technology Online Quiz - 1568

Description: technology Online Quiz - 1568
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: technology
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The most common format for a home video recorder is VHS. VHS stands for...?

  1. Video Home System

  2. Very high speed

  3. Video horizontal standard

  4. Voltage house standard

Correct Option: A

What does VVVF stand for?

  1. Variant Voltage Vile Frequency

  2. Variable Velocity Variable Fun

  3. Very Very Vicious Frequency

  4. Variable Voltage Variable Frequency

Correct Option: D

The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this process called?

  1. Pumping

  2. Exciting

  3. Priming

  4. Raising

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the process of generating output from a laser. Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Pumping - This option is correct because the process of exciting an active medium in a laser is called pumping. Pumping involves supplying energy to the active medium, such as a solid, liquid, or gas, to raise electrons to higher energy levels.

Option B) Exciting - This option is incorrect because while it describes the general concept of the process, the specific term used in the context of lasers is "pumping."

Option C) Priming - This option is incorrect because priming is not the term used to describe the process of exciting an active medium in a laser.

Option D) Raising - This option is incorrect because while it describes the general concept of raising electrons to higher energy levels, the specific term used in the context of lasers is "pumping."

The correct answer is A) Pumping. This option is correct because it accurately describes the process of exciting an active medium in a laser.

The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this process called?

  1. Pumping

  2. Exciting

  3. Priming

  4. Raising

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the process of generating output from a laser.

The correct answer is A) Pumping. This process involves supplying energy to the active medium of a laser in order to excite its atoms or molecules into a higher energy state. This excitation process is necessary to achieve population inversion, which is crucial for the production of stimulated emission and the amplification of light in a laser. Once the active medium is pumped and reaches the necessary energy level, it can produce stimulated emission and generate the laser output.

What does the term PLC stand for?

  1. Programmable Lift Computer

  2. Program List Control

  3. Programmable Logic Controller

  4. Piezo Lamp Connector

Correct Option: C

Who created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?

  1. Paul Zimmerman

  2. Tim Berners-Lee

  3. Marc Andreessen

  4. Ken Thompson

Correct Option: A

Who created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?

  1. Paul Zimmerman

  2. Tim Berners-Lee

  3. Marc Andreessen

  4. Ken Thompson

Correct Option: A

What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.

  1. URL (Universal Resource Locator)

  2. LAN (Local Area Network)

  3. WAN (Wide Area Network)

  4. World Wide Web

Correct Option: C

Who co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft?

  1. Shawn Fanning

  2. Ada Byron Lovelace

  3. Sabeer Bhatia

  4. Ray Tomlinson

Correct Option: C

Collate property set at DB level is not applicable to

  1. Stored Procedures

  2. Temporary tables


  4. Triggers

Correct Option: B

In what year was the "@" chosen for its use in e-mail addresses?

  1. 1976

  2. 1972

  3. 1980

  4. 1984

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the history of email addresses and the symbol "@".

Option A) 1976 - This option is incorrect because the "@" symbol was chosen for email addresses before 1976.

Option B) 1972 - This option is correct. The "@" symbol was chosen for its use in email addresses in 1972.

Option C) 1980 - This option is incorrect. The "@" symbol was chosen for email addresses before 1980.

Option D) 1984 - This option is incorrect. The "@" symbol was chosen for email addresses before 1984.

The correct answer is B) 1972. This option is correct because the "@" symbol was chosen for its use in email addresses in 1972.

The datatype text in Sybase is mapped to which datatype in SQL server

  1. Char

  2. Varchar(Max)

  3. Int

  4. Float

Correct Option: B

What was the first ARPANET message?

  1. "lo"

  2. "hello world"

  3. "mary had a little lamb"

  4. "cyberspace, the final frontier"

Correct Option: A

Who built the world's first binary digit computer: Z1...?

  1. Konrad Zuse

  2. Ken Thompson

  3. Alan Turing

  4. George Boole

Correct Option: A

Who co-created the UNIX operating system in 1969 with Dennis Ritchie?

  1. Bjarne Stroustrup

  2. Steve Wozniak

  3. Ken Thompson

  4. Niklaus Wirth

Correct Option: C

If a java file does not use any frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, the possible keywords for getting the DB Connecting java files are

  1. CallableStatement

  2. PreparedStatement

  3. ResultSet

  4. only a

  5. a,b and c

  6. a and b

Correct Option: E

Where is the headquarters of Intel located?

  1. Redmond, Washington

  2. Tucson, Arizona

  3. Santa Clara, California

  4. Richmond, Virginia

Correct Option: C

Where is the headquarters of Intel located?

  1. Redmond, Washington

  2. Tucson, Arizona

  3. Santa Clara, California

  4. Richmond, Virginia

Correct Option: C

What are the types of reporting supported by business object based on the report source?

  1. WEBI

  2. DESKI

  3. Both a and b

  4. Only a

Correct Option: C

A T- SQL has Group By statements where the column used in the GROUP BY clause need not be a part of the SELECT list. PL/SQL does not allow this type of GROUPBY queries. What should be used in PL/SQL in such scenarios?

  1. Over Partition By

  2. Over Group By

  3. Both

  4. None

Correct Option: A
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