Human Physiology - 3

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Which of the following diseases is also called regional enteritis?

  1. Crohn's disease

  2. Gastric dumping syndrome

  3. Carcinoid tumour

  4. Mesenteric ischemia

Correct Option: A

Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis, is an inflammatory disease of the intestines.

Sacculated, fusiform or cylindrical forms are the main forms of which of the following diseases?

  1. Aneurysm

  2. Tachycardia

  3. Bradycardia

  4. Cardiomyopathy

Correct Option: A

Aneurysm is caused due to circumscribed dilation of an artery.

The heads of all the metatarsal bones are connected by _______ ligaments.

  1. transverse metatarsal

  2. deep transverse metacarpal

  3. dorsal radioulnar

  4. dorsal radiocarpal

Correct Option: A

The transverse metatarsal ligament is a narrow band, which runs across and connects together the heads of all the metatarsal bones.

The sound produced from chewing gets dampened by

  1. tensor tympani

  2. tensor veli palatini

  3. levator veli palatini

  4. velum

Correct Option: A

It is the larger of the two muscles of the tympanic cavity. Its role is to dampen sounds, such as those produced from chewing.

Mr. X, while drowning, simply failed to try to save himself, even though he was a good swimmer. He must have suffered from ________ neurological disorder.

  1. PAP (or athymhormic) syndrome

  2. cerebral palsy

  3. Huntington's disease

  4. Parkinson's disease

Correct Option: B

People with cerebral palsy have various motor problems, such as spasticity, paralysis and even seizures.

Which of the following is the inflammation of the lining of the rectal mucosa?

  1. Crigler-Najjar syndrome

  2. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

  3. Dubin-Johnson syndrome

  4. Proctitis

Correct Option: D

Proctitis is the inflammation of the lining of the rectum.

The particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 1 µm get deposited in the airways through

  1. sedimentation

  2. impaction

  3. Brownian diffusion

  4. interception

Correct Option: C

For particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 µm, Brownian diffusion is a major way for deposition in airways where the bulk flow is very low or absent.

The ________ is an auto-immune disorder of the small intestine.

  1. coeliac disease

  2. mesenteric ischemia

  3. dumping syndrome

  4. ménétrier disease

Correct Option: A

Coeliac disease is an auto-immune disorder of the small intestine.

Which among the following skin lines are confined to palms and soles only?

  1. Tension lines

  2. Flexure lines

  3. Papillary ridges

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

These are defined as the lines of skin, which are confined to palms and soles along with the digits. They form small ridges being separated by fine parallel grooves arranged in curved arrays.

Which of the following is not a protozoan infection?

  1. Cryptosporidiosis

  2. Cyclosporiasis

  3. Giardiasis

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

All of the above are protozoan related infections.

Which of the following characterises melanin?

  1. It enhances the penetration of UV radiation through the skin.

  2. Skin may vary frequently in the amount of melanin it contains.

  3. Individuals with high concentration of melanin in their skin are at a greater risk for skin cancer.

  4. It enhances the penetration of infrared radiation through the skin.

Correct Option: B

Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun stimulates melanocytes in the skin to produce more melanin, which in turn makes the skin browner. This seasonal tanning is most noticeable among light complexioned people. It has the effect of shielding the inner skin.

In which of the following can erythroblastosis foetalis occur?

  1. Man Rh+ and Woman Rh+

  2. Man Rh- and Woman Rh-

  3. Man Rh+ and Woman Rh-

  4. Man Rh- and Woman Rh+

Correct Option: C

Erythroblastosis foetalis are the conditions where newborn infants suffer from anaemia, jaundice, enlarged spleen or liver and in severe cases, stillbirth or death soon after birth.

The pea-shaped bone in the wrist is

  1. triquetral bone

  2. pisiform

  3. lunate bone

  4. trapezoid bone

Correct Option: B

The pisiform bone is a small, knobbly, pea-shaped wrist bone. 

Which among the following best supports the fact that, contrary to Gloger's Rule, many of dark complexioned human beings reside in temperate and even arctic regions today?

  1. When a population of lighter skin people migrates into far northern areas, natural selection makes their skin dark in only in the immediate next generation.

  2. Gloger's Rule is a hypothesis that cannot be applied to unverified scenario.

  3. Human societies had become very active in moving around the planet in recent centuries.

  4. When a population of lighter skin people migrates into far northern areas, natural selection makes their skin dark in all the next generations.

Correct Option: C

The rate of evolutionary change for skin colour is much slower than the homogenizing effect of human migrations today. This process of interregional movements of societies has been accelerating, particularly since the time of Columbus.

The parathyroid hormone does not regulate the concentration of ________ ions in the urine.

  1. phosphate

  2. magnesium

  3. sodium

  4. bicarbonate

Correct Option: D

Concentration of bicarbonate ions is not controlled by PTH. Its concentration depends on the buffering capacity of blood in the form of carbonate bicarbonate buffer

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