Game Theory in Law and Public Policy

Description: This quiz is designed to test your understanding of game theory concepts in the context of law and public policy.
Number of Questions: 14
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Tags: game theory law public policy
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What is the Nash equilibrium in a game theory context?

  1. A set of strategies for all players where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy.

  2. A set of strategies for all players where all players have the same outcome.

  3. A set of strategies for all players where the outcome is Pareto efficient.

  4. A set of strategies for all players where the outcome is socially optimal.

Correct Option: A

The Nash equilibrium is a fundamental concept in game theory that describes a situation where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players.

Which of the following is an example of a zero-sum game?

  1. A game of chess

  2. A game of Monopoly

  3. A game of Prisoner's Dilemma

  4. A game of Chicken

Correct Option: C

A zero-sum game is a game where the gains of one player are exactly offset by the losses of the other players. The Prisoner's Dilemma is an example of a zero-sum game, as the gains of one player (by confessing) are exactly offset by the losses of the other player (by remaining silent).

What is the difference between a dominant strategy and a Nash equilibrium?

  1. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players, while a Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy.

  2. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players, while a Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies where all players have the same outcome.

  3. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players, while a Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies where the outcome is Pareto efficient.

  4. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players, while a Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies where the outcome is socially optimal.

Correct Option: A

A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players. A Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players.

What is the Coase theorem?

  1. A theorem that states that in the absence of transaction costs, the allocation of resources will be efficient, regardless of the initial allocation of property rights.

  2. A theorem that states that in the presence of transaction costs, the allocation of resources will be efficient if property rights are assigned to the party who values them the most.

  3. A theorem that states that in the presence of transaction costs, the allocation of resources will be efficient if property rights are assigned to the party who can use them most efficiently.

  4. A theorem that states that in the presence of transaction costs, the allocation of resources will be efficient if property rights are assigned to the party who is willing to pay the most for them.

Correct Option: A

The Coase theorem states that in the absence of transaction costs, the allocation of resources will be efficient, regardless of the initial allocation of property rights. This is because the parties involved in a transaction can bargain with each other to reach an efficient outcome.

What is the tragedy of the commons?

  1. A situation where a shared resource is overused because individuals acting in their own self-interest do not take into account the negative externalities of their actions on others.

  2. A situation where a shared resource is underused because individuals acting in their own self-interest do not take into account the positive externalities of their actions on others.

  3. A situation where a shared resource is used efficiently because individuals acting in their own self-interest take into account the negative and positive externalities of their actions on others.

  4. A situation where a shared resource is used inefficiently because individuals acting in their own self-interest do not take into account the negative and positive externalities of their actions on others.

Correct Option: A

The tragedy of the commons is a situation where a shared resource is overused because individuals acting in their own self-interest do not take into account the negative externalities of their actions on others. This can lead to the depletion or degradation of the resource.

What is the difference between a public good and a private good?

  1. A public good is non-rivalrous and non-excludable, while a private good is rivalrous and excludable.

  2. A public good is rivalrous and non-excludable, while a private good is non-rivalrous and excludable.

  3. A public good is rivalrous and excludable, while a private good is non-rivalrous and non-excludable.

  4. A public good is non-rivalrous and excludable, while a private good is rivalrous and non-excludable.

Correct Option: A

A public good is non-rivalrous, meaning that one person's consumption of the good does not prevent another person from consuming the same good. A public good is also non-excludable, meaning that it is difficult or impossible to prevent people from consuming the good, even if they do not pay for it. A private good is rivalrous, meaning that one person's consumption of the good prevents another person from consuming the same good. A private good is also excludable, meaning that it is possible to prevent people from consuming the good if they do not pay for it.

What is the prisoner's dilemma?

  1. A game theory model where two players, each having two possible strategies, are in a situation where each player's best strategy is to betray the other player, even though both players would be better off if they both cooperated.

  2. A game theory model where two players, each having two possible strategies, are in a situation where each player's best strategy is to cooperate with the other player, even though both players would be better off if they both betrayed the other player.

  3. A game theory model where two players, each having two possible strategies, are in a situation where each player's best strategy is to cooperate with the other player, and both players are better off if they both cooperate.

  4. A game theory model where two players, each having two possible strategies, are in a situation where each player's best strategy is to betray the other player, and both players are better off if they both betray the other player.

Correct Option: A

The prisoner's dilemma is a game theory model where two players, each having two possible strategies, are in a situation where each player's best strategy is to betray the other player, even though both players would be better off if they both cooperated. This is because each player has an incentive to betray the other player, even if they know that both players would be better off if they both cooperated.

What is the difference between a positive externality and a negative externality?

  1. A positive externality is a benefit that one person receives from the actions of another person, while a negative externality is a cost that one person incurs from the actions of another person.

  2. A positive externality is a cost that one person incurs from the actions of another person, while a negative externality is a benefit that one person receives from the actions of another person.

  3. A positive externality is a benefit that one person receives from the actions of another person, while a negative externality is a benefit that one person receives from the actions of another person.

  4. A positive externality is a cost that one person incurs from the actions of another person, while a negative externality is a cost that one person incurs from the actions of another person.

Correct Option: A

A positive externality is a benefit that one person receives from the actions of another person. A negative externality is a cost that one person incurs from the actions of another person.

What is the difference between a monopoly and a perfect competition?

  1. A monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller, while perfect competition is a market structure where there are many buyers and sellers.

  2. A monopoly is a market structure where there are many buyers and sellers, while perfect competition is a market structure where there is only one seller.

  3. A monopoly is a market structure where there are many buyers and sellers, while perfect competition is a market structure where there are many buyers and sellers.

  4. A monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller, while perfect competition is a market structure where there is only one seller.

Correct Option: A

A monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller. A perfect competition is a market structure where there are many buyers and sellers.

What is the difference between a cartel and an oligopoly?

  1. A cartel is a group of producers who agree to cooperate with each other in order to control the market, while an oligopoly is a market structure where there are a few large sellers.

  2. A cartel is a group of producers who agree to compete with each other in order to control the market, while an oligopoly is a market structure where there are a few large sellers.

  3. A cartel is a group of producers who agree to cooperate with each other in order to control the market, while an oligopoly is a market structure where there are many small sellers.

  4. A cartel is a group of producers who agree to compete with each other in order to control the market, while an oligopoly is a market structure where there are many small sellers.

Correct Option: A

A cartel is a group of producers who agree to cooperate with each other in order to control the market. An oligopoly is a market structure where there are a few large sellers.

What is the difference between a dominant strategy and a mixed strategy?

  1. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players, while a mixed strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more pure strategies.

  2. A dominant strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more pure strategies, while a mixed strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players.

  3. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players, while a mixed strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a pure strategy that is not the best choice for them.

  4. A dominant strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a pure strategy that is not the best choice for them, while a mixed strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players.

Correct Option: A

A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the strategies of the other players. A mixed strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more pure strategies.

What is the difference between a pure strategy and a mixed strategy?

  1. A pure strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a single action, while a mixed strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more actions.

  2. A pure strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more actions, while a mixed strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a single action.

  3. A pure strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a single action that is not the best choice for them, while a mixed strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more actions.

  4. A pure strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a single action that is the best choice for them, while a mixed strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more actions.

Correct Option: A

A pure strategy is a strategy where a player chooses a single action. A mixed strategy is a strategy where a player randomly chooses between two or more actions.

What is the difference between a Nash equilibrium and a Pareto efficient outcome?

  1. A Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies for all players where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players, while a Pareto efficient outcome is an outcome where it is impossible to make one player better off without making another player worse off.

  2. A Nash equilibrium is an outcome where it is impossible to make one player better off without making another player worse off, while a Pareto efficient outcome is a set of strategies for all players where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players.

  3. A Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies for all players where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players, while a Pareto efficient outcome is an outcome where it is possible to make one player better off without making another player worse off.

  4. A Nash equilibrium is an outcome where it is possible to make one player better off without making another player worse off, while a Pareto efficient outcome is a set of strategies for all players where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players.

Correct Option: A

A Nash equilibrium is a set of strategies for all players where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies of the other players. A Pareto efficient outcome is an outcome where it is impossible to make one player better off without making another player worse off.

What is the difference between a cooperative game and a non-cooperative game?

  1. A cooperative game is a game where the players can communicate with each other and make binding agreements, while a non-cooperative game is a game where the players cannot communicate with each other or make binding agreements.

  2. A cooperative game is a game where the players cannot communicate with each other or make binding agreements, while a non-cooperative game is a game where the players can communicate with each other and make binding agreements.

  3. A cooperative game is a game where the players can communicate with each other but cannot make binding agreements, while a non-cooperative game is a game where the players cannot communicate with each other but can make binding agreements.

  4. A cooperative game is a game where the players cannot communicate with each other but can make binding agreements, while a non-cooperative game is a game where the players can communicate with each other but cannot make binding agreements.

Correct Option: A

A cooperative game is a game where the players can communicate with each other and make binding agreements. A non-cooperative game is a game where the players cannot communicate with each other or make binding agreements.

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