Political Science Fiction

Description: Welcome to the Political Science Fiction Quiz! Test your knowledge about the genre that explores political themes and ideas through imaginative and futuristic settings.
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Tags: political science fiction literature politics science fiction
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Which novel by Ursula K. Le Guin introduces the concept of the anarcho-syndicalist planet of Anarres?

  1. The Dispossessed

  2. The Left Hand of Darkness

  3. The Lathe of Heaven

  4. Always Coming Home

Correct Option: A

The Dispossessed is a classic political science fiction novel that explores the idea of an anarchist society on the planet Anarres.

In Robert A. Heinlein's novel Starship Troopers, what is the name of the military organization that controls the Terran Federation?

  1. The Mobile Infantry

  2. The Space Force

  3. The Federation Navy

  4. The Star Corps

Correct Option: A

The Mobile Infantry is the elite military force of the Terran Federation in Starship Troopers.

Which dystopian novel by George Orwell portrays a totalitarian society where the government controls every aspect of life?

  1. Animal Farm

  2. Nineteen Eighty-Four

  3. Brave New World

  4. Fahrenheit 451

Correct Option: B

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a classic dystopian novel that explores the dangers of totalitarianism and surveillance.

In Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, what is the name of the organization tasked with preserving human knowledge and culture during a period of galactic decline?

  1. The Galactic Empire

  2. The Foundation

  3. The Psychohistory Institute

  4. The Space Traders

Correct Option: B

The Foundation is a group of scientists and engineers who are tasked with preserving human knowledge and culture during a period of galactic decline.

Which political science fiction novel by Kim Stanley Robinson explores the concept of terraforming Mars and the challenges of creating a sustainable society on the Red Planet?

  1. Red Mars

  2. Green Mars

  3. Blue Mars

  4. Aurora

Correct Option: A

Red Mars is a trilogy of political science fiction novels that explores the challenges of terraforming Mars and creating a sustainable society on the Red Planet.

In Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, what is the name of the genetically engineered species that replaces humans as the dominant species on Earth?

  1. The Crakers

  2. The Oryxes

  3. The Children of Crake

  4. The New Humans

Correct Option: A

The Crakers are a genetically engineered species that replaces humans as the dominant species on Earth in Oryx and Crake.

Which political science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson explores the concept of a virtual reality world called the Metaverse?

  1. Snow Crash

  2. The Diamond Age

  3. Cryptonomicon

  4. Seveneves

Correct Option: A

Snow Crash is a cyberpunk novel that explores the concept of a virtual reality world called the Metaverse.

In Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower, what is the name of the protagonist who leads a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world?

  1. Lauren Olamina

  2. Parable

  3. The Sower

  4. Hyperion

Correct Option: A

Lauren Olamina is the protagonist of Parable of the Sower who leads a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world.

Which political science fiction novel by William Gibson introduces the concept of cyberspace and the matrix?

  1. Neuromancer

  2. Count Zero

  3. Mona Lisa Overdrive

  4. Virtual Light

Correct Option: A

Neuromancer is a cyberpunk novel that introduces the concept of cyberspace and the matrix.

In China Miéville's The City & the City, what is the name of the city where two parallel societies exist simultaneously?

  1. New Crobuzon

  2. Besźel

  3. Ul Qoma

  4. Perdido Street Station

Correct Option: B

Besźel is the name of the city where two parallel societies exist simultaneously in The City & the City.

Which political science fiction novel by N.K. Jemisin explores the concept of a society where people are born with different colors of skin that determine their social status?

  1. The Fifth Season

  2. The Obelisk Gate

  3. The Stone Sky

  4. The Broken Earth

Correct Option: A

The Fifth Season is a novel that explores the concept of a society where people are born with different colors of skin that determine their social status.

In Vernor Vinge's A Fire Upon the Deep, what is the name of the alien species that communicates through telepathy and has a hive mind?

  1. The Tines

  2. The Breq

  3. The Azad

  4. The Qeng Ho

Correct Option: A

The Tines are an alien species that communicates through telepathy and has a hive mind in A Fire Upon the Deep.

Which political science fiction novel by Iain M. Banks explores the concept of a utopian society where artificial intelligences govern and humans live in harmony?

  1. Consider Phlebas

  2. The Player of Games

  3. Use of Weapons

  4. The Culture

Correct Option: D

The Culture is a utopian society where artificial intelligences govern and humans live in harmony.

In Cixin Liu's The Three-Body Problem, what is the name of the alien civilization that threatens to invade Earth?

  1. The Trisolarans

  2. The ETO

  3. The Wallfacers

  4. The Sophons

Correct Option: A

The Trisolarans are an alien civilization that threatens to invade Earth in The Three-Body Problem.

Which political science fiction novel by Ann Leckie explores the concept of a genderless alien species called the Radch?

  1. Ancillary Justice

  2. Ancillary Sword

  3. Ancillary Mercy

  4. Provenance

Correct Option: A

Ancillary Justice is a novel that explores the concept of a genderless alien species called the Radch.

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