
Description: Norms Quiz
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Tags: sociology norms social behavior
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What is the primary function of norms in society?

  1. To maintain social order and stability

  2. To promote individual freedom and autonomy

  3. To facilitate economic growth and development

  4. To enhance cultural diversity and creativity

Correct Option: A

Norms serve as guidelines for appropriate behavior within a society, helping to maintain social order and stability by providing a shared understanding of what is expected and acceptable.

Which of the following is an example of a folkway?

  1. Saying 'please' and 'thank you'

  2. Wearing a seatbelt while driving

  3. Paying taxes on time

  4. Voting in elections

Correct Option: A

Folkways are informal, unwritten norms that govern everyday behavior and social interactions. Saying 'please' and 'thank you' is an example of a folkway that promotes politeness and respect in social situations.

What is the difference between norms and values?

  1. Norms are specific rules of conduct, while values are general beliefs and principles.

  2. Norms are enforced by social sanctions, while values are not.

  3. Norms are learned through socialization, while values are innate.

  4. Norms are relative to a particular culture, while values are universal.

Correct Option: A

Norms are specific rules of behavior that guide individuals' actions in particular situations, while values are general beliefs and principles that shape people's overall attitudes and behaviors.

Which of the following is an example of a more?

  1. Wearing a uniform at school

  2. Eating with utensils

  3. Greeting someone with a handshake

  4. Donating to charity

Correct Option: A

Mores are norms that are considered to be particularly important and are often associated with strong moral values. Wearing a uniform at school is an example of a more, as it is a rule that is intended to promote equality and discipline among students.

What is the process by which individuals learn and internalize the norms of their society?

  1. Socialization

  2. Enculturation

  3. Acculturation

  4. Assimilation

Correct Option: A

Socialization is the process by which individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, and beliefs of their society. This process occurs through interactions with family, friends, peers, and other social institutions.

Which of the following is an example of a positive social sanction?

  1. Praise

  2. Rewards

  3. Approval

  4. Recognition

Correct Option:

Positive social sanctions are rewards or expressions of approval that are given to individuals who conform to social norms. Praise, rewards, approval, and recognition are all examples of positive social sanctions.

What is the purpose of social sanctions?

  1. To encourage conformity to social norms

  2. To punish deviance from social norms

  3. To maintain social order and stability

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Social sanctions serve multiple purposes, including encouraging conformity to social norms, punishing deviance from social norms, and maintaining social order and stability.

Which of the following is an example of a negative social sanction?

  1. Criticism

  2. Ridicule

  3. Shunning

  4. Imprisonment

Correct Option:

Negative social sanctions are punishments or expressions of disapproval that are given to individuals who deviate from social norms. Criticism, ridicule, shunning, and imprisonment are all examples of negative social sanctions.

What is the difference between internalized norms and externalized norms?

  1. Internalized norms are personal beliefs, while externalized norms are social expectations.

  2. Internalized norms are enforced by social sanctions, while externalized norms are not.

  3. Internalized norms are learned through socialization, while externalized norms are learned through observation.

  4. Internalized norms are more likely to be followed than externalized norms.

Correct Option: A

Internalized norms are personal beliefs and values that individuals have adopted as their own, while externalized norms are social expectations that individuals may conform to out of fear of social sanctions or a desire for social approval.

Which of the following is an example of an internalized norm?

  1. Feeling guilty after lying

  2. Saying 'please' and 'thank you'

  3. Wearing a seatbelt while driving

  4. Voting in elections

Correct Option: A

Internalized norms are personal beliefs and values that individuals have adopted as their own. Feeling guilty after lying is an example of an internalized norm, as it reflects an individual's personal belief that lying is wrong.

What is the relationship between norms and social change?

  1. Norms can facilitate social change by providing a framework for new behaviors.

  2. Norms can hinder social change by resisting new ideas and behaviors.

  3. Norms can both facilitate and hinder social change, depending on the specific context.

  4. Norms are unrelated to social change.

Correct Option: C

Norms can both facilitate and hinder social change, depending on the specific context. On the one hand, norms can provide a framework for new behaviors and help to legitimize them. On the other hand, norms can also resist change and make it difficult for new ideas and behaviors to be accepted.

Which of the following is an example of a norm that has changed over time?

  1. The norm of marriage between one man and one woman

  2. The norm of eating with utensils

  3. The norm of greeting someone with a handshake

  4. The norm of wearing clothes

Correct Option: A

The norm of marriage between one man and one woman has changed over time in many societies. In the past, this norm was more strictly enforced and same-sex marriage was not recognized. However, in recent years, there has been a growing acceptance of same-sex marriage, and many societies now recognize it as a legal and legitimate form of marriage.

What is the difference between explicit norms and implicit norms?

  1. Explicit norms are written down, while implicit norms are unwritten.

  2. Explicit norms are enforced by social sanctions, while implicit norms are not.

  3. Explicit norms are more likely to be followed than implicit norms.

  4. Explicit norms are more common in traditional societies, while implicit norms are more common in modern societies.

Correct Option: A

Explicit norms are norms that are clearly stated and written down, such as laws or regulations. Implicit norms, on the other hand, are norms that are not explicitly stated but are understood and followed by members of a society.

Which of the following is an example of an explicit norm?

  1. The law against murder

  2. The rule against talking in a library

  3. The custom of shaking hands when meeting someone

  4. The expectation that people will be polite to each other

Correct Option: A

Explicit norms are norms that are clearly stated and written down. The law against murder is an example of an explicit norm, as it is a written law that prohibits the act of murder.

Which of the following is an example of an implicit norm?

  1. The custom of shaking hands when meeting someone

  2. The expectation that people will be polite to each other

  3. The rule against talking in a library

  4. The law against murder

Correct Option: A

Implicit norms are norms that are not explicitly stated but are understood and followed by members of a society. The custom of shaking hands when meeting someone is an example of an implicit norm, as it is a social convention that is not explicitly stated but is widely understood and followed.

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