Ancient Battle Crosswords and Puzzles

Description: Welcome to the Ancient Battle Crosswords and Puzzles Quiz! Test your knowledge of famous battles and conflicts from ancient history.
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Across: This famous battle took place in 490 BC, where a small Athenian army defeated a much larger Persian force.

  1. Battle of Marathon

  2. Battle of Thermopylae

  3. Battle of Salamis

  4. Battle of Plataea

Correct Option: A

The Battle of Marathon was a pivotal moment in the Greco-Persian Wars, marking the first major defeat of the Persians by the Greeks.

Down: This 5th-century BC battle saw the Carthaginian general Hannibal famously cross the Alps with his army, leading to a stunning victory over the Romans.

  1. Battle of Cannae

  2. Battle of Zama

  3. Battle of the Trebia

  4. Battle of Lake Trasimene

Correct Option: A

Hannibal's victory at Cannae is considered one of the greatest military achievements in history, characterized by his innovative use of cavalry and infantry tactics.

Across: This 300 BC battle resulted in the rise of Alexander the Great's Macedonian Empire, marking the beginning of the Hellenistic era.

  1. Battle of Granicus

  2. Battle of Issus

  3. Battle of Gaugamela

  4. Battle of Chaeronea

Correct Option: C

The Battle of Gaugamela, also known as the Battle of Arbela, was the decisive confrontation between Alexander's forces and the Persian army led by King Darius III.

Down: This 216 BC battle saw the Roman general Scipio Africanus decisively defeat the Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal, ending the Second Punic War.

  1. Battle of Zama

  2. Battle of Cannae

  3. Battle of the Trebia

  4. Battle of Lake Trasimene

Correct Option: A

The Battle of Zama is regarded as one of the most important battles in ancient history, marking the end of Carthage's dominance in the Mediterranean.

Across: This 480 BC naval battle marked a turning point in the Greco-Persian Wars, with the Greek fleet led by Themistocles defeating the Persian navy.

  1. Battle of Marathon

  2. Battle of Thermopylae

  3. Battle of Salamis

  4. Battle of Plataea

Correct Option: C

The Battle of Salamis was a decisive Greek victory, preventing the Persians from advancing further into Greece.

Down: This 489 BC battle saw the Persian army led by King Xerxes I attempt to invade Greece through the narrow pass of Thermopylae, famously defended by a small force of Spartan and Thespian soldiers.

  1. Battle of Marathon

  2. Battle of Thermopylae

  3. Battle of Salamis

  4. Battle of Plataea

Correct Option: B

The Battle of Thermopylae is renowned for the heroic stand of the Spartans, led by King Leonidas, against the overwhelming Persian forces.

Across: This 331 BC battle marked the beginning of Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire, with his army decisively defeating the Persian forces led by King Darius III.

  1. Battle of Granicus

  2. Battle of Issus

  3. Battle of Gaugamela

  4. Battle of Chaeronea

Correct Option: A

The Battle of Granicus was the first major battle between Alexander's forces and the Persian army, setting the stage for his subsequent victories.

Down: This 202 BC battle saw the Roman general Scipio Africanus defeat the Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal at the Battle of Zama, effectively ending the Second Punic War.

  1. Battle of Zama

  2. Battle of Cannae

  3. Battle of the Trebia

  4. Battle of Lake Trasimene

Correct Option: A

The Battle of Zama is considered one of the most decisive battles in ancient history, marking the end of Carthage's dominance in the Mediterranean.

Across: This 479 BC battle saw the Greek forces led by Pausanias and Aristides defeat the Persian army led by Mardonius, marking the end of the Persian invasion of Greece.

  1. Battle of Marathon

  2. Battle of Thermopylae

  3. Battle of Salamis

  4. Battle of Plataea

Correct Option: D

The Battle of Plataea was the final battle of the Greco-Persian Wars, securing the Greek victory and preventing further Persian attempts to conquer Greece.

Down: This 218 BC battle marked the beginning of the Second Punic War, with the Carthaginian general Hannibal famously crossing the Alps with his army and defeating the Roman forces led by Scipio Africanus.

  1. Battle of Zama

  2. Battle of Cannae

  3. Battle of the Trebia

  4. Battle of Lake Trasimene

Correct Option: C

The Battle of the Trebia was the first major battle of the Second Punic War, resulting in a Carthaginian victory and setting the stage for Hannibal's subsequent successes.

Across: This 338 BC battle saw the Macedonian army led by King Philip II decisively defeat the combined forces of Thebes and Athens, establishing Macedonian dominance over Greece.

  1. Battle of Granicus

  2. Battle of Issus

  3. Battle of Gaugamela

  4. Battle of Chaeronea

Correct Option: D

The Battle of Chaeronea marked the end of Greek independence and the beginning of Macedonian hegemony in Greece.

Down: This 217 BC battle saw the Carthaginian general Hannibal famously defeat the Roman forces led by Flaminius at Lake Trasimene, inflicting heavy casualties on the Romans.

  1. Battle of Zama

  2. Battle of Cannae

  3. Battle of the Trebia

  4. Battle of Lake Trasimene

Correct Option: D

The Battle of Lake Trasimene was a major Carthaginian victory, demonstrating Hannibal's military prowess and strategic brilliance.

Across: This 405 BC battle saw the Spartan forces led by Lysander decisively defeat the Athenian navy, effectively ending the Peloponnesian War.

  1. Battle of Marathon

  2. Battle of Thermopylae

  3. Battle of Salamis

  4. Battle of Aegospotami

Correct Option: D

The Battle of Aegospotami was the final battle of the Peloponnesian War, resulting in a Spartan victory and the downfall of the Athenian Empire.

Down: This 371 BC battle saw the Theban army led by Epaminondas defeat the Spartan forces led by Cleombrotus I, marking the end of Spartan dominance in Greece.

  1. Battle of Leuctra

  2. Battle of Mantinea

  3. Battle of Granicus

  4. Battle of Chaeronea

Correct Option: A

The Battle of Leuctra was a decisive Theban victory, shattering Spartan military supremacy and leading to the rise of Thebes as a major power in Greece.

Across: This 207 BC battle saw the Roman general Scipio Africanus decisively defeat the Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal at Zama, effectively ending the Second Punic War.

  1. Battle of Zama

  2. Battle of Cannae

  3. Battle of the Trebia

  4. Battle of Lake Trasimene

Correct Option: A

The Battle of Zama is considered one of the most decisive battles in ancient history, marking the end of Carthage's dominance in the Mediterranean.

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