Key Figures in Climate Change Activism

Description: Test your knowledge about the influential individuals who have played a crucial role in raising awareness and advocating for action on climate change.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: climate change environmental activism key figures
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Who is widely recognized as the "Father of Climate Change" and is known for his pioneering work on the greenhouse effect?

  1. James Hansen

  2. Svante Arrhenius

  3. Al Gore

  4. Greta Thunberg

Correct Option: B

Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist, conducted groundbreaking research on the greenhouse effect in the late 19th century, earning him the title "Father of Climate Change".

Which environmental activist is famous for her powerful speeches at the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, demanding urgent action from world leaders?

  1. Vandana Shiva

  2. Wangari Maathai

  3. Greta Thunberg

  4. Rachel Carson

Correct Option: C

Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish activist, has gained global recognition for her passionate speeches at UN Climate Change Conferences, urging world leaders to take decisive action to address the climate crisis.

Who is the renowned climate scientist who served as the director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and is known for his influential research on global warming?

  1. James Hansen

  2. Michael Mann

  3. Kevin Trenberth

  4. Gavin Schmidt

Correct Option: A

James Hansen, an American climate scientist, is widely recognized for his groundbreaking research on global warming and his influential testimony before the US Congress in 1988, which brought widespread attention to the issue of climate change.

Which environmental activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate founded the Green Belt Movement, a grassroots organization that has planted millions of trees in Kenya to combat deforestation and promote sustainable development?

  1. Wangari Maathai

  2. Vandana Shiva

  3. Julia Butterfly Hill

  4. Chico Mendes

Correct Option: A

Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmental activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, founded the Green Belt Movement, which has played a crucial role in reforestation efforts and empowering women in rural communities.

Who is the American environmental activist and author whose book "Silent Spring" raised public awareness about the harmful effects of pesticides and sparked the modern environmental movement?

  1. Rachel Carson

  2. Aldo Leopold

  3. John Muir

  4. Edward Abbey

Correct Option: A

Rachel Carson, an American marine biologist and conservationist, wrote the influential book "Silent Spring" in 1962, which exposed the dangers of pesticides and their impact on the environment, leading to the ban of DDT and the rise of the modern environmental movement.

Which climate activist and former Vice President of the United States is known for his documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth," which brought global attention to the urgency of addressing climate change?

  1. Al Gore

  2. Leonardo DiCaprio

  3. Arnold Schwarzenegger

  4. Elon Musk

Correct Option: A

Al Gore, a former Vice President of the United States, is a prominent climate activist and environmentalist. His documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth" played a significant role in raising public awareness about climate change and its consequences.

Who is the Indian environmental activist and author who has been a vocal advocate for sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and the rights of indigenous communities?

  1. Vandana Shiva

  2. Medha Patkar

  3. Sunita Narain

  4. Mallika Sarabhai

Correct Option: A

Vandana Shiva, an Indian environmental activist and author, has dedicated her life to promoting sustainable development, protecting biodiversity, and advocating for the rights of indigenous communities.

Which climate activist and indigenous leader from Ecuador gained international recognition for his fight against oil drilling in the Amazon rainforest and his efforts to preserve the rights and culture of indigenous peoples?

  1. Chico Mendes

  2. Yanomami Davi Kopenawa

  3. Ailton Krenak

  4. Raoni Metuktire

Correct Option: D

Raoni Metuktire, an indigenous leader from the Kayapo people of Brazil, has been a tireless advocate for the protection of the Amazon rainforest and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Who is the American environmental activist and founder of the Rainforest Action Network, known for his campaigns to protect rainforests and promote sustainable forestry practices?

  1. Randy Hayes

  2. Bill McKibben

  3. Paul Watson

  4. David Suzuki

Correct Option: A

Randy Hayes, an American environmental activist, founded the Rainforest Action Network in 1985. He has been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of rainforests and advocating for sustainable forestry practices.

Which climate activist and former President of the Maldives gained international attention for his efforts to raise awareness about the existential threat posed by climate change to low-lying island nations?

  1. Mohamed Nasheed

  2. Anote Tong

  3. Enele Sopoaga

  4. David Kabua

Correct Option: A

Mohamed Nasheed, the former President of the Maldives, has been a vocal advocate for climate action and has played a crucial role in raising awareness about the vulnerability of low-lying island nations to the impacts of climate change.

Who is the Swedish environmental activist and founder of the Fridays for Future movement, which has mobilized millions of young people around the world to demand climate action?

  1. Greta Thunberg

  2. Xiye Bastida

  3. Autumn Peltier

  4. Isra Hirsi

Correct Option: A

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist, founded the Fridays for Future movement in 2018. The movement has mobilized millions of young people around the world to demand urgent action on climate change.

Which climate activist and author is known for his work on climate justice and his advocacy for the rights of vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by climate change?

  1. Bill McKibben

  2. Naomi Klein

  3. Rebecca Solnit

  4. Vandana Shiva

Correct Option: A

Bill McKibben, an American environmental activist and author, is a leading voice on climate justice and has been a vocal advocate for the rights of vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by climate change.

Who is the American environmental activist and founder of the Sierra Club, one of the oldest and largest grassroots environmental organizations in the United States?

  1. John Muir

  2. David Brower

  3. Michael Brune

  4. Carl Pope

Correct Option: A

John Muir, a Scottish-American naturalist and conservationist, founded the Sierra Club in 1892. The organization has played a crucial role in protecting wilderness areas and advocating for environmental conservation.

Which climate activist and former President of Costa Rica is known for his pioneering work in promoting sustainable development and conservation efforts, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987?

  1. Oscar Arias Sánchez

  2. José Figueres Ferrer

  3. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverría

  4. Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier

Correct Option: A

Oscar Arias Sánchez, a former President of Costa Rica, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his efforts in promoting peace and sustainable development in Central America.

Who is the American environmental activist and author known for her work on environmental justice and her advocacy for the rights of communities affected by pollution and environmental degradation?

  1. Lois Gibbs

  2. Majora Carter

  3. Erin Brockovich

  4. Julia Butterfly Hill

Correct Option: A

Lois Gibbs, an American environmental activist, is a pioneer in the field of environmental justice and has been a tireless advocate for the rights of communities affected by pollution and environmental degradation.

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