security Online Quiz - 13

Description: security Online Quiz - 13
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: security
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  1. Server Misconfigurations

  2. Buffer Overflow

  3. Brute Force Attacks

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Tina is working on a multi threaded application.The users of the application can specify the duration for which the threads may be put to sleep.If Tina does not perform any input validation,she is most likely to expose her code to ?

  1. Session Fixation

  2. Cross Side Scripting

  3. Denial of Service

  4. SQL Injection

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of input validation and the potential risks associated with not performing proper input validation.

Input validation is the process of verifying and validating user input to ensure that it meets certain criteria or constraints. It is an important security measure to prevent malicious or unexpected inputs from causing vulnerabilities in the code.

In this scenario, Tina is working on a multi-threaded application where users can specify the duration for which the threads may be put to sleep. If Tina does not perform any input validation, it means that she does not check or sanitize the user input for this duration.

The lack of input validation in this case can expose Tina's code to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. A Denial of Service attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal functioning of a system or network by overwhelming it with a flood of illegitimate requests or by exploiting vulnerabilities in the system.

By allowing users to specify an arbitrary duration for thread sleep without proper validation, an attacker could potentially input a very large or infinite duration, causing the threads to sleep for an extended period of time or indefinitely. This could lead to resource exhaustion, where the system becomes overwhelmed and unable to handle legitimate requests, ultimately causing a Denial of Service.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) Denial of Service.

Cross site scripting is a type of attack where:

  1. Attacker changes the privilege level through a script

  2. Attacker uploads a message that contains client side code that attacks anyone that reads it.

  3. A script is run at the attackers machine

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

It is a good programming practice to prevent Caching of sensitive data at client or proxies by implementing:

  1. "Cache-Control: do not-cache, do not save"

  2. "Cache-Control: do not-save, do not store"

  3. "Cache-Control: no-cache, no store"

  4. "Cache-Control: do not cache"

Correct Option: C

To solve this question, the user needs to know about caching and how to prevent sensitive data from being cached on clients or proxies.

Option A: "Cache-Control: do not-cache, do not save" - This option is not entirely correct. Although the "do not-cache" directive will prevent the client or proxy from caching the data, there is no "do not save" directive in the Cache-Control header field.

Option B: "Cache-Control: do not-save, do not store" - This option is incorrect. There is no "do not-save" or "do not store" directive in the Cache-Control header field.

Option C: "Cache-Control: no-cache, no store" - This option is correct. The "no-cache" directive indicates that the client or proxy should not use a cached copy of the data for subsequent requests, but it should revalidate the data with the origin server. The "no-store" directive indicates that the client or proxy should not store the data in any form of cache. Together, these directives ensure that sensitive data is not cached on the client or proxy.

Option D: "Cache-Control: do not cache" - This option is not entirely correct. The "do not cache" directive will prevent the client or proxy from caching the data, but it does not prevent the data from being stored in other forms of cache.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: C

Which is not a component of IIS application ?

  1. FTP

  2. Common files

  3. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)

  4. All of the choices are component of IIS

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the components of IIS (Internet Information Services). Let's go through each option:

Option A) FTP - This option is incorrect because FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a component of IIS. It allows for the transfer of files between a client and a server.

Option B) Common files - This option is incorrect because Common files are a component of IIS. They include shared files and resources that are used by multiple websites hosted on the server.

Option C) Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) - This option is incorrect because BITS is a component of IIS. It is a service that enables the transfer of files in the background, allowing for efficient use of network bandwidth.

Option D) All of the choices are components of IIS - This option is incorrect. The correct answer is that not all of the choices are components of IIS. In this case, the correct answer is that D is not a component of IIS.

The correct answer is: D.

  1. Logic Testing

  2. Stress Testing

  3. Conformance Testing

  4. Unit Testing

Correct Option: A
  1. Enforce permissions to folders.

  2. Allow everyone access to the default page only.

  3. Allow only registered users to access the home page of a website.

  4. Make all users log in to access folders

Correct Option: A

If we have to check whether a software product meets the requirements of a particular specification then which one of the following should be performed?

  1. Logic Testing

  2. Stress Testing

  3. Conformance Testing

  4. Unit Testing

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the different types of testing performed on software products.

Option A) Logic Testing - This option is incorrect because logic testing focuses on verifying the correctness of the logical operations within the software code. It does not specifically address whether the software meets the requirements of a particular specification.

Option B) Stress Testing - This option is incorrect because stress testing is performed to evaluate the behavior of a software system under extraordinary conditions, such as high user loads or limited system resources. It does not directly assess whether the software meets the specified requirements.

Option C) Conformance Testing - This option is correct because conformance testing is specifically designed to check whether a software product adheres to a particular specification or standard. It verifies that the software meets the specified requirements and behaves as expected.

Option D) Unit Testing - This option is incorrect because unit testing focuses on testing individual units or components of the software to ensure their correct functionality. It does not address the overall compliance of the software product with a particular specification.

The correct answer is C) Conformance Testing. This option is correct because it specifically targets the verification of whether a software product meets the requirements of a particular specification.

  1. Least common mechanism Least privilege

  2. Least Privilege

  3. Separation of duties

  4. Weakest link

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, the user needs to know the different design principles used in system design.

The option that represents the design principle described in the question is:

B. Least Privilege


The principle of least privilege is a design principle in which users, agents, or processes are granted only the necessary permissions to perform their assigned tasks, and no more. This principle is important because it limits the potential damage of a security breach or other security incident. By applying the most restrictive set of operating system permissions to all application files, the system is designed to provide each application with the minimum level of access required to function properly, reducing the potential damage that could occur from a security breach.

Option A, Least common mechanism, is a separate design principle that states that the fewer mechanisms shared by users, the less likely those mechanisms are to be compromised.

Option C, Separation of duties, is a design principle that requires that more than one person be involved in a task to ensure that no single individual has complete control over a process.

Option D, Weakest link, is a design principle that states that security is only as strong as its weakest point. It emphasizes the need to identify and address vulnerabilities in a system to ensure that it is secure overall.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: B. Least Privilege

A tool that can perform ODBC commands on a SQL Server

  1. PSQL


  3. OSQL

  4. Postgre SQL

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the different tools that can perform ODBC commands on a SQL Server.

Option A) PSQL - PSQL is a command-line tool for interacting with PostgreSQL databases. It is not specifically designed for performing ODBC commands on a SQL Server.

Option B) SQLCMD - SQLCMD is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft for managing and executing SQL Server commands. It supports ODBC connectivity and can be used to perform ODBC commands on a SQL Server. However, it is not the correct answer in this case.

Option C) OSQL - OSQL is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft for managing and executing SQL Server commands. It supports ODBC connectivity and can be used to perform ODBC commands on a SQL Server. This is the correct answer.

Option D) Postgre SQL - Postgre SQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS), similar to SQL Server but not specifically designed for it. It does not provide native support for ODBC commands on a SQL Server.

The correct answer is C) OSQL. This option is correct because OSQL is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft that supports ODBC connectivity and can be used to perform ODBC commands on a SQL Server.

Which of the following is not an web application vulnerability ?

  1. Invalidated input

  2. Cross site scripting (XSS)

  3. Use of firewall for content verification

  4. web sever misconfiguration

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Invalidated input - This option is a web application vulnerability. It refers to the failure to properly validate or sanitize user input, which can lead to various security issues such as SQL injection or command injection.

Option B) Cross-site scripting (XSS) - This option is a web application vulnerability. It occurs when an attacker is able to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users, which can lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or other malicious activities.

Option C) Use of firewall for content verification - This option is NOT a web application vulnerability. A firewall is a security measure that controls network traffic based on predetermined security rules. While a firewall can help protect against certain types of attacks, it is not specifically related to web application vulnerabilities.

Option D) Web server misconfiguration - This option is a web application vulnerability. Misconfigurations in web servers can expose sensitive information, grant unauthorized access, or enable other types of attacks.

The correct answer is C. The use of a firewall for content verification is not considered a web application vulnerability, as it is a security measure that can help protect against various types of attacks.

  1. Directory structures

  2. Facility security measures

  3. Alarm codes

  4. Password policy

Correct Option: A

Web applications that handle sensitive information employ appropriate communication protocols to encrypt the data in transit. Which one of the following communication protocols encrypts data during transit

  1. HTTP 1.1

  2. HTTP 1.0

  3. SSL/TLS

  4. HTTP Keep-Alive

Correct Option: C

Refer URL : http://www.testrun.com/login.aspx?id=' OR 1=1- . Which type of attack refered in this URL

  1. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

  2. Buffer Overflow

  3. SQL Injection

  4. Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF)

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is not a security mechanism

  1. Defence

  2. Dumpster Diving

  3. Deterrence

  4. Detection

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of security mechanisms. Security mechanisms are measures or techniques implemented to protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, attacks, and other potential threats.

Let's go through each option to determine which one is not a security mechanism:

Option A) Defence - This option is a security mechanism. "Defence" refers to the implementation of various measures to protect computer systems and networks, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption.

Option B) Dumpster Diving - This option is not a security mechanism. "Dumpster diving" is a technique used by attackers to gather confidential or sensitive information by searching through trash or discarded materials. It is a form of social engineering and does not involve any protective measures.

Option C) Deterrence - This option is a security mechanism. "Deterrence" refers to the use of preventive measures to discourage potential attackers from targeting a system. This can include visible security cameras, warning signs, or legal consequences for unauthorized access.

Option D) Detection - This option is a security mechanism. "Detection" refers to the process of identifying and alerting about potential security breaches or attacks. This can involve the use of intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, or log monitoring.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is B) Dumpster Diving. This option is not a security mechanism as it is a technique used by attackers, rather than a protective measure.

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