Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants - 2

Description: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants - 2
Number of Questions: 17
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Tags: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants - 2 Epithelial Tissue Animal Tissue Anatomy of Plant Parts Anatomy of Flowering Plants Roots Connective Tissue
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Which of the following structures will not be visible in the section of a hyaline cartilage?

  1. Perichondrium

  2. Chondroblast

  3. Lacuna

  4. Haversian canal

Correct Option: D

It is present in the bones.

___________ provides smooth lining to chambers of the heart.

  1. Simple squamous epithelium

  2. Simple cuboidal epithelium

  3. Ciliated cuboidal epithelium

  4. Ciliated epithelium

Correct Option: A

Simple squamous epithelium forms inner lining of lung alveoli.

Which of the following types of root modifications is found in radish?

  1. Fusiform

  2. Conical

  3. Napiform

  4. Tuberous

Correct Option: A

It has swollen middle part and tapering ends.

Enamel of teeth is a/an

  1. epithelial tissue

  2. connective tissue

  3. muscular tissue

  4. nervous tissue

Correct Option: A

Enamel is secreted from ameloblasts, which are derived from oral epithelium tissue of ectodermal origin.

Which of the following types of root modifications is present in Beta vulgaris?

  1. Napiform

  2. Fusiform

  3. Conical

  4. Tuberous

Correct Option: A

This is the type of modification is found in turnip.

Which of the following cells is/are absent in areolar tissues?

  1. Macrophages

  2. Neurogloea cells

  3. Fibroblast

  4. Mast cells

Correct Option: B

Neurogloea cells are absent in areolar tissues. 

The type of cartilage that is present in ear pinna is known as

  1. hyaline cartilage

  2. elastic cartilage

  3. fibrous cartilage

  4. calcified cartilage

Correct Option: B

Elastic cartilage is present in ear pinna. Hyaline cartilage is present in trachea, larynx and bronchi.

Which of the following types of cells are not present in an areolar connective tissue?

  1. Fibrocytes

  2. Histiocytes

  3. Chromatophores

  4. Chondrocytes

Correct Option: D

These are cartilage-forming cells.

Which of the following proteins is present in the bone matrix?

  1. Chondrin

  2. Casein

  3. Actin

  4. Ossein

Correct Option: D

The collagen component of bone.

Which of the following is a difference between monocots and dicots?

  1. Leaf venation in dicots is parallel and is reticulate in monocots.

  2. Embryo has 2 cotyledons in dicots and 3 or multiples of 3 in monocots.

  3. Floral parts of dicots are multiples of 4 and 5 and multiples of 3 in monocots.

  4. Vascular bundles are in bundles in monocots and scattered in dicots.

Correct Option: C

Floral parts of dicots are multiples of 4 and 5 and multiples of 3 in monocots.

Which of the following statements is true about a cartilage?

  1. It is made up of inflexible material called chondrin.

  2. Its chondrocytes are irregular with off processes.

  3. Its lacunae give off canaliculli.

  4. It is a non-vascular tissue with homogeneous matrix.

Correct Option: D

Cartilage is a non-vascular tissue with homogeneous matrix.

The structure 'typhlosole' in earthworms is used for

  1. crushing food

  2. slowing down passage of food

  3. increasing the absorptive area

  4. extra secretion of digestive enzymes

Correct Option: C

The structure 'typhlosole' in earthworms is used for increasing the absorptive surface area.

Which of the following types of tendrils is present in pea plant?

  1. Leaflet tendril

  2. Stipular tendril

  3. Leaf tip tendril

  4. Petiolar tendril

Correct Option: A

In this, the upper leaflet gets modified into tendril for support.

Why do the leaves of Mimosa pudica droop on touching?

  1. Due to seismonastic movement

  2. Due to thermonastic movement

  3. Due to haptonastic movement

  4. Due to photonastic movement

Correct Option: A

It is caused by the rapid shrinkage of motor cells of main pulvilus in which dynamic changes occur in actin cytoskeleton.

Which hormone induces bolting and flowering?

  1. Gibberellins

  2. Auxins

  3. Cytokinin

  4. Abscissic acid

Correct Option: A

Along with bolting and flowering, its main function is stem elongation by stimulating cell division.

Trichomes are characteristics of

  1. epidermis

  2. hypodermis

  3. cortex

  4. endodermis

Correct Option: A

Trichomes on plants are epidermal outgrowths of various kinds.

Which of the following body tissues is a connective tissue proper?

  1. Skin

  2. Blood

  3. Cartilage

  4. Adipose

Correct Option: D

It is a connective tissue proper.

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