Myths About Political Power

Description: Myths About Political Power
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Tags: politics political myths and legends myths about political power
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Which of the following is NOT a common myth about political power?

  1. Power corrupts.

  2. Power is always concentrated in the hands of a few.

  3. Power is a zero-sum game.

  4. Power is inherently good.

Correct Option: D

Power is often seen as a neutral tool that can be used for good or for evil, depending on the intentions of those who wield it.

The idea that power corrupts is often attributed to which historical figure?

  1. Plato

  2. Aristotle

  3. Machiavelli

  4. Lord Acton

Correct Option: D

Lord Acton, a 19th-century British historian, is often credited with the famous quote, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The concept of power as a zero-sum game suggests that:

  1. One person's gain in power is another person's loss.

  2. Power can be created or destroyed.

  3. Power is evenly distributed among all members of society.

  4. Power is a constant and unchanging force.

Correct Option: A

The zero-sum game theory of power assumes that there is a finite amount of power available, and that any increase in one person's power must come at the expense of someone else's power.

Which of the following is NOT a common strategy used by those in power to maintain their position?

  1. Co-optation

  2. Divide and rule

  3. Repression

  4. Transparency

Correct Option: D

Transparency is not typically used by those in power to maintain their position, as it involves making information and decision-making processes open and accessible to the public.

The idea that power is always concentrated in the hands of a few is associated with which sociological theory?

  1. Elite theory

  2. Pluralist theory

  3. Marxist theory

  4. Functionalist theory

Correct Option: A

Elite theory posits that power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of individuals or organizations who control the key institutions of society.

Which of the following is NOT a common criticism of the myth that power corrupts?

  1. It is based on a simplistic view of human nature.

  2. It ignores the potential for power to be used for good.

  3. It fails to take into account the role of institutions in shaping the use of power.

  4. It is supported by empirical evidence.

Correct Option: D

There is no clear empirical evidence to support the claim that power corrupts. In fact, some studies have shown that power can actually have a positive impact on individuals, leading to increased self-confidence, empathy, and social responsibility.

The concept of power as a social construct suggests that:

  1. Power is created and maintained through social interactions.

  2. Power is an objective and measurable quantity.

  3. Power is inherent in certain individuals or positions.

  4. Power is a fixed and unchanging aspect of society.

Correct Option: A

The social constructivist view of power emphasizes the role of social interactions, norms, and institutions in shaping the distribution and use of power.

Which of the following is NOT a common source of political power?

  1. Wealth

  2. Military force

  3. Charisma

  4. Expertise

Correct Option: D

While expertise can be a source of influence, it is not typically considered a source of political power in the same way that wealth, military force, and charisma are.

The idea that power is a zero-sum game is often used to justify:

  1. Aggressive foreign policy

  2. Economic inequality

  3. Social welfare programs

  4. Environmental protection

Correct Option: A

The zero-sum game theory of power is often used to justify aggressive foreign policy, as it suggests that one country can only gain power at the expense of another.

Which of the following is NOT a common strategy used by those seeking to gain political power?

  1. Building alliances

  2. Appealing to voters' emotions

  3. Using propaganda

  4. Promoting transparency and accountability

Correct Option: D

Promoting transparency and accountability is not typically used as a strategy to gain political power, as it involves making information and decision-making processes open and accessible to the public, which can limit the ability of those in power to exercise their authority.

The concept of power as a resource suggests that:

  1. Power can be acquired, used, and exchanged.

  2. Power is a fixed and unchanging aspect of society.

  3. Power is inherent in certain individuals or positions.

  4. Power is a social construct that is created and maintained through social interactions.

Correct Option: A

The resource theory of power emphasizes the ability of individuals and groups to acquire, use, and exchange power in order to achieve their goals.

Which of the following is NOT a common criticism of the myth that power is always concentrated in the hands of a few?

  1. It ignores the role of institutions in shaping the distribution of power.

  2. It fails to take into account the potential for power to be shared among many individuals.

  3. It is based on a simplistic view of society.

  4. It is supported by empirical evidence.

Correct Option: D

There is no clear empirical evidence to support the claim that power is always concentrated in the hands of a few. In fact, some studies have shown that power can be distributed quite widely among different individuals and groups in society.

The idea that power is a social construct is associated with which theoretical perspective in political science?

  1. Pluralism

  2. Marxism

  3. Functionalism

  4. Postmodernism

Correct Option: D

Postmodernism is a theoretical perspective that emphasizes the constructed and fluid nature of social reality, including the concept of power.

Which of the following is NOT a common strategy used by those in power to maintain their position?

  1. Co-optation

  2. Divide and rule

  3. Repression

  4. Empowerment

Correct Option: D

Empowerment is not typically used by those in power to maintain their position, as it involves giving more power and autonomy to others.

The concept of power as a social relation suggests that:

  1. Power is created and maintained through social interactions.

  2. Power is an objective and measurable quantity.

  3. Power is inherent in certain individuals or positions.

  4. Power is a fixed and unchanging aspect of society.

Correct Option: A

The social relational view of power emphasizes the role of social interactions, norms, and institutions in shaping the distribution and use of power.

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