
Description: Elitism is a political theory that posits that a society is ruled by an elite, a small group of people who possess disproportionate amounts of wealth, power, or other resources. This quiz will test your knowledge of elitism.
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Tags: political theory elitism power wealth society
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Who coined the term "iron law of oligarchy"?

  1. Max Weber

  2. Robert Michels

  3. Vilfredo Pareto

  4. Karl Marx

Correct Option: B

Robert Michels coined the term "iron law of oligarchy" in his 1911 book Political Parties. The iron law of oligarchy states that all organizations, regardless of their size or purpose, will eventually be ruled by a small group of people.

According to Vilfredo Pareto, what is the natural distribution of power in society?

  1. A power elite

  2. A middle class

  3. A working class

  4. An aristocracy

Correct Option: A

Vilfredo Pareto argued that power in society is naturally distributed among a small group of people, which he called the power elite. The power elite is composed of those who hold the most wealth, power, and influence in society.

What is the main criticism of elitism?

  1. It is undemocratic.

  2. It is inefficient.

  3. It is corrupt.

  4. It is all of the above.

Correct Option: D

Elitism has been criticized for being undemocratic, inefficient, and corrupt. Critics argue that elitism is undemocratic because it gives power to a small group of people who are not accountable to the rest of society. They also argue that elitism is inefficient because it prevents talented people from rising to the top. Finally, critics argue that elitism is corrupt because it allows the power elite to use their power for their own personal gain.

Which of the following is an example of elitism?

  1. A monarchy

  2. An aristocracy

  3. A dictatorship

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Elitism is a political system in which a small group of people hold power. Monarchies, aristocracies, and dictatorships are all examples of elitism because they are all ruled by a small group of people.

What is the difference between elitism and pluralism?

  1. Elitism is a belief that power should be held by a small group of people, while pluralism is a belief that power should be shared among many people.

  2. Elitism is a belief that power should be held by the best and brightest people, while pluralism is a belief that power should be held by the majority of people.

  3. Elitism is a belief that power should be held by those who are most qualified to lead, while pluralism is a belief that power should be held by those who are most representative of the people.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

Elitism is a belief that power should be held by a small group of people who are considered to be the best and brightest. Pluralism is a belief that power should be shared among many people, regardless of their qualifications or social status. The main difference between elitism and pluralism is that elitism believes that power should be held by a small group of people who are considered to be the best and brightest, while pluralism believes that power should be shared among many people, regardless of their qualifications or social status.

Which of the following is an example of a meritocracy?

  1. A society in which power is held by those who are most qualified to lead.

  2. A society in which power is held by those who are most wealthy.

  3. A society in which power is held by those who are most powerful.

  4. A society in which power is held by those who are most popular.

Correct Option: A

A meritocracy is a society in which power is held by those who are most qualified to lead. This means that people are chosen for positions of power based on their skills, abilities, and knowledge, rather than their social status, wealth, or popularity.

What is the main argument in favor of elitism?

  1. Elitism is more efficient than other forms of government.

  2. Elitism is more just than other forms of government.

  3. Elitism is more stable than other forms of government.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

Proponents of elitism argue that it is more efficient, just, and stable than other forms of government. They argue that elitism is more efficient because it allows decisions to be made quickly and decisively by a small group of people who are experts in their field. They also argue that elitism is more just because it ensures that the most qualified people are in positions of power. Finally, they argue that elitism is more stable because it prevents the rise of demagogues and dictators.

What is the main argument against elitism?

  1. Elitism is undemocratic.

  2. Elitism is inefficient.

  3. Elitism is corrupt.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

Critics of elitism argue that it is undemocratic, inefficient, and corrupt. They argue that elitism is undemocratic because it gives power to a small group of people who are not accountable to the rest of society. They also argue that elitism is inefficient because it prevents talented people from rising to the top. Finally, they argue that elitism is corrupt because it allows the power elite to use their power for their own personal gain.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of elitism?

  1. Power is held by a small group of people.

  2. The power elite is accountable to the rest of society.

  3. Decisions are made quickly and decisively.

  4. The most qualified people are in positions of power.

Correct Option: B

Elitism is a political system in which a small group of people hold power. The power elite is not accountable to the rest of society, which is one of the main criticisms of elitism.

Which of the following is an example of an elitist society?

  1. The United States

  2. China

  3. Russia

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The United States, China, and Russia are all examples of elitist societies. In the United States, power is held by a small group of wealthy and powerful people. In China, power is held by the Communist Party. In Russia, power is held by President Vladimir Putin and his inner circle.

Which of the following is not a type of elitism?

  1. Political elitism

  2. Economic elitism

  3. Cultural elitism

  4. Intellectual elitism

Correct Option: D

Intellectual elitism is not a type of elitism. Political elitism, economic elitism, and cultural elitism are all types of elitism that are based on different factors, such as wealth, power, or social status.

Which of the following is a criticism of elitism?

  1. Elitism is undemocratic.

  2. Elitism is inefficient.

  3. Elitism is corrupt.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Elitism has been criticized for being undemocratic, inefficient, and corrupt. Critics argue that elitism is undemocratic because it gives power to a small group of people who are not accountable to the rest of society. They also argue that elitism is inefficient because it prevents talented people from rising to the top. Finally, they argue that elitism is corrupt because it allows the power elite to use their power for their own personal gain.

Which of the following is a defense of elitism?

  1. Elitism is more efficient than other forms of government.

  2. Elitism is more just than other forms of government.

  3. Elitism is more stable than other forms of government.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Proponents of elitism argue that it is more efficient, just, and stable than other forms of government. They argue that elitism is more efficient because it allows decisions to be made quickly and decisively by a small group of people who are experts in their field. They also argue that elitism is more just because it ensures that the most qualified people are in positions of power. Finally, they argue that elitism is more stable because it prevents the rise of demagogues and dictators.

Which of the following is an example of an elitist organization?

  1. The Bilderberg Group

  2. The Trilateral Commission

  3. The Council on Foreign Relations

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations are all examples of elitist organizations. These organizations are composed of a small group of wealthy and powerful people who meet regularly to discuss global issues.

Which of the following is a type of elitism that is based on wealth?

  1. Political elitism

  2. Economic elitism

  3. Cultural elitism

  4. Intellectual elitism

Correct Option: B

Economic elitism is a type of elitism that is based on wealth. Economic elites are those who have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power in society.

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