Game Theory in Operations Research and Management Science

Description: This quiz will test your knowledge of Game Theory in Operations Research and Management Science. Game theory is a branch of mathematics that studies strategic decision-making in situations where multiple players interact with each other.
Number of Questions: 14
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Tags: game theory operations research management science
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What is the Nash Equilibrium in a game?

  1. The set of strategies for all players such that no player can improve their payoff by changing their strategy.

  2. The set of strategies for all players such that all players have the same payoff.

  3. The set of strategies for all players such that all players have the highest possible payoff.

  4. The set of strategies for all players such that all players have the lowest possible payoff.

Correct Option: A

The Nash Equilibrium is a set of strategies for all players such that no player can improve their payoff by changing their strategy. This means that each player is playing the best strategy they can, given the strategies of the other players.

What is the Prisoner's Dilemma?

  1. A situation in which two players have conflicting interests and each player's best strategy is to betray the other player.

  2. A situation in which two players have common interests and each player's best strategy is to cooperate with the other player.

  3. A situation in which two players have no interests in common and each player's best strategy is to ignore the other player.

  4. A situation in which two players have perfectly aligned interests and each player's best strategy is to do whatever the other player does.

Correct Option: A

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a situation in which two players have conflicting interests and each player's best strategy is to betray the other player. This is because each player knows that if they cooperate with the other player, they will get a lower payoff than if they betray the other player. However, if both players betray each other, they will both get a lower payoff than if they had both cooperated.

What is the Tragedy of the Commons?

  1. A situation in which a shared resource is overused because each individual user has an incentive to use the resource as much as possible.

  2. A situation in which a shared resource is underused because each individual user has an incentive to conserve the resource.

  3. A situation in which a shared resource is used efficiently because each individual user has an incentive to use the resource in a way that maximizes the total benefit to all users.

  4. A situation in which a shared resource is used inefficiently because each individual user has an incentive to use the resource in a way that maximizes their own benefit.

Correct Option: A

The Tragedy of the Commons is a situation in which a shared resource is overused because each individual user has an incentive to use the resource as much as possible. This is because each individual user knows that if they use the resource less, the other users will still use it, and they will get a lower payoff. However, if all users use the resource less, they will all get a higher payoff.

What is the Hawk-Dove Game?

  1. A game in which two players compete for a resource, and each player can choose to be a hawk or a dove.

  2. A game in which two players cooperate to achieve a common goal, and each player can choose to be a hawk or a dove.

  3. A game in which two players compete for a resource, and each player can choose to be a hawk, a dove, or a mixed strategy.

  4. A game in which two players cooperate to achieve a common goal, and each player can choose to be a hawk, a dove, or a mixed strategy.

Correct Option: A

The Hawk-Dove Game is a game in which two players compete for a resource, and each player can choose to be a hawk or a dove. Hawks are aggressive and always fight for the resource, while doves are peaceful and always yield to hawks. If both players choose to be hawks, they both get a lower payoff than if they had both chosen to be doves. If one player chooses to be a hawk and the other player chooses to be a dove, the hawk gets a higher payoff than the dove. However, if both players choose to be doves, they both get a higher payoff than if they had both chosen to be hawks.

What is the Battle of the Sexes?

  1. A game in which two players have different preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do one of the two activities.

  2. A game in which two players have the same preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do one of the two activities.

  3. A game in which two players have different preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do both of the two activities.

  4. A game in which two players have the same preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do both of the two activities.

Correct Option: A

The Battle of the Sexes is a game in which two players have different preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do one of the two activities. For example, one player might prefer to go to the movies, while the other player might prefer to go to a concert. If both players choose to do the activity that they prefer, they both get a lower payoff than if they had both chosen to do the activity that the other player prefers. However, if one player chooses to do the activity that the other player prefers, the player who made the concession gets a higher payoff than the player who did not.

What is the Centipede Game?

  1. A game in which two players take turns making offers to each other, and each player can accept or reject the offer.

  2. A game in which two players take turns making offers to each other, and each player can accept or reject the offer, but the offers must be increasing.

  3. A game in which two players take turns making offers to each other, and each player can accept or reject the offer, but the offers must be decreasing.

  4. A game in which two players take turns making offers to each other, and each player can accept or reject the offer, but the offers must be constant.

Correct Option: A

The Centipede Game is a game in which two players take turns making offers to each other, and each player can accept or reject the offer. The game starts with one player making an offer to the other player. The other player can then either accept the offer or reject it. If the offer is accepted, the game ends and the players receive the payoffs that were specified in the offer. If the offer is rejected, the other player then makes an offer to the first player. The game continues in this way until one player accepts an offer or the game reaches a predetermined number of rounds.

What is the Ultimatum Game?

  1. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal.

  2. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal, but the proposal must be fair.

  3. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal, but the proposal must be unfair.

  4. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal, but the proposal must be equal.

Correct Option: A

The Ultimatum Game is a game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal. The game starts with one player making an offer to the other player. The other player can then either accept the offer or reject it. If the offer is accepted, the game ends and the players receive the payoffs that were specified in the offer. If the offer is rejected, the game ends and both players receive nothing.

What is the Dictator Game?

  1. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player must accept the proposal.

  2. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal.

  3. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal, but the proposal must be fair.

  4. A game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either accept or reject the proposal, but the proposal must be unfair.

Correct Option: A

The Dictator Game is a game in which one player proposes a division of a sum of money to another player, and the other player must accept the proposal. The game starts with one player making an offer to the other player. The other player cannot reject the offer, and the game ends with the players receiving the payoffs that were specified in the offer.

What is the Trust Game?

  1. A game in which one player sends a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either return the money or keep it.

  2. A game in which one player sends a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either return the money or keep it, but the amount of money that is returned must be greater than the amount of money that was sent.

  3. A game in which one player sends a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either return the money or keep it, but the amount of money that is returned must be less than the amount of money that was sent.

  4. A game in which one player sends a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either return the money or keep it, but the amount of money that is returned must be equal to the amount of money that was sent.

Correct Option: A

The Trust Game is a game in which one player sends a sum of money to another player, and the other player can either return the money or keep it. The game starts with one player sending a sum of money to the other player. The other player can then either return the money or keep it. If the money is returned, the game ends and the players receive the payoffs that were specified in the game. If the money is kept, the game ends and the player who kept the money receives a higher payoff than the player who sent the money.

What is the Chicken Game?

  1. A game in which two players drive towards each other on a collision course, and each player can either swerve or continue driving.

  2. A game in which two players drive towards each other on a collision course, and each player can either swerve or continue driving, but the players must swerve at the same time.

  3. A game in which two players drive towards each other on a collision course, and each player can either swerve or continue driving, but the players must continue driving at the same time.

  4. A game in which two players drive towards each other on a collision course, and each player can either swerve or continue driving, but the players must swerve at different times.

Correct Option: A

The Chicken Game is a game in which two players drive towards each other on a collision course, and each player can either swerve or continue driving. The game starts with both players driving towards each other. Each player can then either swerve or continue driving. If both players swerve, the game ends and both players receive a low payoff. If both players continue driving, the game ends and both players receive a high payoff. If one player swerves and the other player continues driving, the player who swerved receives a low payoff and the player who continued driving receives a high payoff.

What is the Stag Hunt Game?

  1. A game in which two players can either hunt a stag or hunt a rabbit, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players.

  2. A game in which two players can either hunt a stag or hunt a rabbit, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of the other player.

  3. A game in which two players can either hunt a stag or hunt a rabbit, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players, but the payoffs are symmetric.

  4. A game in which two players can either hunt a stag or hunt a rabbit, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of the other player, but the payoffs are asymmetric.

Correct Option: A

The Stag Hunt Game is a game in which two players can either hunt a stag or hunt a rabbit, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players. If both players hunt a stag, they both get a high payoff. If both players hunt a rabbit, they both get a low payoff. If one player hunts a stag and the other player hunts a rabbit, the player who hunts a stag gets a high payoff and the player who hunts a rabbit gets a low payoff.

What is the Assurance Game?

  1. A game in which two players can either cooperate or defect, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players.

  2. A game in which two players can either cooperate or defect, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of the other player.

  3. A game in which two players can either cooperate or defect, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players, but the payoffs are symmetric.

  4. A game in which two players can either cooperate or defect, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of the other player, but the payoffs are asymmetric.

Correct Option: A

The Assurance Game is a game in which two players can either cooperate or defect, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players. If both players cooperate, they both get a high payoff. If both players defect, they both get a low payoff. If one player cooperates and the other player defects, the player who cooperates gets a low payoff and the player who defects gets a high payoff.

What is the Coordination Game?

  1. A game in which two players can either choose the same action or choose different actions, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players.

  2. A game in which two players can either choose the same action or choose different actions, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of the other player.

  3. A game in which two players can either choose the same action or choose different actions, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players, but the payoffs are symmetric.

  4. A game in which two players can either choose the same action or choose different actions, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of the other player, but the payoffs are asymmetric.

Correct Option: A

The Coordination Game is a game in which two players can either choose the same action or choose different actions, and each player's payoff depends on the actions of both players. If both players choose the same action, they both get a high payoff. If both players choose different actions, they both get a low payoff. If one player chooses the same action and the other player chooses a different action, the player who chose the same action gets a high payoff and the player who chose a different action gets a low payoff.

What is the Battle of the Sexes?

  1. A game in which two players have different preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do one of the two activities.

  2. A game in which two players have the same preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do one of the two activities.

  3. A game in which two players have different preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do both of the two activities.

  4. A game in which two players have the same preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do both of the two activities.

Correct Option: A

The Battle of the Sexes is a game in which two players have different preferences for two different activities, and each player can choose to do one of the two activities. For example, one player might prefer to go to the movies, while the other player might prefer to go to a concert. If both players choose to do the activity that they prefer, they both get a lower payoff than if they had both chosen to do the activity that the other player prefers. However, if one player chooses to do the activity that the other player prefers, the player who made the concession gets a higher payoff than the player who did not.

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