Highway to Health - 1 (Class - IX)

Description: Highway To Health - 1
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Highway To Health - 1 Health Disease Some Infectious Diseases Prevention of Infectious Diseases Bacterial Diseases Viral Diseases Diarrhoea
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Personal health and community health are

  1. interdependent

  2. overdependent

  3. independent

  4. intradependent

Correct Option: A

Community is composed of individuals. If all the individuals have good personal health, the entire community will be healthy. Also, if the community is having hygienic surroundings, the individual health will be good. Thus, the two are interdependent, i.e. they depend on each other. The terms ‘overdependent’, ‘independent’ and ‘intradependent’ are not correct for this interdependent relation.

Which of the following characteristics of a chronic disease is not correct?

  1. It results in loss of weight.

  2. It makes the person feel tired.

  3. It makes the person feel restless.

  4. It lasts for short duration.

Correct Option: D

Transmission of disease means transfer of disease causing agents from diseased/infected person to the healthy one. AIDS is transmitted by sexual contact. Cholera and typhoid are transmitted by infected food and water while malaria is transmitted by the vector; female anopheles mosquitoes.

Diseases where microbes are the immediate cause are called

  1. infectious diseases

  2. non–infectious diseases

  3. chronic diseases

  4. mild diseases

Correct Option: A

The diseases caused by microbes are generally transmitted quickly when microbes are transferred from the diseased to the healthy person and hence, they are termed “infectious” diseases, for e.g. common cold, skin infections, etc. 

Clean boiled water with some sugar and salt added to it is given during

  1. gastrointestinal disorder

  2. brain disorder

  3. kidney disorder

  4. liver disorder

Correct Option: A

Clean boiled water with sugar and salt added to it is given to avoid dehydration of body tissues. Our body loses excess of water during stomach and intestinal infection due to loose stools. This happens during gastrointestinal disorder. In brain, kidney and liver disorders, our body does not lose excess of water and hence, the above said water + sugar + salt does not need to be administered.

Infectious diseases can be prevented by

  1. immunisation

  2. using medicines

  3. using tonics

  4. using pure water

Correct Option: A

“Prevention” means avoiding a disease even before it is caused. This can be done by immunisation in which we make the immune system strong enough to fight against infection, if it is caused. Tonics are not disease-specific and they generally give us more energy and efficiency (but not immunity). Medicines are used to cure diseases and not to prevent them. Pure water is only a defensive measure to keep ourselves away from microbes.

What is the name of an antibiotic that works against bacteria?

  1. Quinine

  2. Penicillin

  3. Chloroquine

  4. Anti–Tetanus Serum

Correct Option: B

Penicillin is an antibiotic obtained from the fungus ‘Penicillium notatum’ and it works against bacteria. Quinine and chloroquine are drugs which are used to treat malaria. Anti-Tetanus Serum (ATS) is a vaccine used to prevent tetanus. None of these is obtained from fungus and hence, they are not antibiotics.

A disease transmitted by sexual contact is _____.

  1. cholera

  2. AIDS

  3. typhoid

  4. malaria

Correct Option: B

 A disease transmitted by sexual contact is AIDS.

Which property of immune system forms the basis of the principle of vaccination?

  1. Diversity

  2. Memory

  3. Activation

  4. Fighting against the pathogen

Correct Option: B

The principle of vaccination is based on the property of memory of the immune system as it gives an exposure for the first time so that it can act actively when the body is attacked for the second time by the same pathogen. So, it is memory.

Which system of the body works against the disease causing microbes?

  1. The nervous system

  2. The respiratory system

  3. The immune system

  4. The muscular system

Correct Option: C

The immune system works against disease-causing microbes and prevents diseases. The nervous system transmits impulses, the muscular system helps in the movement of the body and the respiratory system helps in the exchange of gases.

Which of the following options is incorrectly matched?

  1. Bacteria – SARS

  2. Virus – AIDS

  3. Bacteria – malaria

  4. Virus – common cold

Correct Option: C

SARS is caused by bacteria (i.e. 1 is correct), AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (i.e. 2 is correct) and common cold is caused by different kinds of viruses (i.e. 4 is also correct). (1), (2) and (4) are correctly matched, but (3) is incorrect because malaria is caused by a protozoan, i.e. Plasmodium is transmitted by the vector, i.e. female anopheles mosquitoes.

Which of the following diseases is caused by an animal bite?

  1. Rabies

  2. Typhoid

  3. Tetanus

  4. AIDS

Correct Option: A

Animal (dog and cat usually) bite causes rabies due to transmission of rabies virus. Typhoid and tetanus are caused due to bacteria transmitted by food, water, soil, etc while AIDS is caused by virus transmitted by exchange of body fluids between a healthy person and an infected person.

The condition of excessive dehydration of the body through loose motions and vomiting is known as _______.

  1. malaria

  2. tuberculosis

  3. tetanus

  4. diarrhoea

Correct Option: D

Excessive dehydration, due to loose motions and vomiting are symptoms of diarrhoea which is a disorder of gastrointestinal tract. Thus, (4) is the correct answer. Malaria is caused due to infection of plasmodium in blood and its effect on liver. Tuberculosis is an ailment of lungs and tetanus is a disorder affecting the muscular system.

All the following diseases are chronic except _______.

  1. elephantiasis

  2. ascariasis

  3. tuberculosis

  4. influenza

Correct Option: D

In elephantiasis, the person’s limbs, i.e. feet, legs, arms and hands are highly swollen due to accumulation of water in the cells. The person looks bulky and his limbs are swollen. It is compared to elephant’s limbs so the disease is termed “elephantiasis”. In ascariasis, the worm named ascaris infects the stomach and intestine, thereby making the person weak because they feed on the food material present in the blood of the person (host). Similarly, tuberculosis is caused due to bacteria and in this disease, lungs and respiratory systems are affected. In this, mucus begins to collect in lungs gradually leading to inefficient gaseous exchange, frequent cough and at later stages, bleeding occurs in the throat. Thus elephantiasis, ascariasis and tuberculosis are caused due to infectious agents and they take a long time inside our body as they are treated slowly. They leave behind long term health effects which make the body weak. Thus, they are chronic. But influenza, i.e. common cold lasts for few days. It affects us severely, but it does not make us weak later on. Hence, it is an acute disease.

All of the following are disease-causing factors existing within our body, except

  1. genetic disorders

  2. hormonal disorders

  3. inadequate diet

  4. malfunctioning of body organs

Correct Option: C

Genetic disorders result from errors in the DNA of our body cells. Hormonal disorders (for e.g. excessive growth, appearance of facial hair in females, etc) are the results of imbalanced secretion of hormones produced within the body. Similarly, if any body organ malfunctions, i.e. it does not function in proper order, then it is an internal cause. But if there is malnutrition, then the cause is purely external and not within our body. We should remember that cause may be external or internal, but the effect is seen on the general health of our body.

_________ is given to a person immediately after an injury in a road accident.

  1. Anti-malarial injection

  2. Anti-rabies injection

  3. Anti-tetanus injection

  4. Anti-diarrhoea injection

Correct Option: C

During any accident, wounds occur and they are exposed to air and soil. The air and soil may contain tetanus-causing microbes. Hence, the person is immediately given anti-tetanus injection. 

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