Entailment and Inference in Predicate Logic

Description: This quiz is designed to assess your understanding of entailment and inference in predicate logic. It covers topics such as validity, soundness, and completeness of arguments, as well as different types of inferences such as modus ponens, modus tollens, and hypothetical syllogism.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: predicate logic entailment inference validity soundness completeness
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Which of the following is a valid argument form?

  1. If P, then Q.

  2. P or Q.

  3. If P, then not Q.

  4. Not P, therefore Q.

Correct Option: A

A valid argument form is one in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises. In the given argument form, if P is true, then Q must also be true. Therefore, it is a valid argument form.

Which of the following is a sound argument?

  1. If it is raining, then the ground is wet.

  2. If it is raining, then the sun is shining.

  3. If it is raining, then the grass is green.

  4. If it is raining, then the sky is blue.

Correct Option: A

A sound argument is one in which both the premises and the conclusion are true. In the given argument, if it is raining, then the ground is indeed wet. Therefore, it is a sound argument.

Which of the following is a complete argument system?

  1. Classical propositional logic.

  2. Intuitionistic propositional logic.

  3. Modal propositional logic.

  4. First-order predicate logic.

Correct Option: A

A complete argument system is one in which every valid argument can be proven from the axioms of the system. Classical propositional logic is a complete argument system, meaning that every valid propositional argument can be proven from its axioms.

Which of the following is an example of modus ponens?

  1. If P, then Q.

  2. P.

  3. Therefore, Q.

  4. Not P, therefore not Q.

Correct Option:

Modus ponens is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion Q from the premises P and If P, then Q. In the given example, we have the premise P and the conditional statement If P, then Q. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion Q.

Which of the following is an example of modus tollens?

  1. If P, then Q.

  2. Not Q.

  3. Therefore, not P.

  4. P, therefore Q.

Correct Option:

Modus tollens is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion not P from the premises If P, then Q and not Q. In the given example, we have the conditional statement If P, then Q and the premise not Q. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion not P.

Which of the following is an example of hypothetical syllogism?

  1. If P, then Q.

  2. If Q, then R.

  3. Therefore, if P, then R.

  4. P, therefore Q.

Correct Option:

Hypothetical syllogism is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion If P, then R from the premises If P, then Q and If Q, then R. In the given example, we have the conditional statements If P, then Q and If Q, then R. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion If P, then R.

Which of the following is a fallacy?

  1. Affirming the consequent.

  2. Denying the antecedent.

  3. Modus ponens.

  4. Modus tollens.

Correct Option: A

Affirming the consequent is a fallacy that occurs when we infer the truth of the antecedent from the truth of the consequent. For example, if we have the conditional statement If P, then Q and we know that Q is true, we cannot conclude that P is also true. This is because there may be other conditions that can also lead to Q being true.

Which of the following is a valid argument form for universal generalization?

  1. For all x, P(x).

  2. P(a).

  3. Therefore, for all x, P(x).

  4. P(a), therefore P(b).

Correct Option:

Universal generalization is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion For all x, P(x) from the premises For all x, P(x) and P(a), where a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse. In the given argument form, we have the premise For all x, P(x) and the premise P(a). Therefore, we can infer the conclusion For all x, P(x).

Which of the following is a valid argument form for existential generalization?

  1. There exists an x such that P(x).

  2. P(a).

  3. Therefore, there exists an x such that P(x).

  4. P(a), therefore P(b).

Correct Option:

Existential generalization is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion There exists an x such that P(x) from the premises There exists an x such that P(x) and P(a), where a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse. In the given argument form, we have the premise There exists an x such that P(x) and the premise P(a). Therefore, we can infer the conclusion There exists an x such that P(x).

Which of the following is a valid argument form for universal instantiation?

  1. For all x, P(x).

  2. a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse.

  3. Therefore, P(a).

  4. P(a), therefore P(b).

Correct Option:

Universal instantiation is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion P(a) from the premises For all x, P(x) and a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse. In the given argument form, we have the premise For all x, P(x) and the premise a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion P(a).

Which of the following is a valid argument form for existential instantiation?

  1. There exists an x such that P(x).

  2. a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse.

  3. Therefore, P(a).

  4. P(a), therefore P(b).

Correct Option:

Existential instantiation is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion P(a) from the premises There exists an x such that P(x) and a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse. In the given argument form, we have the premise There exists an x such that P(x) and the premise a is an arbitrary member of the domain of discourse. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion P(a).

Which of the following is a valid argument form for hypothetical syllogism?

  1. If P, then Q.

  2. If Q, then R.

  3. Therefore, if P, then R.

  4. P, therefore Q.

Correct Option:

Hypothetical syllogism is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion If P, then R from the premises If P, then Q and If Q, then R. In the given argument form, we have the premises If P, then Q and If Q, then R. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion If P, then R.

Which of the following is a valid argument form for disjunctive syllogism?

  1. P or Q.

  2. Not P.

  3. Therefore, Q.

  4. P, therefore Q.

Correct Option:

Disjunctive syllogism is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion Q from the premises P or Q and Not P. In the given argument form, we have the premises P or Q and Not P. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion Q.

Which of the following is a valid argument form for constructive dilemma?

  1. Either P or Q.

  2. If P, then R.

  3. If Q, then S.

  4. Therefore, either R or S.

  5. P, therefore Q.

Correct Option:

Constructive dilemma is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion Either R or S from the premises Either P or Q, If P, then R, and If Q, then S. In the given argument form, we have the premises Either P or Q, If P, then R, and If Q, then S. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion Either R or S.

Which of the following is a valid argument form for destructive dilemma?

  1. Either P or Q.

  2. If P, then R.

  3. If Q, then S.

  4. Not R.

  5. Therefore, not Q.

  6. P, therefore Q.

Correct Option:

Destructive dilemma is a rule of inference that allows us to infer the conclusion Not Q from the premises Either P or Q, If P, then R, If Q, then S, and Not R. In the given argument form, we have the premises Either P or Q, If P, then R, If Q, then S, and Not R. Therefore, we can infer the conclusion Not Q.

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