Identifying Bias and Subjectivity in Argumentative Writing

Description: This quiz is designed to assess your ability to identify bias and subjectivity in argumentative writing. Bias refers to the inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, while subjectivity refers to the personal beliefs, feelings, or opinions of an individual.
Number of Questions: 14
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Tags: argumentative writing bias subjectivity
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Which of the following statements is an example of bias?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65.

Correct Option: B

This statement is an example of bias because it expresses a negative opinion towards the idea of providing free healthcare to all citizens.

Which of the following statements is an example of subjectivity?

  1. The sky is blue.

  2. The grass is green.

  3. The sun is hot.

  4. The moon is beautiful.

Correct Option: D

This statement is an example of subjectivity because it expresses a personal opinion about the beauty of the moon.

Which of the following statements is an example of an argumentative statement?

  1. The sky is blue.

  2. The grass is green.

  3. The sun is hot.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens.

Correct Option: D

This statement is an example of an argumentative statement because it expresses an opinion and provides reasons to support that opinion.

Which of the following statements is an example of a biased argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option: B

This statement is an example of a biased argument because it expresses a negative opinion towards the idea of providing free healthcare to all citizens and provides a reason that is based on cost.

Which of the following statements is an example of a subjective argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option: D

This statement is an example of a subjective argument because it expresses a personal opinion about who should receive free healthcare and provides a reason that is based on age.

Which of the following statements is an example of an objective argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option: A

This statement is an example of an objective argument because it expresses an opinion that is based on facts and evidence.

Which of the following statements is an example of a logical fallacy?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option: B

This statement is an example of a logical fallacy because it uses the cost of free healthcare as a reason to not provide it, even though the cost is not relevant to the fundamental human right to healthcare.

Which of the following statements is an example of a straw man argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of a straw man argument because it creates a false dichotomy between free healthcare and socialism, when in reality there are many different ways to provide free healthcare without creating a socialist system.

Which of the following statements is an example of a bandwagon argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of a bandwagon argument because it uses the popularity of free healthcare as a reason to support it, even though the popularity of something does not necessarily make it a good idea.

Which of the following statements is an example of an ad hominem argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of an ad hominem argument because it attacks the person who proposed the idea of free healthcare, rather than the idea itself.

Which of the following statements is an example of a slippery slope argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of a slippery slope argument because it assumes that providing free healthcare will inevitably lead to a nanny state, even though there is no evidence to support this claim.

Which of the following statements is an example of a false dilemma argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of a false dilemma argument because it presents only two options, when in reality there are many other options available.

Which of the following statements is an example of a circular argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of a circular argument because it uses the conclusion of the argument (that free healthcare should be provided by the government) as a premise to support the conclusion.

Which of the following statements is an example of a begging the question argument?

  1. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is a fundamental human right.

  2. The government should not provide free healthcare to all citizens because it is too expensive.

  3. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are below the poverty line because they cannot afford to pay for it.

  4. The government should provide free healthcare to all citizens who are over the age of 65 because they are more likely to need it.

Correct Option:

This statement is an example of a begging the question argument because it assumes the conclusion of the argument (that free healthcare is the only way to ensure that everyone has access to healthcare) as a premise to support the conclusion.

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