Image Segmentation Techniques

Description: This quiz covers various image segmentation techniques used in computer graphics to extract meaningful regions or objects from an image.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: image segmentation computer graphics image processing
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Which image segmentation technique utilizes a region-growing approach, starting from seed points and expanding to neighboring pixels with similar properties?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Region Growing

  4. Clustering

Correct Option: C

Region Growing is a segmentation technique that starts with a seed point and iteratively adds neighboring pixels that meet certain criteria, such as similarity in color or texture.

What is the fundamental principle behind edge-based segmentation techniques?

  1. Pixel Intensity Comparison

  2. Region Similarity

  3. Boundary Detection

  4. Clustering

Correct Option: C

Edge-based segmentation techniques aim to identify and extract boundaries or edges between different regions in an image.

Which image segmentation technique divides an image into segments based on the similarity of pixel intensities within each segment?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Region Growing

  4. Clustering

Correct Option: A

Thresholding is a simple segmentation technique that assigns pixels to different segments based on whether their intensity values are above or below a specified threshold.

What is the primary goal of watershed segmentation?

  1. Edge Detection

  2. Region Growing

  3. Clustering

  4. Object Extraction

Correct Option: D

Watershed segmentation aims to extract individual objects from an image by simulating the flooding of a landscape, where each pixel is assigned to the catchment basin of its nearest local minimum.

In the context of image segmentation, what does 'superpixel' refer to?

  1. A group of similar pixels

  2. A boundary between regions

  3. A seed point for region growing

  4. A cluster of pixels

Correct Option: A

Superpixel is a term used to describe a group of adjacent pixels that share similar characteristics, such as color, texture, or intensity.

Which image segmentation technique utilizes a graph-based approach, where pixels are represented as nodes and edges are weighted based on pixel similarity?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Graph Cut

  4. Clustering

Correct Option: C

Graph Cut is a segmentation technique that constructs a graph where pixels are nodes and edges are weighted based on pixel similarity. The goal is to find the minimum cut in the graph, which divides the image into segments.

What is the main advantage of using active contour models (snakes) for image segmentation?

  1. Speed and Efficiency

  2. Robustness to Noise

  3. Ability to Handle Complex Shapes

  4. Simplicity of Implementation

Correct Option: C

Active contour models (snakes) excel in segmenting objects with complex shapes, as they can deform and adapt to the boundaries of the objects.

Which image segmentation technique utilizes a statistical approach, modeling the distribution of pixel intensities within different regions?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Clustering

  4. Region Growing

Correct Option: C

Clustering is a statistical segmentation technique that groups pixels into clusters based on their similarity in terms of features such as color, texture, or intensity.

What is the primary drawback of using thresholding for image segmentation?

  1. Sensitivity to Noise

  2. Inability to Handle Complex Shapes

  3. Computational Complexity

  4. Requirement for Prior Knowledge

Correct Option: B

Thresholding struggles to segment objects with complex shapes, as it relies on a single threshold value to separate regions.

Which image segmentation technique is commonly used for segmenting images with textured regions?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Region Growing

  4. Texture Analysis

Correct Option: D

Texture analysis-based segmentation techniques are specifically designed to segment images with textured regions, as they consider the spatial arrangement of pixel intensities.

What is the fundamental principle behind mean-shift segmentation?

  1. Pixel Intensity Comparison

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Region Growing

  4. Clustering

Correct Option: D

Mean-shift segmentation is a clustering-based technique that iteratively shifts the center of a window over the image, assigning pixels to clusters based on their similarity to the window's center.

Which image segmentation technique utilizes a hierarchical approach, recursively dividing the image into smaller regions?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Quadtree Decomposition

  4. Clustering

Correct Option: C

Quadtree decomposition is a hierarchical segmentation technique that recursively divides the image into quadrants, creating a tree-like structure.

What is the primary advantage of using level set methods for image segmentation?

  1. Speed and Efficiency

  2. Robustness to Noise

  3. Ability to Handle Complex Shapes

  4. Simplicity of Implementation

Correct Option: C

Level set methods excel in segmenting objects with complex shapes, as they can evolve and deform the segmentation boundary over time.

Which image segmentation technique utilizes a combination of edge detection and region growing?

  1. Thresholding

  2. Edge Detection

  3. Region Growing

  4. Boundary-Based Region Growing

Correct Option: D

Boundary-based region growing combines edge detection and region growing by initializing the region growing process from the boundaries detected by edge detection.

What is the primary challenge associated with using watershed segmentation?

  1. Sensitivity to Noise

  2. Inability to Handle Complex Shapes

  3. Computational Complexity

  4. Requirement for Prior Knowledge

Correct Option: A

Watershed segmentation is sensitive to noise and can produce over-segmented results in noisy images.

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