Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Clima...

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Which of the following information is collected by the Meteorological Department of the Government to make the weather report?

  1. Temperature

  2. Wind speed

  3. Humidity

  4. Rainfall

  5. All of these

Correct Option: E

Daily weather report carries information about temperature, humidity, rainfall and the weather, but does not tell about the underground water level.

How is red-eyed frog adapted to the hot and humid climate?

  1. Has thick skin all over

  2. Has a long tongue

  3. Has sticky pads on its feet

  4. Has green colour

  5. Has vertically narrowed nose

Correct Option: C

Red - eyed frog has developed sticky pads on its feet to help it climb trees on which it lives to protect itself from heat.

Which of the following countries does not belong to polar region?

  1. Iceland

  2. Malaysia

  3. Finland

  4. Greenland

  5. Canada

Correct Option: B

Malaysia does not belong to the polar region. Rather it has tropical rainforest like India.

Humidity is the measure of which content of the air?

  1. Moisture content

  2. Temperature

  3. Rainfall

  4. Wind speed

  5. Pressure

Correct Option: A

The weather is humid means we are talking about the moisture content in the atmosphere.

Why do coastal areas experience less contrast in temperature conditions?

  1. Due to land mass

  2. Due to moderating effect of seas

  3. Due to heat conditions

  4. Due to maximum rainfall

  5. Due to its location

Correct Option: B

The coastal areas show less contrast in temperature conditions due to the moderating effect of the seas.

How do birds protect themselves from the cold winters?

  1. They hibernate in their nests.

  2. They hide themselves in their feathers.

  3. They migrate to warmer regions.

  4. They protect themselves by staying in much closed groups.

  5. The mother bird hides her young ones under her big feathers.

Correct Option: C

Like other animals, birds too should remain warm in winters. So, they migrate to warmer regions, and come back when winter is over.

Polar bears have certain physical adaptations that help them survive in their environment. Which of the following uses of white fur is incorrect?

  1. It is not easily visible in the white snowy background.

  2. It protects them from their predators.

  3. It helps them to catch their prey.

  4. It helps to keep themselves clean.

  5. It reflects the heat loss through skin.

Correct Option: D

The white fur is useful to keep themselves warm, hide in the white snow and be safe from prey, but it has nothing to do with cleanliness.

Which of the following characteristics is not of penguin?

  1. It is a polar region animal.

  2. It has small wings on both sides to fly.

  3. It is a good swimmer.

  4. It has webbed feet.

  5. Its body is streamlined.

Correct Option: B

It has very thick skin and lots of fat to protect it from cold.

What is the name given to the winter sleep of an animal?

  1. Winter sleep

  2. Hibernation

  3. Aestivation

  4. Adaptation

  5. Perspiration

Correct Option: B

Hibernation is a time when animals sleep in winters to protect themselves from cold. It is a long sleep where animals store a large amount of energy to last the whole winter.

Which is not the basic element of the natural environment?

  1. Water

  2. Soil

  3. Concrete structure

  4. Air

  5. Climate

Correct Option: C

It is not a basic element of the natural environment. Concrete structures are man made structures.

What does the state of the atmosphere of an area at a given time tell us?

  1. Climate

  2. Temperature

  3. Weather

  4. Rainfall

  5. Coldness

Correct Option: C

Yes, the weather is the state of the atmosphere of an area at a particular time to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy, etc.

Which of the following animals is not from the tropical rainforest region?

  1. Apes

  2. Tigers

  3. Lizards

  4. Elephants

  5. Reindeers

Correct Option: E

This region supports wide variety of animals because of continuous warmth and rain, but rein deer lives in the polar region.

Which of the following adaptations is shown by animals living in tropical rainforests?

  1. Wide and large paws

  2. White shiny fur

  3. Living on trees

  4. Streamlined body

  5. Thick layer of fat

Correct Option: C

The adaptations of animals living in tropical rainforests include living on trees, development of strong tails, long and large beaks, diet of fruits, etc.

Which of the following adaptations is not shown by animals living in hot and dry climate?

  1. Shiny fur with short length to reflect sunrays

  2. They cool their body by sweating and panting.

  3. Hiding themselves in burrows during daytime

  4. Have upper part of body covered with fur to protect them from Sun

  5. Have sticky pads on their feet to stick on trees

Correct Option: E

The feet with sticky pads to stick on trees are found in animals living in tropical regions.

A tropical region has generally a hot and humid climate. Where is it located?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

A tropical region has generally a hot and humid climate because of its location around the equator. Even in the coldest month, the temperature is generally higher than about 15 degrees C. During hot summers, the temperature may cross 40 degrees C.

  1. Between Tropic of Cancer and North Pole

  2. At the South Pole

  3. At the North Pole

  4. Around the equator

  5. Between Tropic of Capricorn and South Pole

Correct Option: D

It has hot climate as it is around equator, and it is humid as it receives plenty of rainfall.

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