Free

  2. Pull

  3. Indulge

  4. Oblige

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Try

  2. Dry

  3. Restriction

  4. Come

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. False

  2. Vain

  3. Cancel

  4. Shy

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Indecency

  2. Pet

  3. Thief

  4. Sad

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Merge

  2. Mob

  3. Shy

  4. Dry

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Deny

  2. Undo

  3. Help

  4. Examine

Correct Option: D
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