Political Allegories and Fables

Description: Political Allegories and Fables Quiz
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: political literature allegories fables political satire
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In George Orwell's "Animal Farm", what animal represents the working class?

  1. Horses

  2. Pigs

  3. Dogs

  4. Sheep

Correct Option: A

In "Animal Farm", the horses represent the working class, symbolizing their strength and labor.

In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", what race of people represents the English government?

  1. Lilliputians

  2. Brobdingnagians

  3. Houyhnhnms

  4. Yahoos

Correct Option: A

In "Gulliver's Travels", the Lilliputians represent the English government, satirizing their pettiness and bureaucracy.

In George Orwell's "1984", what is the name of the totalitarian government?

  1. Oceania

  2. Eurasia

  3. Eastasia

  4. Big Brother

Correct Option: A

In "1984", Oceania is the totalitarian government that controls the protagonist, Winston Smith.

In Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare", what does the tortoise represent?

  1. Persistence

  2. Speed

  3. Cunning

  4. Laziness

Correct Option: A

In "The Tortoise and the Hare", the tortoise represents persistence and determination, ultimately winning the race despite being slower than the hare.

In George Orwell's "Animal Farm", what does the windmill represent?

  1. Progress

  2. Power

  3. Control

  4. Equality

Correct Option: A

In "Animal Farm", the windmill represents progress and the hope for a better future for the animals.

In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", what is the name of the flying island?

  1. Laputa

  2. Balnibarbi

  3. Glubbdubdrib

  4. Luggnagg

Correct Option: A

In "Gulliver's Travels", Laputa is the flying island that represents the impracticality and absurdity of certain scientific and political ideas.

In George Orwell's "1984", what is the name of the protagonist?

  1. Winston Smith

  2. Julia

  3. O'Brien

  4. Big Brother

Correct Option: A

In "1984", Winston Smith is the protagonist who rebels against the totalitarian government.

In Aesop's fable "The Lion and the Mouse", what does the mouse represent?

  1. Strength

  2. Courage

  3. Gratitude

  4. Humility

Correct Option: C

In "The Lion and the Mouse", the mouse represents gratitude and the importance of showing kindness to others.

In George Orwell's "Animal Farm", what happens to the windmill after it is built?

  1. It is destroyed by a storm

  2. It is used to generate electricity

  3. It is sold to a neighboring farm

  4. It is never completed

Correct Option: A

In "Animal Farm", the windmill is destroyed by a storm, symbolizing the failure of the animals' revolution.

In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", what is the name of the giant race of people?

  1. Lilliputians

  2. Brobdingnagians

  3. Houyhnhnms

  4. Yahoos

Correct Option: B

In "Gulliver's Travels", the Brobdingnagians are the giant race of people who represent the absurdity of human pride and vanity.

In George Orwell's "1984", what is the name of the Thought Police?

  1. The Ministry of Truth

  2. The Ministry of Love

  3. The Ministry of Peace

  4. The Ministry of Plenty

Correct Option:

In "1984", the Thought Police are the secret police who enforce the government's control over thought and language.

In Aesop's fable "The Fox and the Grapes", what does the fox represent?

  1. Greed

  2. Envy

  3. Cunning

  4. Pride

Correct Option: B

In "The Fox and the Grapes", the fox represents envy and the inability to accept one's own limitations.

In George Orwell's "Animal Farm", what does the red flag represent?

  1. Revolution

  2. Equality

  3. Power

  4. Control

Correct Option: A

In "Animal Farm", the red flag represents the revolution and the hope for a better future.

In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", what is the name of the race of talking horses?

  1. Lilliputians

  2. Brobdingnagians

  3. Houyhnhnms

  4. Yahoos

Correct Option: C

In "Gulliver's Travels", the Houyhnhnms are the race of talking horses who represent reason and virtue.

In George Orwell's "1984", what is the name of the propaganda slogan?

  1. War is Peace

  2. Freedom is Slavery

  3. Ignorance is Strength

  4. All Animals Are Equal

Correct Option: A

In "1984", the propaganda slogan "War is Peace" represents the government's ability to manipulate language and reality.

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