Climate Change Activism: A Global Movement

Description: Climate Change Activism: A Global Movement
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: climate change environmental activism global movement
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Which prominent Swedish activist gained international attention for her "Fridays for Future" movement?

  1. Greta Thunberg

  2. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  3. Jane Fonda

  4. Vandana Shiva

Correct Option: A

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, initiated the "Fridays for Future" movement, inspiring global youth to demand action on climate change.

What is the primary focus of the "Extinction Rebellion" movement?

  1. Promoting sustainable energy

  2. Reducing carbon emissions

  3. Raising awareness about climate change

  4. Civil disobedience to demand climate action

Correct Option: D

The "Extinction Rebellion" movement employs civil disobedience tactics to demand urgent action from governments and corporations to address the climate crisis.

Which international agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius?

  1. Kyoto Protocol

  2. Paris Agreement

  3. Montreal Protocol

  4. Copenhagen Accord

Correct Option: B

The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, sets a global goal to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, aiming to keep it at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

What is the term used to describe the intentional destruction or damage of property in protest against climate change?

  1. Eco-terrorism

  2. Climate vandalism

  3. Green sabotage

  4. Environmental civil disobedience

Correct Option: B

Climate vandalism refers to the intentional destruction or damage of property as a form of protest against climate change and environmental degradation.

Which indigenous leader from Ecuador gained prominence for her activism against oil drilling in the Amazon rainforest?

  1. Wangari Maathai

  2. Vandana Shiva

  3. Yanomami Davi Kopenawa

  4. Nemonte Nenquimo

Correct Option: D

Nemonte Nenquimo, an indigenous leader from Ecuador, has been a vocal advocate for the protection of the Amazon rainforest and has led protests against oil drilling in the region.

What is the term used to describe the process of transitioning to a low-carbon economy?

  1. Decarbonization

  2. Carbon neutrality

  3. Climate mitigation

  4. Sustainable development

Correct Option: A

Decarbonization refers to the process of reducing or eliminating carbon emissions from energy production, transportation, and other sectors to mitigate climate change.

Which climate activist group has gained attention for its protests against fossil fuel companies and their role in climate change?

  1. Greenpeace

  2. 350.org

  3. Sierra Club

  4. Fossil Free Future

Correct Option: D

Fossil Free Future is a climate activist group known for its protests and campaigns against fossil fuel companies, advocating for a transition to renewable energy sources.

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where rising temperatures cause the melting of glaciers and ice sheets?

  1. Ocean acidification

  2. Sea level rise

  3. Glacial retreat

  4. Polar vortex

Correct Option: C

Glacial retreat refers to the process where glaciers and ice sheets melt and recede due to rising temperatures, contributing to sea level rise and changes in ecosystems.

Which climate activist group has been instrumental in promoting the divestment of funds from fossil fuel companies?

  1. DivestInvest

  2. Climate Action Network

  3. 350.org

  4. Greenpeace

Correct Option: A

DivestInvest is a climate activist group that advocates for the divestment of funds from fossil fuel companies and the reinvestment of those funds in sustainable energy and climate-friendly initiatives.

What is the term used to describe the process of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

  1. Carbon capture and storage

  2. Carbon sequestration

  3. Carbon offsetting

  4. Carbon pricing

Correct Option: A

Carbon capture and storage involves capturing carbon dioxide from industrial processes or the atmosphere and storing it underground or in other geological formations.

Which climate activist group has been at the forefront of advocating for climate justice and equity?

  1. Climate Justice Alliance

  2. Greenpeace

  3. 350.org

  4. Sierra Club

Correct Option: A

Climate Justice Alliance is a network of grassroots organizations and activists working to address the disproportionate impacts of climate change on marginalized communities and promote climate justice.

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where rising temperatures cause more frequent and intense storms?

  1. Ocean acidification

  2. Sea level rise

  3. Glacial retreat

  4. Extreme weather events

Correct Option: D

Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, are becoming more frequent and intense due to rising temperatures and climate change.

Which climate activist group has been advocating for a global ban on fracking?

  1. Frack Free Alliance

  2. Greenpeace

  3. 350.org

  4. Sierra Club

Correct Option: A

Frack Free Alliance is a global network of organizations and activists working to ban fracking, a controversial method of extracting oil and gas from underground rock formations.

What is the term used to describe the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change?

  1. Decarbonization

  2. Carbon neutrality

  3. Climate mitigation

  4. Sustainable development

Correct Option: C

Climate mitigation refers to actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Which climate activist group has been instrumental in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency?

  1. Greenpeace

  2. 350.org

  3. Sierra Club

  4. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century

Correct Option: D

Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century is a global network of experts and organizations working to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency policies.

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