Digital Web Design Techniques

Description: This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of digital web design techniques. It covers topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web design principles.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: digital web design html css javascript web design principles
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Which HTML element is used to define the main content of a web page?

Correct Option: A

The `` element is used to define the main content of a web page. It contains all the elements that are visible to the user, such as text, images, and links.

Which CSS property is used to set the background color of an element?

  1. background-color

  2. color

  3. background-image

  4. background-position

Correct Option: A

The background-color property is used to set the background color of an element. It can be set to a color name, a hexadecimal color code, or an RGB color value.

Which JavaScript function is used to display a message in a dialog box?

  1. alert()

  2. confirm()

  3. prompt()

  4. console.log()

Correct Option: A

The alert() function is used to display a message in a dialog box. It takes a string as an argument and displays it in a dialog box with an OK button.

Which web design principle is concerned with the overall visual appearance of a website?

  1. Usability

  2. Accessibility

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Performance

Correct Option: C

Aesthetics is the web design principle that is concerned with the overall visual appearance of a website. It includes elements such as color, typography, and layout.

Which web design principle is concerned with making a website easy to use?

  1. Usability

  2. Accessibility

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Performance

Correct Option: A

Usability is the web design principle that is concerned with making a website easy to use. It includes elements such as clear navigation, consistent design, and responsive design.

Which web design principle is concerned with making a website accessible to people with disabilities?

  1. Usability

  2. Accessibility

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Performance

Correct Option: B

Accessibility is the web design principle that is concerned with making a website accessible to people with disabilities. It includes elements such as providing alternative text for images, using clear and concise language, and avoiding flashing or flickering content.

Which web design principle is concerned with making a website load quickly and efficiently?

  1. Usability

  2. Accessibility

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Performance

Correct Option: D

Performance is the web design principle that is concerned with making a website load quickly and efficiently. It includes elements such as optimizing images, using a content delivery network (CDN), and minifying CSS and JavaScript files.

Which HTML element is used to create a link to another web page?

Correct Option: A

The <a> element is used to create a link to another web page. It has a href attribute that specifies the URL of the web page to link to.

Which CSS property is used to set the font of an element?

  1. font-family

  2. font-size

  3. font-weight

  4. font-style

Correct Option: A

The font-family property is used to set the font of an element. It can be set to a font name, a generic font family name, or a system font name.

Which JavaScript function is used to get the value of an input field?

  1. getValue()

  2. getInputValue()

  3. getElementById()

  4. querySelector()

Correct Option: D

The querySelector() function is used to get the value of an input field. It takes a CSS selector as an argument and returns the first element that matches the selector.

Which web design principle is concerned with making a website responsive to different screen sizes?

  1. Usability

  2. Accessibility

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Responsive Design

Correct Option: D

Responsive Design is the web design principle that is concerned with making a website responsive to different screen sizes. It includes elements such as using flexible layouts, using media queries, and avoiding fixed widths and heights.

Which HTML element is used to create a heading?

Correct Option: A

The <h1> element is used to create a heading. It is the most important heading element and should be used for the main title of a web page.

Which CSS property is used to set the width of an element?

  1. width

  2. height

  3. margin

  4. padding

Correct Option: A

The width property is used to set the width of an element. It can be set to a pixel value, a percentage, or an auto value.

Which JavaScript function is used to add an event listener to an element?

  1. addEventListener()

  2. attachEvent()

  3. onclick()

  4. onmouseover()

Correct Option: A

The addEventListener() function is used to add an event listener to an element. It takes two arguments: the event type and the event handler function.

Which web design principle is concerned with making a website easy to find and navigate?

  1. Usability

  2. Accessibility

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Information Architecture

Correct Option: D

Information Architecture is the web design principle that is concerned with making a website easy to find and navigate. It includes elements such as organizing content into categories, creating clear and concise navigation menus, and using breadcrumbs.

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