Global Justice

Description: Global Justice Quiz
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Tags: philosophy philosophy of law global justice
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What is the primary focus of global justice?

  1. Distributing resources fairly among individuals worldwide

  2. Promoting human rights and equality across borders

  3. Establishing a just and peaceful international order

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Global justice encompasses a wide range of issues related to fairness, equality, and justice on a global scale, including the distribution of resources, human rights, and the establishment of a just international order.

Which philosopher is most closely associated with the concept of cosmopolitanism?

  1. John Rawls

  2. Immanuel Kant

  3. Martha Nussbaum

  4. Thomas Pogge

Correct Option: B

Immanuel Kant is widely regarded as the father of cosmopolitanism, a philosophical perspective that emphasizes the moral obligations and responsibilities that individuals have towards one another, regardless of national or cultural boundaries.

What is the difference between distributive justice and corrective justice?

  1. Distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources, while corrective justice focuses on rectifying past injustices.

  2. Distributive justice focuses on the allocation of resources based on merit, while corrective justice focuses on the allocation of resources based on need.

  3. Distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among individuals, while corrective justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among groups.

  4. Distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among nations, while corrective justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among individuals.

Correct Option: A

Distributive justice is concerned with the fair distribution of resources and benefits among individuals or groups, while corrective justice is concerned with addressing and rectifying past injustices or harms.

What is the significance of the veil of ignorance in John Rawls' theory of justice?

  1. It ensures that individuals make decisions based on their own self-interest.

  2. It ensures that individuals make decisions based on the interests of the most disadvantaged members of society.

  3. It ensures that individuals make decisions based on the interests of the majority.

  4. It ensures that individuals make decisions based on the interests of future generations.

Correct Option: B

The veil of ignorance is a hypothetical situation in which individuals are deprived of knowledge about their own personal characteristics, social status, and circumstances. This ensures that they make decisions based on principles of justice that are fair and impartial, rather than being influenced by their own self-interest or the interests of particular groups.

What is the main argument of Thomas Pogge's book \"World Poverty and Human Rights\"?

  1. Global poverty is a violation of human rights.

  2. Global poverty is caused by unfair trade practices.

  3. Global poverty is caused by a lack of foreign aid.

  4. Global poverty is caused by overpopulation.

Correct Option: A

Pogge argues that global poverty is a violation of human rights because it deprives individuals of basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare, which are essential for living a dignified life.

What is the difference between positive rights and negative rights?

  1. Positive rights are rights to certain goods or services, while negative rights are rights to be free from interference.

  2. Positive rights are rights that are guaranteed by law, while negative rights are rights that are not guaranteed by law.

  3. Positive rights are rights that are essential for human flourishing, while negative rights are rights that are not essential for human flourishing.

  4. Positive rights are rights that are held by individuals, while negative rights are rights that are held by groups.

Correct Option: A

Positive rights impose an obligation on others to provide certain goods or services, such as the right to education or healthcare, while negative rights impose an obligation on others to refrain from interfering with an individual's freedom, such as the right to freedom of speech or religion.

What is the main argument of Martha Nussbaum's capability approach to justice?

  1. Justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life.

  2. Justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life.

  3. Justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life.

  4. Justice requires that individuals have the freedom to live a good life.

Correct Option: A

Nussbaum argues that justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life, which include basic capabilities such as being able to live a long and healthy life, being able to acquire knowledge, and being able to participate in social and political life.

What is the difference between global distributive justice and global corrective justice?

  1. Global distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among individuals worldwide, while global corrective justice focuses on rectifying past injustices.

  2. Global distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among nations, while global corrective justice focuses on rectifying past injustices.

  3. Global distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among individuals within a nation, while global corrective justice focuses on rectifying past injustices.

  4. Global distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources among groups, while global corrective justice focuses on rectifying past injustices.

Correct Option: A

Global distributive justice is concerned with the fair distribution of resources and benefits among individuals or groups on a global scale, while global corrective justice is concerned with addressing and rectifying past injustices or harms on a global scale.

What is the main argument of Amartya Sen's theory of justice?

  1. Justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life.

  2. Justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life.

  3. Justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life.

  4. Justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life.

Correct Option: A

Sen argues that justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life and to pursue their own goals and values, as long as they do not harm others.

What is the difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty?

  1. Absolute poverty is defined by a specific income level, while relative poverty is defined by a comparison to the average income in a society.

  2. Absolute poverty is defined by a specific level of deprivation, while relative poverty is defined by a comparison to the average level of deprivation in a society.

  3. Absolute poverty is defined by a specific level of inequality, while relative poverty is defined by a comparison to the average level of inequality in a society.

  4. Absolute poverty is defined by a specific level of injustice, while relative poverty is defined by a comparison to the average level of injustice in a society.

Correct Option: A

Absolute poverty is defined by a specific income level or consumption level below which individuals are considered to be poor, while relative poverty is defined by a comparison to the average income or consumption level in a society, and individuals are considered to be poor if they fall below a certain percentage of the average.

What is the main argument of Charles Beitz's theory of global justice?

  1. Justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life.

  2. Justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life.

  3. Justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life.

  4. Justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life.

Correct Option: A

Beitz argues that justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life, which include basic resources such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare, as well as access to education and other opportunities.

What is the main argument of Michael Walzer's theory of global justice?

  1. Justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life.

  2. Justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life.

  3. Justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life.

  4. Justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life.

Correct Option: C

Walzer argues that justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life, which include access to education, healthcare, and other social goods, as well as the opportunity to participate in political and economic life.

What is the main argument of Iris Marion Young's theory of global justice?

  1. Justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life.

  2. Justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life.

  3. Justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life.

  4. Justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life.

Correct Option: D

Young argues that justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life and to pursue their own goals and values, as long as they do not harm others.

What is the main argument of Onora O'Neill's theory of global justice?

  1. Justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life.

  2. Justice requires that individuals have the capabilities to live a good life.

  3. Justice requires that individuals have the opportunities to live a good life.

  4. Justice requires that individuals have the freedom to choose their own conception of the good life.

Correct Option: A

O'Neill argues that justice requires that individuals have the resources to live a good life, which include basic resources such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare, as well as access to education and other opportunities.

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