Adoption and Psychology

Description: This quiz will test your knowledge on the psychological aspects of adoption.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: adoption psychology family
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Which of the following is NOT a common psychological challenge faced by adopted children?

  1. Identity issues

  2. Attachment issues

  3. Academic difficulties

  4. Behavioral problems

Correct Option: C

While adopted children may face a variety of psychological challenges, academic difficulties are not typically a common issue.

What is the term used to describe the feeling of loss and grief that adopted children may experience?

  1. Adoption loss

  2. Post-adoption depression

  3. Adoption trauma

  4. Separation anxiety

Correct Option: A

Adoption loss is the term used to describe the feeling of loss and grief that adopted children may experience as a result of their adoption.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that can contribute to attachment issues in adopted children?

  1. Early childhood trauma

  2. Inconsistent parenting

  3. Lack of bonding with adoptive parents

  4. Genetic predisposition

Correct Option: D

While early childhood trauma, inconsistent parenting, and lack of bonding with adoptive parents can all contribute to attachment issues in adopted children, genetic predisposition is not a factor.

What is the term used to describe the process by which adopted children come to understand and accept their adoption?

  1. Adoption integration

  2. Adoption resolution

  3. Adoption assimilation

  4. Adoption acceptance

Correct Option: A

Adoption integration is the term used to describe the process by which adopted children come to understand and accept their adoption.

Which of the following is NOT a common type of therapy used to help adopted children with psychological challenges?

  1. Play therapy

  2. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  3. Family therapy

  4. Medication

Correct Option: D

While play therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and family therapy are all common types of therapy used to help adopted children with psychological challenges, medication is not typically used.

What is the term used to describe the process by which adoptive parents come to understand and accept their child's adoption?

  1. Parental integration

  2. Parental resolution

  3. Parental assimilation

  4. Parental acceptance

Correct Option: A

Parental integration is the term used to describe the process by which adoptive parents come to understand and accept their child's adoption.

Which of the following is NOT a common psychological challenge faced by adoptive parents?

  1. Guilt

  2. Anxiety

  3. Depression

  4. Resentment

Correct Option: D

While guilt, anxiety, and depression are all common psychological challenges faced by adoptive parents, resentment is not typically a common issue.

What is the term used to describe the feeling of loss and grief that adoptive parents may experience as a result of their child's adoption?

  1. Parental loss

  2. Post-adoption depression

  3. Adoption trauma

  4. Separation anxiety

Correct Option: A

Parental loss is the term used to describe the feeling of loss and grief that adoptive parents may experience as a result of their child's adoption.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that can contribute to psychological challenges in adoptive parents?

  1. Unrealistic expectations

  2. Lack of support from family and friends

  3. Financial difficulties

  4. Genetic predisposition

Correct Option: D

While unrealistic expectations, lack of support from family and friends, and financial difficulties can all contribute to psychological challenges in adoptive parents, genetic predisposition is not a factor.

What is the term used to describe the process by which adoptive parents come to understand and accept their child's unique needs and challenges?

  1. Parental integration

  2. Parental resolution

  3. Parental assimilation

  4. Parental acceptance

Correct Option: A

Parental integration is the term used to describe the process by which adoptive parents come to understand and accept their child's unique needs and challenges.

Which of the following is NOT a common type of therapy used to help adoptive parents with psychological challenges?

  1. Individual therapy

  2. Couples therapy

  3. Family therapy

  4. Medication

Correct Option: D

While individual therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy are all common types of therapy used to help adoptive parents with psychological challenges, medication is not typically used.

What is the term used to describe the process by which adopted children and their adoptive parents come to form a strong and lasting bond?

  1. Attachment

  2. Bonding

  3. Connection

  4. Relationship

Correct Option: A

Attachment is the term used to describe the process by which adopted children and their adoptive parents come to form a strong and lasting bond.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that can contribute to attachment issues between adopted children and their adoptive parents?

  1. Early childhood trauma

  2. Inconsistent parenting

  3. Lack of bonding with birth parents

  4. Genetic predisposition

Correct Option: D

While early childhood trauma, inconsistent parenting, and lack of bonding with birth parents can all contribute to attachment issues between adopted children and their adoptive parents, genetic predisposition is not a factor.

What is the term used to describe the process by which adopted children and their adoptive parents come to understand and accept their unique roles and responsibilities within the family?

  1. Family integration

  2. Family resolution

  3. Family assimilation

  4. Family acceptance

Correct Option: A

Family integration is the term used to describe the process by which adopted children and their adoptive parents come to understand and accept their unique roles and responsibilities within the family.

Which of the following is NOT a common type of therapy used to help adopted families with psychological challenges?

  1. Family therapy

  2. Group therapy

  3. Play therapy

  4. Medication

Correct Option: D

While family therapy, group therapy, and play therapy are all common types of therapy used to help adopted families with psychological challenges, medication is not typically used.

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