Financial Management (Paper II & III UGC/NET)

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The strategy of introducing a product with high introductory price is called

  1. penetration strategy

  2. skimming strategy

  3. pull strategy

  4. push strategy

Correct Option: B

The concept of four P's as elements of marketing mix was given by

  1. Philip Kotler

  2. W.J. Stanton

  3. E.J. McCarthy

  4. Bruce J. Walker

Correct Option: C

Which out of the following is not a type of non-store retailing?

  1. Limited line stores

  2. Automatic vending

  3. Direct selling

  4. Telemarketing

Correct Option: A

A product line strategy wherein a company adds a higher priced product to a line in order to attract a broader market, which helps the sale of its existing lower priced product is called

  1. Trading up

  2. Trading down

  3. Life cycle extension

  4. Product line extension

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not a tool of sales promotion?

  1. Sales contests

  2. Free gifts

  3. Point of purchase display

  4. Public Relations

Correct Option: D

Use of fixed interest securities in the capital structure is called

  1. operating leverage

  2. financial leverage

  3. overall leverage

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

If NPV is positive, the IRR will be

  1. positive

  2. K = R

  3. K < R

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

Sensitivity analysis is performed to

  1. ascertain risk

  2. determine profitability

  3. build scenario for risk profile

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

According to Walter, firm should pay 100% dividend if

  1. r > k

  2. r = k

  3. r < k

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Right shares enjoy preferential rights with regard to

  1. payment of dividend

  2. payment of retained earnings

  3. repayment of capital

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 provides the following industrial relations machinery for resolution of conflicts except

  1. conciliation

  2. arbitration

  3. negotiations

  4. adjudication

Correct Option: D

Job evaluation is a technique, which aims at

  1. establishing fair and equitable pay structure

  2. analysing requirement of updating technology

  3. assessing safety requirement of jobs

  4. improving productivity

Correct Option: A

Induction is an integral part of

  1. training

  2. selection

  3. recruitment

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

PIP test seeks to measure

  1. IQ

  2. Personality, Interest and Preferences

  3. Quality of a product

  4. Preferred Investment Plans

Correct Option: B

The Government of India introduced “The Workers' Participation in Management” Bill in Parliament in

  1. 1983

  2. 1988

  3. 1990

  4. 1981

Correct Option: C

Banking ombudsman may reject the complaint

  1. immediately after receipt

  2. after hearing both parties

  3. at any stage

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

Currency chest balance will be periodically verified by

  1. bank's own officials

  2. RBI officials

  3. both (A) and (B)

  4. officials of AG's office

Correct Option: C

Which of the following entities provides “Take out Finance” to banks engaged in financing of infrastructure projects?

  1. ICICI

  2. SIDBI

  3. IDFC

  4. RBI

Correct Option: C


  1. regulatory authority

  2. statutory authority

  3. both (A) and (B)

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

According to International Monetary Fund, what was India's contribution to World Gross Domestic Product in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) terms for 2007?

  1. 4.6 percent

  2. 6.4 percent

  3. 7.1 percent

  4. 8.9 percent

Correct Option: A

The World Bank is known as

  1. IMF

  2. IDA

  3. IFC

  4. IBRD

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is the feature of the commercial paper?

  1. It is an unsecured money market instrument issued in the form of promissory note.

  2. The highly rated corporate borrowers can raise short term funds through this instrument.

  3. It is an additional instrument to the investing community.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Which of the following denotes “De-coupling”?

  1. Indian market may be cut off from global markets so that it may not be affected by global volatility.

  2. To separae the birds affected by bird-flu

  3. Markets that are independent.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

How many members are there in “World Customs Organisation” ?

  1. 160

  2. 162

  3. 179

  4. 180

Correct Option: C

As on March 2013, the World Customs Organization has a total of 179 members

Which of the country's banking have been brought under “Sanctions by U.S.A. recently?

  1. Iraq

  2. North Korea

  3. Pakistan

  4. Iran

Correct Option: D
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