Political Philosophy in Non-Western Traditions

Description: Political Philosophy in Non-Western Traditions Quiz
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Which ancient Chinese philosopher is known for his concept of the Mandate of Heaven?

  1. Confucius

  2. Laozi

  3. Mencius

  4. Xunzi

Correct Option: A

Confucius believed that the ruler's right to rule was dependent on the approval of Heaven, and that if the ruler lost the Mandate of Heaven, they would be overthrown.

What is the central concept of Taoism?

  1. Wu wei

  2. Yin and yang

  3. Qi

  4. Ziran

Correct Option: A

Wu wei, or non-action, is the idea that the best way to live in harmony with the Tao, or the Way, is to let go of desires and attachments and to allow things to happen naturally.

What is the name of the ancient Indian political treatise that discusses the duties of a king?

  1. Arthashastra

  2. Dharma Shastra

  3. Manusmriti

  4. Rigveda

Correct Option: A

The Arthashastra is a treatise on statecraft, military strategy, and economic policy written by Kautilya, an advisor to the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta Maurya.

Which Islamic philosopher is known for his concept of the just ruler?

  1. Al-Farabi

  2. Ibn Khaldun

  3. Al-Ghazali

  4. Averroes

Correct Option: A

Al-Farabi believed that the just ruler is one who is wise, virtuous, and just, and who rules in accordance with the law.

What is the name of the ancient African political system that emphasized the importance of community and consensus?

  1. Ubuntu

  2. Ujamaa

  3. Harambee

  4. Shura

Correct Option: A

Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term that translates to 'humanity' or 'humanness', and it emphasizes the importance of community and consensus in decision-making.

Which Latin American philosopher is known for his concept of liberation theology?

  1. Gustavo Gutierrez

  2. Paulo Freire

  3. Frantz Fanon

  4. Che Guevara

Correct Option: A

Gustavo Gutierrez is a Peruvian priest and theologian who is considered to be the founder of liberation theology, a movement that seeks to apply Christian principles to the struggle for social justice.

What is the name of the ancient Chinese political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of harmony and balance?

  1. Confucianism

  2. Taoism

  3. Legalism

  4. Mohism

Correct Option: B

Taoism is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of harmony and balance between yin and yang, the two opposing forces that make up the universe.

Which Islamic philosopher is known for his concept of the 'perfect man'?

  1. Al-Farabi

  2. Ibn Sina

  3. Al-Ghazali

  4. Averroes

Correct Option: A

Al-Farabi believed that the perfect man is one who is wise, virtuous, and just, and who has achieved a state of spiritual perfection.

What is the name of the ancient Indian political system that emphasized the importance of dharma, or duty?

  1. Varna

  2. Ashrama

  3. Jati

  4. Gotra

Correct Option: A

Varna is a social stratification system in Hinduism that divides society into four classes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

Which Latin American philosopher is known for his concept of 'dependency theory'?

  1. Gustavo Gutierrez

  2. Paulo Freire

  3. Frantz Fanon

  4. Andre Gunder Frank

Correct Option: D

Andre Gunder Frank is a German-American economist and sociologist who is known for his concept of dependency theory, which argues that the economic and political development of Latin America is dependent on the exploitation of the region by developed countries.

What is the name of the ancient Chinese political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of law and order?

  1. Confucianism

  2. Taoism

  3. Legalism

  4. Mohism

Correct Option: C

Legalism is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of law and order, and it argues that the best way to govern a state is through the strict enforcement of laws.

Which Islamic philosopher is known for his concept of the 'philosopher-king'?

  1. Al-Farabi

  2. Ibn Sina

  3. Al-Ghazali

  4. Averroes

Correct Option: A

Al-Farabi believed that the best form of government is one that is ruled by a philosopher-king, who is a wise and virtuous ruler who is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.

What is the name of the ancient Indian political system that emphasized the importance of non-violence and ahimsa?

  1. Varna

  2. Ashrama

  3. Jati

  4. Gotra

Correct Option:

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that means 'non-violence', and it is a central principle of Jainism and Buddhism.

Which Latin American philosopher is known for his concept of 'cultural imperialism'?

  1. Gustavo Gutierrez

  2. Paulo Freire

  3. Frantz Fanon

  4. Edward Said

Correct Option: D

Edward Said is a Palestinian-American literary critic and theorist who is known for his concept of cultural imperialism, which argues that the culture of developed countries is imposed on developing countries through economic and political power.

What is the name of the ancient Chinese political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of moderation and balance?

  1. Confucianism

  2. Taoism

  3. Legalism

  4. Mohism

Correct Option: D

Mohism is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of moderation and balance, and it argues that the best way to govern a state is through the promotion of universal love and impartiality.

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