Application Architecture and Design Patterns

Description: This quiz covers the concepts of application architecture and design patterns, including their principles, types, and applications. It assesses your understanding of these fundamental aspects of software design and their role in building scalable, maintainable, and efficient software systems.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: application architecture design patterns software design scalability maintainability
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Which architectural pattern is commonly used for distributed systems, where components communicate asynchronously through messages?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Client-Server Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: D

Event-Driven Architecture is a distributed architectural pattern where components communicate asynchronously through messages, enabling scalability and loose coupling.

Which design pattern provides a way to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate them, and make them interchangeable?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Singleton

  4. Decorator

Correct Option: B

The Strategy design pattern allows you to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. This promotes flexibility and code reuse.

Which architectural pattern involves dividing an application into multiple layers, each with a specific responsibility?

  1. Microservices Architecture

  2. Layered Architecture

  3. Client-Server Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: B

Layered Architecture is a traditional architectural pattern where an application is divided into multiple layers, each with a specific responsibility, promoting modularity and maintainability.

Which design pattern allows you to add new functionality to an existing class without modifying its source code?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Decorator

  4. Adapter

Correct Option: C

The Decorator design pattern allows you to add new functionality to an existing class without modifying its source code, providing a flexible way to extend the behavior of objects.

Which architectural pattern involves breaking an application into smaller, independent services that communicate over a network?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Client-Server Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: B

Microservices Architecture is a modern architectural pattern where an application is broken into smaller, independent services that communicate over a network, promoting scalability and modularity.

Which design pattern provides a way to create objects without specifying the exact class to instantiate?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Singleton

  4. Builder

Correct Option: A

The Factory Method design pattern provides a way to create objects without specifying the exact class to instantiate, allowing for flexible object creation and decoupling.

Which architectural pattern involves a central server that provides services to multiple clients?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Client-Server Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: C

Client-Server Architecture is a traditional architectural pattern where a central server provides services to multiple clients, promoting resource sharing and centralized control.

Which design pattern allows you to create a single instance of a class and ensure that it is accessed globally?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Singleton

  4. Builder

Correct Option: C

The Singleton design pattern allows you to create a single instance of a class and ensure that it is accessed globally, promoting resource optimization and controlled access.

Which architectural pattern involves dividing an application into multiple modules that can be independently developed and deployed?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Modular Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: C

Modular Architecture is an architectural pattern where an application is divided into multiple modules that can be independently developed and deployed, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Which design pattern allows you to create complex objects step-by-step, using a series of smaller, simpler steps?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Builder

  4. Adapter

Correct Option: C

The Builder design pattern allows you to create complex objects step-by-step, using a series of smaller, simpler steps, promoting flexibility and code readability.

Which architectural pattern involves breaking an application into multiple tiers, each with a specific role and responsibility?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Client-Server Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: A

Layered Architecture is an architectural pattern where an application is divided into multiple tiers, each with a specific role and responsibility, promoting modularity and maintainability.

Which design pattern allows you to convert the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Adapter

  4. Builder

Correct Option: C

The Adapter design pattern allows you to convert the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect, promoting compatibility and interoperability.

Which architectural pattern involves dividing an application into multiple components that communicate through well-defined interfaces?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Component-Based Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: C

Component-Based Architecture is an architectural pattern where an application is divided into multiple components that communicate through well-defined interfaces, promoting modularity and reusability.

Which design pattern allows you to create objects that can be composed into larger objects, providing a tree-like structure?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Strategy

  3. Composite

  4. Builder

Correct Option: C

The Composite design pattern allows you to create objects that can be composed into larger objects, providing a tree-like structure and promoting flexibility and code reusability.

Which architectural pattern involves dividing an application into multiple layers, each with a specific responsibility and direction of communication?

  1. Layered Architecture

  2. Microservices Architecture

  3. Client-Server Architecture

  4. Event-Driven Architecture

Correct Option: A

Layered Architecture is an architectural pattern where an application is divided into multiple layers, each with a specific responsibility and direction of communication, promoting modularity and maintainability.

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