Roman Mythology and the Afterlife

Description: Test your knowledge about Roman Mythology and the Afterlife in this exciting quiz.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: roman mythology afterlife ancient beliefs elysium tartarus
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In Roman mythology, what is the name of the underworld?

  1. Hades

  2. Tartarus

  3. Erebus

  4. Sheol

Correct Option: B

Tartarus is the deepest and darkest part of the underworld, where the wicked are punished for their sins.

Who is the Roman god of the underworld?

  1. Pluto

  2. Hades

  3. Erebus

  4. Thanatos

Correct Option: A

Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld, wealth, and agriculture.

What is the name of the river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead in Roman mythology?

  1. Styx

  2. Acheron

  3. Cocytus

  4. Lethe

Correct Option: A

The Styx is the river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the boatman who ferries the dead across the river Styx?

  1. Charon

  2. Hermes

  3. Thanatos

  4. Erebus

Correct Option: A

Charon is the boatman who ferries the dead across the river Styx.

What is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld?

  1. Cerberus

  2. Hydra

  3. Chimera

  4. Gorgon

Correct Option: A

Cerberus is the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld.

What is the name of the field of happiness and eternal bliss in the Roman afterlife?

  1. Elysium

  2. Tartarus

  3. Asphodel Meadows

  4. Erebus

Correct Option: A

Elysium is the field of happiness and eternal bliss in the Roman afterlife.

What is the name of the field of mourning and sorrow in the Roman afterlife?

  1. Asphodel Meadows

  2. Tartarus

  3. Elysium

  4. Erebus

Correct Option: A

Asphodel Meadows is the field of mourning and sorrow in the Roman afterlife.

What is the name of the river of forgetfulness in the Roman afterlife?

  1. Lethe

  2. Styx

  3. Acheron

  4. Cocytus

Correct Option: A

Lethe is the river of forgetfulness in the Roman afterlife.

What is the name of the god of death in Roman mythology?

  1. Thanatos

  2. Pluto

  3. Erebus

  4. Hermes

Correct Option: A

Thanatos is the god of death in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the goddess of fate in Roman mythology?

  1. Moirae

  2. Parcae

  3. Fates

  4. Norns

Correct Option: B

Parcae are the goddesses of fate in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the god of time in Roman mythology?

  1. Chronos

  2. Saturn

  3. Jupiter

  4. Mars

Correct Option: B

Saturn is the god of time in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology?

  1. Aurora

  2. Eos

  3. Helios

  4. Selene

Correct Option: A

Aurora is the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the god of war in Roman mythology?

  1. Mars

  2. Ares

  3. Bellona

  4. Minerva

Correct Option: A

Mars is the god of war in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology?

  1. Venus

  2. Aphrodite

  3. Juno

  4. Minerva

Correct Option: A

Venus is the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology.

What is the name of the god of the sea in Roman mythology?

  1. Neptune

  2. Poseidon

  3. Oceanus

  4. Triton

Correct Option: A

Neptune is the god of the sea in Roman mythology.

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