Distribution of Soils in India

Description: This quiz covers the distribution of soils in India, including their types, characteristics, and factors influencing their distribution.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: indian geography pedology of india distribution of soils
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Which of the following is the most widespread soil type in India?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Red soils

  4. Laterite soils

Correct Option: A

Alluvial soils are the most widespread soil type in India, covering about 43% of the total land area. They are formed by the deposition of sediments by rivers and are found in the northern plains, river valleys, and deltas.

What is the characteristic feature of black soils?

  1. High clay content

  2. Black color

  3. Cracking during dry season

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Black soils, also known as regur soils, are characterized by their high clay content, black color, and tendency to crack during the dry season. They are found in the Deccan Plateau region of India.

Which soil type is commonly found in the hilly and mountainous regions of India?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Red soils

  4. Mountain soils

Correct Option: D

Mountain soils are commonly found in the hilly and mountainous regions of India. They are characterized by their shallow depth, high organic matter content, and susceptibility to erosion.

What is the primary factor influencing the distribution of soils in India?

  1. Climate

  2. Parent material

  3. Relief

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The distribution of soils in India is influenced by a combination of factors, including climate, parent material, relief, and biological activity. Climate determines the weathering processes and the type of vegetation, which in turn affect soil formation. Parent material provides the mineral composition of the soil, while relief influences drainage and erosion.

Which soil type is known for its red color and is commonly found in the eastern and southern parts of India?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Red soils

  4. Laterite soils

Correct Option: C

Red soils, also known as red lateritic soils, are found in the eastern and southern parts of India. They are characterized by their red color, high iron content, and low fertility.

What is the predominant soil type in the coastal regions of India?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Red soils

  4. Sandy soils

Correct Option: D

Sandy soils are predominant in the coastal regions of India. They are formed by the deposition of sand by wind and water and are characterized by their low water-holding capacity and low fertility.

Which soil type is known for its high fertility and is suitable for growing a variety of crops?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Red soils

  4. Laterite soils

Correct Option: A

Alluvial soils are known for their high fertility and are suitable for growing a variety of crops. They are found in the northern plains, river valleys, and deltas, and are characterized by their fine texture, good drainage, and high nutrient content.

What is the primary cause of soil erosion in India?

  1. Deforestation

  2. Overgrazing

  3. Intensive agriculture

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Soil erosion in India is primarily caused by a combination of factors, including deforestation, overgrazing, intensive agriculture, and improper land management practices. These factors lead to the removal of vegetation cover, which exposes the soil to wind and water erosion.

Which soil conservation practice is commonly used to control soil erosion on sloping lands?

  1. Contour plowing

  2. Strip cropping

  3. Terracing

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Contour plowing, strip cropping, and terracing are all soil conservation practices commonly used to control soil erosion on sloping lands. Contour plowing involves plowing along the contours of the land, strip cropping involves planting different crops in alternating strips, and terracing involves constructing earthen embankments across the slope to reduce the flow of water.

What is the main factor responsible for the formation of laterite soils in India?

  1. High rainfall

  2. High temperature

  3. Alternate wetting and drying

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Laterite soils are formed under conditions of high rainfall, high temperature, and alternate wetting and drying. These conditions promote the leaching of bases and the accumulation of iron and aluminum oxides, resulting in the formation of laterite soils.

Which soil type is characterized by its high organic matter content and is commonly found in marshy areas?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Peaty soils

  4. Laterite soils

Correct Option: C

Peaty soils are characterized by their high organic matter content and are commonly found in marshy areas. They are formed by the accumulation of partially decayed plant material under waterlogged conditions.

What is the primary factor influencing the distribution of soil salinity in India?

  1. Climate

  2. Parent material

  3. Relief

  4. Irrigation practices

Correct Option: D

Soil salinity in India is primarily influenced by irrigation practices. Excessive irrigation, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, can lead to the accumulation of salts in the soil, resulting in soil salinity.

Which soil type is known for its high calcium carbonate content and is commonly found in arid and semi-arid regions of India?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Red soils

  4. Arid soils

Correct Option: D

Arid soils are known for their high calcium carbonate content and are commonly found in arid and semi-arid regions of India. They are characterized by their low organic matter content, poor fertility, and susceptibility to wind erosion.

What is the main factor responsible for the formation of black cotton soils in India?

  1. High rainfall

  2. High temperature

  3. Alternate wetting and drying

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Black cotton soils are formed under conditions of alternate wetting and drying. This process leads to the accumulation of clay minerals and the development of cracks in the soil during the dry season.

Which soil type is characterized by its high porosity and is commonly found in desert regions of India?

  1. Alluvial soils

  2. Black soils

  3. Sandy soils

  4. Laterite soils

Correct Option: C

Sandy soils are characterized by their high porosity and are commonly found in desert regions of India. They are formed by the accumulation of sand particles and are characterized by their low water-holding capacity and low fertility.

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